Cyber Control

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Cyber Control atari screenshot
Cyber Control atari screenshot
Cyber Control atari screenshot
Cyber Control atari screenshot

Information - Cyber Control

GenreGraphics - AnimationYear1987
Language[unknown]PublisherAntic Publishing
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Hudson, Tom

SerialSTO250ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
ResolutionLow / Medium / HighNumber of Disks1 / Single Sided / HD Installable
Dumpdownload atari Cyber Control Download / PastiMIDI

Instructions - Cyber Control


      This disk is formatted using the regular GEM/TOS single-sided
format routines.  It is not "Twisted," and therefore may be backed-up
using the disk copy functions from the GEM Desktop.  

      To run the various demos on this disk, you're going to need to
have lots of blank, formatted disks around.  And before you run anything,
make sure it is set up to run out of the path you've got it in (ie, most
demos have to be moved (or their folders have to be moved) to other disks
to work properly).  This is all documented in the .CTL programs
themselves and in the README.DOC file in the DEMOS folder.

      We recommend getting ahold of DC Format, a public domain disk
formatting utility that formats disks using Twister's 10 sectors-
per-track format, giving you 50K extra on single-sided disks and
100K extra on double-sided disks.  The extra room comes in real handy.
DC Format is available on CompuServe, GEnie, Delphi, and most BBS's
and user group libraries.  (note: The original Twister program from
START IV will not work with the new Mega TOS ROM's, although
DC Format will.  Use DC Format.


      Make sure that you get the CAD-3D 2.02 upgrade before trying any
of these demos (except DESERT, which doesn't need CAD-3D at all).  See
the information about this in the beginning of the manual, but send your
original CAD-3D 2.0 disk back to us right away!  The upgrade for the
CAD-3D 2.0 disk (alone) is FREE, including shipping and handling.

      And if you're using (or planning on using) CYBERMATE, you'll also
want to send us your original CYBERMATE disk because we've revised the
program recently (a number of significant bugs, like the flashing at the
end of SEQ-LOOP's -- are now fixed) and we've added some very useful
features, including motion blur, double-buffering, better monochrome
support,  customized dissolves, and the ability to use .PC1 (compressed)
files as Image objects. Plus, there is a new ANIMATOR program on
the CYBERMATE disk that Tom Hudson just finished.  It features a
custom file selector with buttons for the disk drives, and the
ability to load both .DLT (delta files) and .SEQ (CYBER PAINT
sequence files).

      The upgrade fee for the CYBERMATE disk is free also, but if
you're going to send us both your disks back for the updates, we have to
ask you for $5.00 to cover our costs (or we won't be able to stay in
business long enough to revise the disks again).  We'll send your
new disks back out to you (first class) the SAME DAY we get them in the
mail, so send your originals in right away.

      Therefore,the best thing to do now would be to send both your
original disks back to us (make sure you keep backups) with a check
for $5.00, to:

                        CYBER STUDIO UPGRADES
                           ANTIC SOFTWARE
                           544 SECOND ST.
                          S.F., CA  94107


      Of course, you can always call Scot Tumlin at our 415/957/0886
Customer Service number.

      But if you have any questions about any of the CYBER desktop
video products and you have a CompuServe account, don't forget that Tom
H. and the Antic staff are on SIG*Atari there every evening (GO ATARI16).
 It's a great place to ask questions and get very detailed responses. 
Plus, there are lot's of sample animations being uploaded to that SIG,
and the Cyber Library in DL1 of ATARIDEV all the time.  Check it out.


Always invoke Cyber Control from the main workscreen of CAD-3D.  Never
make it operational when you are within either the Spin or Extrude
tools.  If you do, system errors will occur and you may lose data.
This idiosyncracy of GEM will not cause any problems if you always
invoke Cyber Control from CAD-3D's main screen.

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