Important informations about PC-SPEED
1 On the 68000 CPU of the new MEGA ST is a little accesory print
with a IC 74LS74.
In order to secure the work of PC-SPEED, it is necessary to
conect the PIN 12 of this print with a 220 Ohm resistor at PIN
12 of the 68000.
It is also possible to do without the print, while conecting
the yellow wire, wich is placed on the accesory print, directly
with PIN 12 of the 68000 CPU.
2 PC-SPEED tries, while booting, to execute the bootsector.
If you by mistake try to boot from a TOS formatted disk, PC-
SPEED crashes.
3 The TIMER.COM program on the PC-SPEED disk hands over the TOS-
time to DOS.
4 PC-SPEED emulates the Olivetti 640*400 pixel graphic card.
Many PC-programs (GEM,MS-WINDOWS etc.) support this.
Upgradings for the PC-SPEED V1.30
5 If you have a serial PC-MOUSE you can use this MOUSE under
ST-mode by executing PC-MOUSE.PRG .
6 MEGADISC.SYS is a driver for Ramdisk, which runs in the memory
over 1 Megabyte.
Usage: In CONFI G.SYS. following lines are to insert.
DEVICE= [drive:] [\path] \MEGADISK.SYS
No options are required.
Following capacities are available:
0 MB at MEGA2
1.4 MB at MEGA2.5
2.9 MB at MEGA4
Attention: Do not install on 512KB or 1MB ST.
7 Extended Memory support (XMA)!!! (on ST > 1MB)
Precisely: INT15 funktion 87HEX and 88HEX are supported.
Following capacities are available:
0 MB at MEGA1,1040,520,260 ST
0.9 MB at MEGA2
1.4 MB at MEGA2.5
2.9 MB at MEGA4
Hint: NORTON SI gives you the additional XMA Capacity.
Usefullness: from DOS 3.3 on the VDISK.SYS ramdisk-driver can
use the extended memory.
Usage: Insert the following line in your CONFIG.SYS:
DEVICE= [drive:] [\path] \VDISK.SYS [ capacity in KB ] /E
Note: when using big ramdisks, it is necessary to increase the
number of entries in the table of contents.
The default givings give space for 64 entries.
By using XMA difficulties may occur if Programms use the
special Funktions of the 80286 Prozessor which are not
supported by the NEC V30.
Precisely: The V30 does not have a protected-mode.
Note that the Extended Memory is not equivalent to the Expanded
Expanded Memory need special Hardware-Cards on PC's or the
capability of a 80386 Prozessor.
8 You can use your ST-Mouse under DOS.
Note the Keyboard/Mouse Option in the PCS_INST.PRG.
The following entries are possible:
RS232 :You can use the RS232 interface up to 2400Bd under DOS
It is also possible to connect a serial microsoft-kompatible
MICROSOFT-MOUSE: The ST-Mouse appears under DOS as a microsoft-
kompatible mouse.
In order to work with the mouse you need the equivalent
mouse-driver which is supplied in many DOS-programs.
Note: There are mouse-drivers, that only support Mouse-Systems
compatible mice. Do not use these drivers.
If a mouse-driver is named MSMOUSE.COM it is possible that
the mouse-driver is only compatible to mouse-systems mice.
The RS232 Interface is not supported in this mode.
CURSOR-MOUSE: In this mode the ST-mouse does only emulate the
funktion of the cursor-keys.
9 If you type the ( key on the external numberblock at the same
time with the I key the screen can be inverted.
Upgradings for the PC-SPEED V1.40
10 You can access up to 24 Partitions on your harddisk by using
the ADD_PART.SYS driver.
The usage of more than 1 harddisk is possible.
Usage: Insert the following lines in the CONFIG.SYS:
No Options are required.
After rebooting ADD_PART.SYS reports the new drivenumbers.
Up to 2 Partitions the ADD_PART.SYS is not required.
Note: Please choose the option MULTI in the PCS_INST.PRG .
NORM and ICD remained due to compatibility and still function
as the older PC-SPEED Versions.
You can use Partitions up to 32MB ( using AHDI 3.0 ).
Only the drivenumbers C and D are restricted to 16MB.
11 In the CGA mode you can display the TANDY 1000 resolution !!!
Games often support this resolution.
The TANDY 1000 can display 320 x 200 pixel in 16 Colors.
12 You can adjust the steprate on both drives A and B by using the
Normally 3 1/2 Inch Drives requires 3ms.
5 1/4 Inch drives requires 6ms.
Very slow drives requires 12ms.
