Cartoon Design Disk

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Cartoon Design Disk atari screenshot
Cartoon Design Disk atari screenshot
Cartoon Design Disk atari screenshot

Information - Cartoon Design Disk

GenreGraphics - AnimationYear1988
Language[unknown]PublisherAntic Publishing
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Eddy, Andy / Molyneaux, Maurice

SerialST TypeST, STe / 1MB
ResolutionLowNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable
Dumpdownload atari Cartoon Design Disk Download / MSAMIDI

Additional Comments - Cartoon Design Disk

Requires CAD-3D and Cyber Control-compatible programs

Instructions - Cartoon Design Disk

                           ANTIC Software Presents:

                            THE CARTOON DESIGN DISK
                       by Maurice Molyneaux & Andy Eddy

                 copyright 1988 Maurice Molyneaux & Andy Eddy

 The contents of this disk are stored in a series of folders, making it easy
 for you to find related files and file types.  In the root directory of this
 disk are three folders (noted with an *) and three files.  They are:

    *ANIMATOR.004   --   Contains demo animations and player program
    *ACTORS         --   Contains subfolders with the actual characters
    *PARTS          --   Contains useful parts for building characters
     CARTOON.DOC    --   The main manual, which you should print out
     DESKTOP.INF    --   The desktop information file (ignore it)
     READ_ME.DOC    --   This file

 The ANIMATOR.004 folder contains seven files.  Three of these are ARCed .SEQ
 animation files.  One .SEQ file is not arced, BUZZBEE.SEQ can be viewed as-is
 with the ANIMATE4 program in the folder.  An ANIMATE4.DOC file in the folder
 explains use of the program.

 Also in the folder is the ARCX.TTP de-ARChiving utility, used for
 decompressing the AUTOGYRO.ARC, BUGSPLIN.ARC, and MV_MEN.ARC animation files.
 To use ARCX, you will need to copy the ARCed file you want and the ARCX.TTP
 program to a blank, formatted double-sided disk (The CARTOON DESIGN disk is
 too full to hold these animation files in de-ARCed form.)  Open a directory
 to that disk and double-click on the ARCX.TTP icon.  A dialog box saying
 "OPEN APPLICATION" will appear.  On the line below "Parameters:" type in the
 name of the file you want to de-ARC (as in: MV_MEN.ARC) and press RETURN or
 click on the OK button.  The program will then extract a useable file from
 the ARC.  Once you have done this, throw the ARC file you just acted upon in
 the trash, to free up space on your working disk (DON'T DO THIS TO THE
 ORIGINAL DESIGN DISK!)  You can then do this to the other ARCed animation.
 When de-ARCed the AUTOGYRO.SEQ file is about 130K, the BUGSPLIN.SEQ is about
 92K, and MV_MEN.SEQ is about 250K.

 NOTE: The MV_MEN.SEQ file is a few K too big to be fully loaded by Cyber
 Paint on a 1-megabyte ST.  If you have only 1-meg of RAM you will have to use
 the supplied ANIMATE4.PRG utility to view it.

 The ACTORS folder contains three subfolders, each of which contains several
 CAD-3D object "characters," Cyber Control programs for using them, and text
 files which you can read or print, which describe each character and the
 program for them in some detail.  These subfolders are:

     FOLDER:               CONTENTS
     BUGS      --   3 Cyber Bug objects, 1 spline-point object file,
                    2 .CTL programs and a .DOC file
     MISC      --   Wabbit & Autogyro character objects, 1 .CTL file for
                    each, and 1 .DOC file for each

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK
                            READ_ME.DOC -- Page 1.

     MV_MEN    --   3 MV Men (Foreman, Gofer, &  Gal), 1 .CTL program and
                    1 .DOC file

 You should read the documentation for any character before trying to use it.

 We strongly recommend that you read the CARTOONS.DOC file in the root
 directory of the disk before doing anything else.  That file will explain how
 to use the contents of this disk to your best advantage, as well as detail
 system and software requirements for using the CARTOON DESIGN disk.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK
                            READ_ME.DOC -- Page 2.


