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Screenshots - UKEX

UKEX atari screenshot

Information - UKEX

GenrePatch / DriverYear1997
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Waldi, Ronald / Andersson, Ulf Ronald

SerialST TypeST, STe, TT, Falcon030 / 0.5MB
ResolutionLow / Medium / High / VGA / RGBNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable
Dumpdownload atari UKEX Download / MSAMIDI

Additional Comments - UKEX

Other version with the same title:

[no publisher] (version 4.4) ().

Instructions - UKEX

File name:	UKEX.DOC			Revised:	1997.01.04
Created by:	Ulf Ronald Andersson		Creation date:	1991.02.21
File purpose:	Documentation of UKEX.PRG	Version: 4.5

This is an extensive revision/rewrite made by me (U.R. Andersson),
based on KBEXT.PRG 2.00 by the original author. (Roland Waldi)

All features of that version remain but with several enhancements
and extensions. The original documentation is still valid as far as
it goes, and is included further on in this file.
One exception to old doc validity is that I have redefined the filenames
of the keyboard tables loaded by UKEX to be "DEF*.KBD" and "ALT*.KBD".
This is to allow more consistent naming of multiple files.

Reverse order revision history follows:

Changes in version 4.5 of January 1997:

    Command key combination is changed to .
    This was necessary because  is too common for hotkeys
    of various other software (eg: MagiC).  This change now allows access to
    the MagiC task manager which was previously blocked by a UKEX hotkey.

    The key interception has been simplified so as to allow removal of the
    'etv_timer' routine, which makes the system a little faster.

    In all other aspects, the program is identical to version 4.4.

Changes in version 4.4 of January 1996:

    A bug in the xbios Supexec function of all MagiX/MagiC versions so
    far (eg: MagiC 4.02) makes it impossible to stack arguments for use
    by a subroutine called via Supexec (contrary to _all_ Atari versions).
    This caused the XBRA routines of earlier UKEX versions to bomb.

    I have written a patch for this bug (for my 'LaceScan' releases),
    but still decided to rewrite all my code that used such arguments.
    If current trends continue most people will soon regard MagiC as
    the norm to follow, and Atari's TOS as an aberration to ignore...

    Built in keyboards have been changed again, and for once I made my
    own needs (and my friends') dictate the result which is:

	DEF_SWE.KBD as default keys and
	ALT_SWE.KBD as alternate keys

    But you can still replace these with your own favourites, simply by
    copying those KBD files into the AUTO folder.

    Previously the internal (or loaded) 'Alternate' keys were not active
    after boot, but had to be activated by the key sequence Alt-A .
    I've finally grown tired of this, so now they are active after boot.

    In all other aspects, the program is identical to version 4.3.

Changes in version 4.3 of August 1993:

 1: This version has multiple stack handling to avoid the problems that
    previous versions had under TOS 2.06 and MultiTOS (stack overflows).
 2: A new command is added to allow loading of keyboard table files.

 3: To achieve language independence, all command key locations are defined
    by the currently active keyboard tables.  Since  is on the same
    key for all languages, Alt-Esc is the new command to deactivate UKEX.
    This is useful to reactivate the ROM tables after loading erroneous
    keyboard files (where the other commands may be hard to find).

 4: The collection of keyboard table files has been extended to include most
    keyboard layouts of Europe as well as one for USA.
    All these are in the folder KBD_DEF\ with names of the form DEF_xxx.KBD,
    where "xxx" is the standard (ISO-3166) 3-char nationality abbreviation.
    The only exceptions are a few mixed layouts named DEF_xxyy.KBD, where
    "xx" and "yy" are the 2-char abbreviations of the two nationalities.

 5: The built-in keyboard tables of UKEX have been altered and are now:
 	DEF_GBR.KBD	as default keyboard
 	DEF_USA.KBD	as alternate keyboard
    To make UKEX boot with keyboards of your own choice instead, such as
    for example Swedish and French, simply proceed as follows:
    1:	Copy  KBD_DEF\DEF_SWE.KBD  to  AUTO\DEF_SWE.KBD  of your boot drive.
    2:  Copy  KBD_DEF\DEF_FRA.KBD  to  AUTO\ALT_FRA.KBD  of your boot drive.
    You may also place the files in the root folder of the drive, since UKEX
    will attempt to find them there if not found in AUTO\.
    To activate these keyboards directly (without rebooting), simply make the
    same folder into current directory (Active window) and press Alt-Ctrl-L.

  The command sequences are now as follows:

    Alt Control A
	When UKEX is active this is used to toggle ALT-handling on/off.
	When UKEX is passive (after Alt Control Esc) this reactivates UKEX.

    Alt Control S
	This swaps the DEFault and ALTernate keyboards of UKEX.

