Warp 9

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Screenshots - Warp 9

Warp 9 atari screenshot
Warp 9 atari screenshot
Warp 9 atari screenshot
Warp 9 atari screenshot
Warp 9 atari screenshot
Warp 9 atari screenshot
Warp 9 atari screenshot
Warp 9 atari screenshot
Warp 9 atari screenshot

Information - Warp 9

GenrePatch / DriverYear1993
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherCodehead Technologies
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Johnson, Charles F. / Mihocka, Darek

SerialST TypeST, STe, TT, Falcon030 / 1MB
ResolutionLow / Medium / High / VGA / RGBNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable
Dumpdownload atari Warp 9 Download / MSAMIDI

Additional Comments - Warp 9

Other versions with the same title:

Codehead Technologies (version 3.50) (), System Solutions ().

Instructions - Warp 9

*                                        *
*  Warp 9 Release Notes                  *
*  Version 3.80                          *
*  Copyright 1992 CodeHead Technologies  *
*  Release date: September 18, 1993      *
*                                        *

Please refer to the Warp 9 Manual Addendum for all documentation not
included in this file or the original manual.

IMPORTANT - Updating MultiDesk Deluxe

If you have MultiDesk Deluxe 3.0-3.3 you'll need to update it to 3.4a to
be fully compatible with Warp 9.  This is a two step process.  You should
first update it to version 3.4 with the patch program supplied in the
MULTDESK folder.  Follow the directions in the README!!.1ST file there. 

Next, use the patch program in the MULTDESK\MULTDESK.34A folder to bring
MD Deluxe up to version 3.4a, which fixes a small bug that crept into
version 3.4.  

Half-Height Text on the Falcon

If you use a program which displays half-height text on the Falcon, you'll
notice a degradation in the quality of the display in video modes with a
lot of colors.  We are aware of this problem and are working on it. 

You'll never see this problem at all if you simply load a font, any font,
and save your configuration -- a very painless work-around. 

Fastloading WARP9_ST.PRG

If you have an early version of TOS and extended memory, it may take
several seconds for Warp 9 to run in the AUTO folder.  Once it's loaded,
your other AUTO programs will be "fastloaded".  If you want Warp 9 to
fastload itself, run MAKEFAST.PRG and select a _copy_ of WARP9_ST.PRG. 
MakeFast will alter the file so that it will fastload itself.  You can
also run MakeFast on FATSPEED.PRG, if you use it, as it needs to run
before Warp 9. 

If you have TOS 1.4 or later, do not use MAKEFAST.PRG.

Automatic Control of Warp 9 (Appendix E in Second Printing)

We've tested Warp 9 very extensively with a wide range of software, and it
will be rare for you to encounter a problem.  However, it's impossible to
test with every single one of thousands of programs and hardware devices
available for the ST and TT, so it is possible (not likely, but possible)
that you may come across something that won't work properly unless you
disable Warp 9, or change one of its options.

You may also find that because the "Mouse Effects" (such as block and
jump) use the right mouse button, they can interfere with the normal
operation of some programs.  If a program also needs to use the right
button for some function, the results can be unpredictable. 

For these reasons we've provided a way to control many of Warp 9's options
automatically, according to the programs you run. 

To use this feature, you must create a special configuration file which
will be read when Warp 9 runs at bootup time.  This file should be called
WARP9.DAT, and should be kept in the root directory of your boot disk. 
WARP9.DAT is a standard ASCII text file which can be created and edited
with just about any ST word processor or text editor (as long as your
editor has an option to 'Save as ASCII').  The file contains the names of
programs and the options you want to enable or disable for each one when
it runs. 

The WARP9.DAT file must follow some simple rules of organization to be
properly used by Warp 9.  All lines should be flush with the left screen
margin; do not insert spaces from the left.  The first line of the file
should contain the letters W935 followed by Return.  This is the special
ID that tells Warp 9 this is a valid WARP9.DAT file. 

PLEASE NOTE: The 'W935' identifier should be used even though you may not
be running Warp 9 version 3.50.  It has nothing to do with the current
version number of Warp 9 itself; it simply signifies that this feature was
added in version 3.50. 

On the lines following the identifier, list each program name, followed by
the options you wish to set; end each line with a Return.  If you list the
program name only, with no options following it, then screen acceleration
will be turned off for that program.  All filenames should be in upper
case with no path information, only the name of the file itself.  Warp 9
allows you to list up to 32 programs in the WARP9.DAT file. 