                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

                           ANTIC Software Presents:

                            THE CARTOON DESIGN DISK
                       by Maurice Molyneaux & Andy Eddy

                 copyright 1988 Maurice Molyneaux & Andy Eddy

 CARTOON DESIGN is provided on an unprotected disk because the author and
 Antic both believe that the buyer should be able to make backup copies for
 his or her own use ONLY. Because it is unprotected we expect you to respect
 the copyright and NOT give, sell or lend copies of this program to anyone

 The authors spent many hours designing, writing and testing this product.
 Their income depends on its sales. The unauthorized reproduction of the
 CARTOON DESIGN diskette and/or blueprints is illegal.  Please help us protect
 and enforce the author's rights in this product so that we may continue to
 provide you with unprotected software.  No part of this product may be
 reproduced and/or distributed in any form or by any means without the prior
 written consent of Antic.

 Please make sure you know how to use this product properly before doing
 important work with it. Antic and the author disclaim responsibility for any
 damages resulting from the use or misuse of this software product, and
 disclaim liability for losses of any kind or nature, financial or otherwise,
 incurred or alleged to have been incurred as a result of the purchase and use
 of this product.

                 ANTIC is a trademark of Antic Publishing Inc.
          CARTOON DESIGN Copyright 1988 Maurice Molyneaux & Andy Eddy

                               MANUAL -- Page 1.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

                                MAKING BACKUPS

 are not familiar with this process.

                          FILE COMPATIBILITY WARNING

 All of the object files on this disk are in the new CAD-3D 2.0 file format.
 The objects themselves are NOT compatible with CAD-3D 1.0.  All of the
 characters utilize custom color palettes, and some consist of too many
 individual object to be loaded by CAD-3D 1.0.  If you intend to use this
 disk, you MUST have CAD-3D version 2.0 (preferably 2.02 or higher).

                               MANUAL -- Page 2.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK


 Computer animation is everywhere... it's used to train pilots, demonstrate
 surgical techniques, preview machinery not yet built, create special effects
 in movies, and, most often seen by you and me, to hawk everything from Super
 Saccharine Pops to Ripit Lectric Razors.  Dynamic three dimensional
 characters and objects zoom about, "cameras" dipping and swerving around them
 as they race by.  Up until now, this type of animation has been the sole
 domain of graphics workstations, superminis, VAXes, Cray XMP Supercomputers,
 et al.  No longer.  Using the Cyber Studio family of products, it's now
 possible to generate these kinds of animations on a personal computer...
 specifically your Atari ST.

 Now, we can't promise you the output will be equivalent of a Cray (hey, we
 can dream, right?), but we can assure you that you can produce some pretty
 professional results.

 This disk is a real experiment, we think the first-of-its-kind.  What we are
 offering here are 3D models of cartoon characters, complete with
 demonstration control programs to put them through their animated paces.
 Unlike most previous Cyber Control programs, these can be customized to a
 fair degree WITHOUT having to alter a single line of Cyber Control code!
 Furthermore, the characters are designed modularly, allowing you to replace
 parts, or even design your own characters and -- if you work within the
 structure of one of the supplied characters -- immediately put them into
 motion without having to do any programming at all.

 To be completely honest, all this "no code modifying" is really just a first
 step.  It lets you use this disk and your imagination immediately.  However,
 the real power offered here is that it is merely a departure point, not an
 end unto itself.  You can use the supplied data as is, or, best of all, take
 it apart, customize the characters and code, and even learn from what we've
 done and compose your own creations from scratch!


 Messy business, but it's necessary.  To use this disk you will need, MINIMUM,
 CAD-3D 2.0 and Cyber Control.  To REALLY use this disk to its fullest you
 will need CAD-3D version 2.02 (or higher) and Cyber Control version 1.1 (or
 higher).  If you try running one of the supplied CTL files and it reports a
 SYNTAX ERROR or CAD COMMAND FAILURE, it MAY be that you are using and older
 version of the required programs (some Cyber Control commands require CAD-3D
 2.02 or higher, and older versions of Cyber Control won't recognize commands
 like BEARING.)  It's also good to have Cyber Paint.  Minimum memory
 requirement is 1-megabyte (as requried by CAD-3D 2.0), and the more RAM you
 have, the better.

 To those of you using 1-meg systems, using CAD-3D and Cyber Control takes up
 a LOT of RAM.  With 1-meg machines we recommend that the only desk

                               MANUAL -- Page 3.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

 accessories you use are Cyber Smash and Cyber Control, else you might find
 you have insufficient RAM to load some of the characters.  Furthermore, AUTO
 folder programs that use any amount of RAM are also taboo!  Use of the Start
 Selector (by Charles F. Johnson) OR Tom Hudson's Anti-Aliaser accessory is
 usually okay (having both in memory often leaves insufficient RAM for some
 characters), but if you run out of RAM reboot without it.