    Alt Control L
        This loads new data files for both UKEX keyboards from current
        drive and directory using the names: DEF*.KBD and ALT*.KBD.
        If either file is missing, the corresponding table is unchanged.
    Alt Control Esc    replaces    Alt Control Q
	This quits UKEX use of its NON-ALT tables, reactivating TOS keyboard.
	If ALT-handling was active before this command it will remain active.

NB: As of version 4.5 (Jan 1997) all of the above command sequences also
    require the right shift key to be pressed with those stated above.
Changes in version 4.2 of May 1992:

 1: The 3 command sequences (ALT-CTRL A etc.) are no longer just masked as
    illegal keycodes, but instead completely removed from the keyboard buffer.
    This means that MONST.PRG and others no longer dislike UKEX.
 2: A different method is used to access the 'Kbshift' variable, which makes
    UKEX compatible with all TOS older than TOS 1.4.
    Since 'Kbshift' is defined in the OS header of newer TOS, access to this
    variable is now compatible with all existing TOS.

NB: UKEX has now been tested error-free on KAOS 1.4.2

NB: TOS 2.6 however, only works with UKEX 4.2 until given a command sequence,
    it may then bomb out, for some reason that I, as yet, don't know.
    Any information on changes in keyboard handling of TOS 2.6 will be
    greatly appreciated if you send it to my address, given further on.

NB: In version 4.3 the stack problem causing TOS 2.06 to fail was fixed,
    so from this version _all_ known TOS are compatible to UKEX.
Changes in version 4.1 of March 1992:

The ALT-key translation is now turned off as default, since some few
programs (eg. MONST & AMONST) are allergic to the ALT-CTRL-A sequence.
Thus these programs needed ALT-CTRL-A before being run, which was not
practical with AMONST which can activate at any time (on errors).
ALT-key translation can be activated again simply by pressing the
ALT-CTRL-A combination as is also described below.

NB: My address (given further below) is altered in this DOC version
NB: since I moved in June 1991.

Enhancements & Extensions in version 4.0 of May 1991:

 1: The program is renamed to UKEX.PRG (User Keyboard EXtender),
    to avoid mixups.

 2: From this version all vectors use XBRA protocol,
    which is also used to avoid installation conflicts.
    Thus, reinstalling UKEX has no effect, except a message.

 3: Handling of ALT-keys can now be toggled on/off,
    so other programs can use them freely, except for the 3 commands.
    This is done with   , the same command that
    activates normal translation, which now has this toggle function
    when used while translation is active.

 4: ALT-translation can now also be inhibited for individual keys,
    by specifying ascii NUL ($00) in such keys' table positions.

Enhancements & Extensions in version 3.0:

 1: Routine linked to system interrupt etv_timer has been sped up
    considerably, though it now handles more cases.

 2: The single TOS-dependent system variable, is now accessed in
    accordance with modern TOS standards. This makes it compatible
    with all TOS >= 1.4 .  Older TOS access is as before.

 3: Keyboard tables have been extended so that ALT-keys now use
    separate tables for CAPS & SHIFT, just like normal keys.
    This makes it practical to use ALT-keys for alternative language,
    since the ALT-tables work exactly like the normal ones.

 4: Old program translated keys without regard to CONTROL.
    New program passes all ALT+CONTROL keys unaltered, except for 3
    which are used to command new features as shown in 5..7 .

 5: ALT CONTROL S  will cause UKEX to Swap the non-ALT key tables
    with the ALT-tables, effectively switching language.

 6: ALT CONTROL Q  will cause UKEX to Quit translating non-ALT keys,
    which thus revert to the default BIOS definitions.
    This is also a possible language switch.

NB: From UKEX version 4.3 the letter Q in the command is replaced by Esc.

 7: ALT CONTROL A  will cause UKEX to Activate translation.

For further details, please study the enclosed source file.

Hope you enjoy this program, which remains FREEWARE

        Ulf Ronald Andersson
        H”ders V„g 7
        S-145 70 Norsborg

NB: If the Swedish characters in my street address come out wrong on
NB: your computer, use 'Hoeders Vaeg 7' which will be understood at
NB: our post office even though it is incorrect.

Here follows the original documentation by Roland Waldi:

KBEXT.PRG (Version 2.00-87/07)

Put KBEXT.PRG into the AUTO folder, or start it at any time from the
desktop (but only once a session). It will establish a memory 
resident extension to the keyboard interrupt handler, which allows
in addition to the NORMAL, SHIFT and CAPS-LOCK keyboard tables also
ALT and ALT-SHIFT keyboard tables to be used, thus allowing about
128 additional characters to be entered directly from the keyboard
pressing the ALT key. 
If you use KBEXT.PRG as it is, you will get the following keyboard 
layout (which is close to the US and GB
version of the ATARI keyboard for the non-ALT keys):


F1 /F2 /F3 /F4 /F5 /F6 /F7 /F8 /F9 /F10/ 
Esc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = `   Bsp  Help     Undo   (   )  /    *
Tab  q w e r t y u i o p [ ]    Del  Insrt Up  Clr   7   8  9    -
Ctrl  a s d f g h j k l ; '  Ret  #  Left Dwn Rght   4   5  6    +
Shft \ z x c v b n m , . /  Shft                     1   2  3  Ent
    Alt  -----Space-----  CpsL                         0    .