13 With the PCS_OPT.COM programm you can increase the
compatibility of PC-SPEED.
The PCS_OPT.COM programm optimized the DOS operating system for
Even very critical PC-programm are now supported.
Hint: Execute the PCS_OPT.COM programm with your AUTOEXEC.BAT .
14 PC-SPEED is also available for the new ATARI STE !!!
By fitting the PC-SPEED no soldering is necessary anymore.
Upgradings for the PC-SPEED Mouse driver.
15 Now a Microsoft-compatible mouse driver MOUSE.COM is supplied
are copyrighted products from Naksha (Jersey) Limited.
To install the mouse driver, add the following line into your
The option '/R3' is explained below.
You may also start the program by typing in the file name with
or without options from the command line.
Note: To use your mouse with AT-SPEED or PC-SPEED the option to
use a Microsoft-compatible mouse must have been set with the
installation program (see instruction manual).
To show the options with Naksha's MOUSE.COM type in from the
command line:
Then the following options are shown:
Naksha Mouse Driver V2.01
(C) 1990 Naksha (Jersey) Limited
Valid command line options are:
/1 - Use Serial Port COM1.
/2 - Use Serial Port COM2.
/3 - Use Serial Port COM3. port 3E8, IRQ 4.
/4 - Use Serial Port COM4. port 2E8, IRQ 3.
/R0 - Set Ballistic Motion OFF.
/Rn - Set Ballistic Motion Rate (n = 1 - 9).
/Np, i - Use Hexadecimal I/O Port (p) and Decimal IRQ level
/P - Use PS2 Compatible Pointing Device Port.
OFF - Release Mouse Driver and Tidy Up Memory.
/? Help also /H.
To use this mouse driver with AT-SPEED/PC-SPEED you get good
results with:
MOUSE/R3 (Normal mouse response)
... ...
MOUSE/R9 (Fast mouse response)
16 To switch the mouse driver off, type in from the command line:
17 To test the response of the mouse you may use MTEST.EXE. Also
you can check the response of the mouse buttons on your mouse.
The above mentioned mouse driver must have been installed
before you can run MTEST, otherwise you will get an error
message. To test the mouse, type in from the command line:
Upgradings for the PC-SPEED V1.50
18 ATARI LASER-printer supported. Read LASER.DOC.
19 PC-SPEED instal progrom now complet under GEM.
20 With VIDMOD.COM you can change under MS-DOS your screen
emulation. If you start the program you see how to handle on
the screen.
21 You can run PC-SPEED now also as a ACCESORY. Read
ACC.DOC 03/12/90 Compo Software
Use of PC-SPEED as a desk accessory (PC_SPEED.ACC)
To use PC-SPEED as a desk accessory your ST will need 2 or 4 MB of
Copy the installed version of PC_SPEED.PRG to the boot drive (A:
or C: with hard disk) and rename the program file to PC_SPEED.ACC.
When you reset the computer the ST will boot again, PC-SPEED will
be installed into the desk menu.
After clicking on the desk menu entry, ie on the GEM DEsktop or a
GEM application, the common PC-SPEED start-up screen will show up.
If this is not the case an error message will appear on your
screen as PC-SPEED is unable to allocate memory, caused by the
currently running GEM program which has allocated all available
memory. However in some programs (eg. Tempus) it's possible to
adjust (and store) the memory consumption.
Control-Alternate-Insert brings you back in TOS.
LASER.DOC 12/10/90 Compo Software
Using the ATARI SLM 804 laserprinter with PC-SPEED.
To use the laserprinter your ST will need 2 or 4 MB of RAM!!!
Install the laserprinter in PCS_INST.PRG. Quit and save the op-
tions within the program file PC_SPEED.PRG.
Then create a folder. Copy the installed version of PC_SPEED.PRG
within this folder, also DIAB630.PRG with the font files and
SDUMP.PRG (which have been supplied with your laserprinter).
Start PC_SPEED.PRG now. The common messages of DIAB630.PRG and
SDUMP.PRG will appear on the screen.
Now the DOS application is able to print via LPT1, the output will
be redirected to the ATARI laserprinter on the DMA port.
You may print a hardcopy of the screen by pressing [Shift] and
Alternatively the printerport (Centronics) may be used via LPT2.
If this not happens it's possible that:
- the laser driver has already been installed (booted from the
AUTO folder...) and has been executed for the second time. An
error message was shown.
- the font files were not loaded because the program couldn't
find these files or were incomplete. Error messages will be
- when you use PC-SPEED as a desk accessory the laserprinter
cannot be used caused by a different memory configuration.