Last Revision 21/10/89
The disk contains the following files
MOLGRAPH.PRG Molecular graphics display program.
Currently release 1.0.
PDB_CONV.PRG Utility to convert .PDB files to .CRD files.
Currently v6
PDB_CRD Folder containing molecular coordinates in
protein data bank (PDB) and MOLGRAPH (CRD) format.
MOLDEMO2.TOS Update of MOLDEMO1 works with both monochrome
and colour DEGAS files (called PIC.001-PIC.010).
MGMANUAL.TXT Text file explaining the operation of
the program in a little more detail,
1STWORD.PLS Folder containing 1st Word+ documents
with molecular graphics images.
MG_DEMO.PRG Public domain, cut down demo version
of MOLGRAPH for you to give to your friends,
and encourage them to get the full program.
MG_DEMO, MOLDEMO2 are public domain but MOLGRAPH is not.
The program may only be copied for the purposes of making a
backup copy tp protect against media failure. MOLGRAPH should
not be used on more than one machine or by more than one user
at a single time.
Author: M.J.Forster.
Distributed by and available from:
Simple Logic,
49 Stoney Street,
Nottingham NG1 1LX, UK.