WARP9.DAT can also contain comments which are ignored by Warp 9 when it
reads the file.  To put a comment on any line of the file, just start the
line with a semicolon; all text following the semicolon will be ignored,
up to the next carriage return.

Warp 9 watches for programs to run and checks their names against the
list; when a match is found, Warp 9 saves all the current settings and
sets the options as specified in WARP9.DAT.  When you exit that program,
the options are restored to their original settings. 

Options are represented in the WARP9.DAT file by a single letter followed
by a number.  If an option can be turned either off or on, this number is
either zero (off) or one (on).  With options that have several choices,
numbers beyond one are used to distinguish among the possibilities. 
Here's the list of options supported in the WARP9.DAT file:

  A0, A1        Turn screen acceleration off or on.
  B0, B1        Turn mouse block off or on.
  J0, J1        Turn mouse jump off or on.
  H0, H1        Turn horizontal wrapping off or on. 
  V0, V1        Turn vertical wrapping off or on.
  M0, M1/2/3/4  Turn mouse acceleration off (0) or use one of the presets.
  D1/2/3        Set Desktop fill options to Normal, Fill, or Picture. 

Custom screen fonts cannot be controlled through the WARP9.DAT file.

There is a sample WARP9.DAT file on your master disk with only one entry,
that looks like this:


This file tells Warp 9 to disable screen acceleration when NOTATOR.PRG is
run.  (Because there are no options following the filename.)

PLEASE NOTE: NOTATOR.PRG is used here only as an example!  Version 3.50
of Warp 9 had some small problems with Notator, but these are fixed in
version 3.60.  (See "Crushed Bugs" below.)

Here's a more complex example:


This tells Warp 9 to turn block on when WWRITER.PRG is run, to turn block,
jump, and horizontal wrap on and screen acceleration off when DISKDOC.PRG
is run, and to use the desktop "fill" option when ALADDIN.PRG is run. 

Compatibility with Cubase

To run Warp 9 with Cubase, you need the following two commands in your
WARP9.DAT file:


The CUBASE.DAT file on your master disk contains these three lines.  You
can use it by copying it to the root of your boot drive and naming it

Word Perfect, MultiDesk Deluxe, and Warp 9

We recently discovered a bug in Word Perfect that can cause crashes if you
use both MultiDesk Deluxe and Warp 9, and try to open a nonresident
accessory while Word Perfect is running.  We've created a program that
fixes either the 08/18/89 version or the 04/18/91 version of Word Perfect
to avoid this problem.  The patch is contained in the SIDE_2 folder of
your master disk.

Updating HotWire

If you own a version of CodeHead's HotWire program that's older than 2.0,
you'll need to upgrade it to work properly with Warp 9.  As of this
writing, the latest version of HotWire is 3.0.  Version 2.0 was released
almost two years ago and there have been a lot of features added since
then.  To update your HotWire, send us your original disk and $10. 


Your master disks may include shareware or freeware files, such as the
John Dillenburg and Mike Crisafulli Extend-O-Save modules, and Moving
Files by Terry May.  These extras will be in separate folders and
documentation is included with each of them.  Your purchase of Warp 9 does
not include any shareware payments for these programs.  See the
appropriate documentation for information about the use and ownership of
each file.

CodeHead Technologies Update Policy

At CodeHead, we update all of our software frequently; but due to postal
expenses we are not always able to notify our users.  The easiest way
to find out the latest version number of any CodeHead Technologies product
is to call us at the number below, or to contact us on GEnie, Compuserve,
or Delphi. 

Update prices vary, depending on several factors such as whether a new
manual is included.  Again, it's probably best to contact us at the
address/phone number listed below, before sending disks or money. 

          CodeHead Technologies
          P.O. Box 74090
          Los Angeles, CA 90004

          Voice: (213) 386-5735
          Fax:   (213) 386-5789
          BBS:   (213) 461-2095


Please, remember that software theft hurts EVERYONE.  If you have a
legitimate copy of our software, please accept our sincere thanks for
purchasing our product, and don't bother reading the next paragraph.

If you don't have a legal copy of this program, you might want to give
some thought to the consequences of your actions.  We will not continue
to produce software for the ST if we can't make a living at it --
especially now, with the Atari ST's market share at an all time low.  If
you steal a copy of any of our programs (by using it without buying it,
or allowing others to use it without buying it), besides breaking a
federal law, you're also quite literally stealing the food right out of
our families' mouths.  Is that the kind of person you want to be?

Think about it.

Book / Magazine Reviews - Warp 9

 International TOS Software Catalog · Winter, 1992

Warp 9 Atari review Warp 9 Atari review 

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