SHIFT (note that no digits appear with the cursor keys, which
means you need not release the SHIFT key to move the cursor!)
Esc ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + º   Bsp  Help     Undo   (   )  /    *
Tab  Q W E R T Y U I O P { }    Del  Insrt Up  Clr   7   8  9    -
Ctrl  A S D F G H J K L : "  Ret  ~  Left Dwn Rght   4   5  6    +
Shft | Z X C V B N M < > ?  Shft                     1   2  3  Ent
    Alt  -----Space-----  CpsL                         0    .

F1 /F2 /F3 /F4 /F5 /F6 /F7 /F8 /F9 /F10/ 
Esc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = `   Bsp  Help     Undo   (   )  /    *
Tab  Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]    Del  Insrt Up  Clr   7   8  9    -
Ctrl  A S D F G H J K L ; '  Ret  #  Left Dwn Rght   4   5  6    +
Shft \ Z X C V B N M , . /  Shft                     1   2  3  Ent
    Alt  -----Space-----  CpsL                         0    .

F1 /F2 /F3 /F4 /F5 /F6 /F7 /F8 /F9 /F10/ 
Esc » « œ ¬ ¿ © ½ ù ø ² ž ð Ë   Bsp  SDump           à   á  í    ï
Tab  ‘  ‰ Õ ç ˜  ‹ ” ã Ç õ    Del  LMous MUp RMs   ¡   Œ      Ù
Ctrl  „ ž ë Ÿ Ä Æ À Ì Í È Ê  Ret  †  MLeft MDn MRgt      ƒ  …    Ø
Shft ´ ° ± ‡ Þ Ã ¤ æ Û Ü ³  Shft                     ‚   ˆ  Š  Ent
    Alt  -----Space-----  CpsL                         é    å

Esc ­ ¹ Ý › ö ª ¾ ú ¦ § ÷ ñ ÿ   Bsp  SDump           ®   ¯  è    ¶
Tab  ’ Ö î Ô Ó  š ì ™ ¼ Ï ô    Del  LMous Mup RMs   ¢   “  •    Ú
Ctrl  Ž ä Å Î â É Á Ñ Ò Ó Ô  Ret    Mleft Mdn Mrgt  £   –  —    ×
Shft µ · ¸ € û ß ¥ Ð ó ò ¨  Shft                        ý  þ  Ent
    Alt  -----Space-----  CpsL                         ê    ü

There are two ways to change the keyboard assignment:
1. Change the keyboard tables in KBEXT.ASM and reassemble the
   program. You may have to change some control statements
   to fit your assembler's requirements, but the program is
   written to make changes even to MEGAMAX-C-Inline-Assembler 
   not too hard (Use a minimal INIT.C here to save memory).
2. Use any PD keyboard-changing program, which allows to
   save a xxx.KBD file (check if it has 384 bytes), e.g.
   MOBZKEY.ACC, and make two files: DEFAULT.KBD for the 
   normal keyboard assignment, and ALT.KBD with the
   unshifted and shifted ALT keyboard assignments (don't
   change the caps-lock table here, you will need CAPS LOCK
   to type into the file-selector box, since MOBZKEY changes
   the keyboard assignment immediately!). 
   Put these two files into the \AUTO\ folder of your boot disk,
   if you use KBEXT at boot time, or into the \AUTO\ folder of
   your working disk containig KBEXT.PRG otherwise.
   From now on the tables in these datasets will be used, when KBEXT
   is run.
A third possibility would be to make the files DEFAULT.KBD
and ALT.KBD mentioned in (2)
by a separate program, a file monitor etc. 
The format of a KBD file is simply 3 times 128 bytes of the
keyboard tables (one byte per character) 
for normal, shifted and caps-lock. The key
numbers (hexadecimal) are:
3B /3C /3D /3E /3F /40 /41 /42 /43 /44 / 
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 29  0E  62    61  63 64 65 66
0F  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B    53  52 48 47  67 68 69 4A
[1D] 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28   1C 2B  4B 50 4D  6A 6B 6C 4E
[2A](60)2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 [36]               6D 6E 6F 72
   [38]  -------39------  [3A]                            70   71
Note that US keyboards don't have the key (60). You should assign
0 to all function keys, and to the positions that do not belong
to any key. Key number redefinitions with the ALT key are
automatically taken into account by KBEXT, after reading the ALT.KBD
Enjoy,                Roland Waldi, WALDI @ DHDIHEP1.BITNET
End of file:	UKEX.DOC
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