 When installing Cyber Control, usually all that is required are the default
 values, EXCEPT that you should turn watch buffers ON.  However, before
 running ANY of the supplied CTL programs you should load them into Cyber
 Control and read the remarks there, for those will tell you the specific
 requirements for each file.  The CTL files, as they exist now, will ALL load
 into a 16K script buffer, but some are so close to the limit that you may
 overflow the buffer if you substantially add to or modify the code.

                                 BUGS & ERRORS

 We have tried our best to insure that the Cyber Control programs on this disk
 are as bug-free as possible.  We have tested all of the programs and they DO
 work.  However, as these programs take actual user input, allowing you to
 select cycle numbers, head and eye moves, etc., there are thousands of
 possible combinations of moves, and we cannot anticipate every one.  So, it
 is possible that you might punch in a sequence of moves that cause the
 program to do something improper or abort.  If an error occurs, you may abort
 the program (hold down Control-Shift-Alt until the program stops), and try to
 track down what went wrong.  If the program aborts by itself, take careful
 note of the program line where Cyber Control stopped, and check the variable
 names and routine labels (like in "GOSUB HDMOVES"), then see if you can't
 figure out what part of that line the program can't execute (maybe an illegal
 value in a variable, typo in a label name, etc.)  If you choose to modify the
 program to fix such an error, DO NOT save it under the same name as the
 original!!!  If your "fix" isn't right, you might not be able to repair it!
 It goes without saying you should be working on a copy of this disk, and NOT
 the original!

 If you discover a bug, please carefully document it and its location and
 inform us about it.  You may write us either care of ANTIC of send Electronic
 mail on Compuserve, GEnie, or DELPHI, as noted at the end of this text.

                               MANUAL -- Page 4.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

                               CHARACTER DESIGN
                             by Maurice Molyneaux

 If you load one of the characters into CAD-3D 2.0, you might be surprised
 just how "simple" some of them appear, and how peculiar others are.  In most
 cases, there are not a whole lot of twisty, segmented object faces.  This is
 because all the characters were designed to fit in the available RAM on a
 1-meg ST with both the Cyber-Smash and Cyber Control accessories present, and
 the WATCH buffers in Cyber Control "ON."

 Let's take a look at one of the supplied characters so you can understand how
 and why they are built in the ways they are.  If you have not printed this
 doument yet, now would be a good time to do so, because it's hard to view
 this and run programs at the same time!)  Run CAD-3D 2.0, then put the
 CARTOON DESIGN disk in drive A.  Now, load a 3D object.  When the Item
 Selector appears open the folder called ACTORS, and then the folder BUGS, and
 load the BUZZBEE.3D2 file.  When it has loaded, go to the camera window, set
 the Perspective to 999, rotate the camera 30 degrees to the right, then set
 the superview to SOLID and FINAL draft modes.  Now generate a superview.

 Note that the Bee appears to have 14 wings!  There's also some funny cube
 things sticking out of his body at the wing roots.  Don't panic, this isn't
 because a lunatic designed the Bee (though Andy might disagree), but because
 the Bee isn't designed to be viewed as you are now looking at him.

 Choose Group B, then select ALL of the objects.  Now, deselect the following:
 L_uwings, R_uwings, L_wing, R_wing, l_hinge, r_hinge, neck, L_parked,
 R_parked, l_socket and r_socket.  When you've done that, generate another

 Now the Bee is sans those little cubes, and down to only SIX wings (three on
 each side).  Notice that the top wings are darkest, the middle ones lighter,
 and the bottom ones white.  If you were to deselect these wings (L_dwings,
 R_dwings) and select the L_uwings and R_uwings you would find that they look
 almost the same, but are inverted... dark wings on bottom, white on top.
 They are also not positioned quite the same.  This is part of creating a
 special effect called "motion blur."

 Imagine that on each side of the bee we had only one white wing.  Now, let's
 say we animate those two wings moving up and down.  What do we see?  Two
 wings moving up and down.  Look at a real bee.  When it's flying, can you
 actually see the wings?  No.  You see a BLUR.  We can't quite generate this
 kind of blur, but we CAN create the effect of after-images, which is close to
 the same thing.

