Well, this game could be very good, but it has very bad control, it's very difficult to hit any target because you can shoot only in 8 directions. You have a helicopter but move like a car! and when you want to try to aim the enemy, he mostly will hit you first because you need to turn around and move forward. If you wish to move backward, what is rather regular in a helicopter, you will shoot a missile! That's why I've never had any patience to play it longer because I was irritated. |
| Bill Loguidice - 02/04/2018 |
Wow, I never knew the Atari had a clone of one of my favorite C-64 games (also for NES and MSX), Raid on Bungeling Bay. I'll definitely be checking this one out! |
| Very challenging and quite complex tactical shoot 'em up game, which undeservedly remained largely unnoticed, as it seems. The concept of two constantly self-regenerating naval bases and the necessity of gathering ressources for manufacturing of weapons gives War-Copter an innovative feel over similar games. The gameplay tends to grow a bit too hectic and frustrating at times, but still, the game remains winnable. A good choice for anyone looking for a shooter with a pinch of depth. (8/10) |
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