 Quit CAD-3D and open the ANIMATOR.004 folder on your CARTOON DESIGN disk.
 Run ANIMATE4.PRG.  When the Item Selector comes up, choose .SEQ as the file
 type and then load BUZZBEE.SEQ (it is NOT ARCed.)  When the animation
 finishes loading press the F10 key to make the Bee buzz at full speed.  Do
 you see a pair of wings going up and down?  No.  What you see are a whole
 bunch of wings, beating like mad!  Now, press the space-bar to freeze the
 animation, then keep tapping it to advance through the frames.  Notice that
 on each frame we see three wings on each side of the Bee.  When the wings are

                               MANUAL -- Page 5.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

 on the upstroke, the white wing is on top, the gray on the bottom.  When on
 the downstroke, white is on bottom and gray is on top.  When played back at
 animation speed, your eye perceives not three wings on each side, but one
 wing on each side followed by after-images.  This simulates motion blur very
 nicely.  Hence the reason for all the wings.  The Bee also features a single
 pair of "parked" wings in case you ever need to "land" him.

 Go back to CAD-3D and reload the BUZZBEE.3D2 file.  Notice the cubes again?
 They are "joint" objects used by Cyber Control for figuring the pivot point
 for rotation of various parts of the Bee (neck, l_socket, r_socket, l_hinge,
 and r_hinge are all joint objects.)  The eyes rotate relative to their
 respective sockets (i.e.- L_eye around l_socket) and the clusters of right
 and left hand wings around the right and left hinges.  The Head, obviously
 enough, rotates relative to the neck.  You should NEVER delete any part of
 any of the supplied characters without replacing it with a same-named part,
 if not the Control file for it will not work (unless you modify that also!)
 Just because it doesn't show up in an animation doesn't mean it's not used!

 If you are unfamiliar with control points, object trees, and this whole
 discussion, you should consult your Cyber Control manual and the tutorials

 You might wonder why the Bee has no feet.  Well, that's because we decided to
 leave the design as "open" as possible.  You can make up any feet you want
 and add them to the object.  If you decided to add feet, you'd have to design
 one, make three or five copies of it (depending on if you want a "correct"
 six-legged insect or not), then position them properly (two or three to each
 side).  Next, you'd either have to JOIN them to part of the Bee (like his
 body) or modify the Bee control files, adding the feet to the object trees,
 relating them to some rotation point (see the Cyber Control manual for
 details).  If you did neither step, chances are the Bee might move and the
 feet would stay where they are!

 Finally, there's color.  The Bee uses a customized color palette, and you
 might note that some colors are duplicates of each other.  We have doubles of
 white, and two of the grays.  Why?  Well, if you look at the color SETS you
 will notice that one range of white thru gray is defined as a range of
 colors.  This is used for the Bee's eyes.  The second white, and the
 duplicate grays, are EACH defined as a complete color range, and these are
 used for the flapping wings.  The "leading" wing on an up or down flap is
 white, and it has to appear white at all times.  If I were to set it using
 the same palette as the eyes, I would find the wing looks white ONLY when the
 light is on it properly, otherwise it would look gray.  By giving each wing
 only one color for its range, they always appear the color they are supposed
 to, from ANY angle, regardless of the position and brightness of the light
 source.  The black used for the bee's stripes, stinger, nose and pupils is
 also a single range.

 Admittedly, this ties up your color palette a bit, but not forever.  When you
 quit CAD-3D again, de-ARC the BUGSPLIN.ARC file on a work disk (read the
 READ_ME.DOC file in the disk's root directory for directions on de-ARCing)
 and load the resulting BUGSPLIN.SEQ it into the ANIMATE4 program.  See all
 the colors in the background?  This was done by taking the animation into
 Cyber Paint, and SEPARATING all the pixels of one white to another, the same

                               MANUAL -- Page 6.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

 with the duplicate grays, thus freeing up three color registers!  Once the
 animation is saved it makes no difference if the white wing is the same color
 as the brightest areas of the eyes.  It only matters to CAD-3D.

 If you load any of the other characters on the disk you'll find their
 construction follows similar lines and reasonings.  The AUTOGYRO in the MISC
 subfolder (ACTORS folder) has a propeller which works like the bee wings,
 with multiple blades and duplicate colors on the palettes (an ARCed .SEQ file
 of the Gyro can be found int he ANIMATOR.004 folder.)

 If all of this seems awfully complex, it's not.  It's just new.  Once you've
 used the tools on this disk with the necessary programs you'll catch on soon

                          HOW THE CONTROL FILES WORK
                                 by Andy Eddy

 Now let's look at the control files which make these objects come to life.
 The BUZZ_BUG.CTL file creates a basic hovering animation of a selected bug
 (Bee, Dragonfly or Mosquito.)  There are no commands in place for moving the
 character, but it's a good stationary demonstration of how his parts work.
 Additionally, you can alter how his head (or actually, his nose, to which the
 eyes are attached) and eyes are positioned.  By setting how ever many cycles
 of wing flapping -- each cycle covers 12 frames -- and selecting positions
 from the input boxes, you'll end up with a finished animation.  To keep it
 from being boring and stagnant, the chosen bug also is programmed to "bob" up
 and down during its hover, much the same as a real flying insect would.
 During the 12 frames of each cycle, 6 are moving up and 6 are moving down.
 Changing the scale shouldn't affect the bob, as the BOBFIX variable formula
 adjusts the size of the bob based on how tall the bug object is (see the
 routine, SETBOB, for the formula).

 The heart of the head- and eye-positioning calculations are found in the
 STARTPOS, MOVEIT, ALLCALC, REFPOS (these last three are actually grouped into
 one subroutine) and POSITN routines.  These take the selected movements you
 enter at the start [saved in the eyeball() and headmv() arrays] and smoothly
 break them down into 12 equal segments, then POSITIONs the specific bug parts
 to their desired placement.  The STARTPOS routine grabs the starting
 placement of the bug, and the MOVEIT routine takes the values (called
 EYENEW** and HEADNEW*, located in the subroutines at the bottom of the
 script) after each cycle.

 Once the MOVEIT value is retrieved, it runs through the ALLCALC routine where
 the acquisition is compared to the previous cycle's value (EYEOLD** and
 HEADOLD*) and divided by 12 to determine the value that the parts will be
 POSITIONed for each SUPERVIEW (and RECORDed, if saving to disk was selected).
 These variables, called EYEROT** and HEADROT*, are used in the POSITN routine
 to smoothly slide the head and eyes through the desired values over the
 course of the animation.

 Of course, you aren't limited to a hovering insect; the BUZZ_BUG script is
 simply an example of what you can do with these characters.  The Splining Bug

                               MANUAL -- Page 7.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

 script (BUGSPLIN.CTL), for example, shows how to put one of these insects
 into motion and ultimately make a more usable character in your "movies."
 After all, this is what you bought this package for, right?  Through the
 utilization of the BEARING command, which was added to Cyber Control in
 version 1.1 as an upgrade, it's even easier to keep these beasties "on the
 track," so to speak!  (If you don't have Cyber Control version 1.1 or higher,
 the BUGSPLIN.CTL program CANNOT be used!)

 The limitation to moving a character along a path is the need to generally
 have it facing the direction it's moving in; in other words, you want to have
 its rear end following the head!  The trouble is, unless you can extract the
 angles of rotation to pivot the character (or any CAD-based object, for that
 matter) into the proper tack, your CAD actor would always face in the same
 direction in which it was loaded in (unless other prior rotations took place
 in your script).

 Originally we had severely pored over the methods and mathematics to try and
 determine the angles needed to align the object along our spline.  After
 going through many geometry and trigonometry textbooks, we thought we had it
 on paper; in fact, Tom Hudson beat us to our attempt to implement it.  And
 his procedure is much easier (and certainly less time-consuming) to put into

 In our Splining Bug script (a nice demo of the results of which is the
 BUGSPLIN.SEQ file in the ANIMATOR.004 folder), the BEARIN routine contains
 the bulk of this code.  Looking at it shows how we use the new BEARING
 command to determine the LATERL (on the z-axis) and UP (on the x-axis)
 correction angles.  By comparing the point on the spline that the bug rests
 on currently (TIC) to the next point in the spline (TO, which is set to
 TIC+1) returns those two angles all neat and tidy.  By placing those into a
 ROTATE, the selected insect is aligned so it's always facing in the direction
 it's moving... a lot easier and quicker than if you calculated it yourself
 each time!

 The other major portion of the Splining Bug script is the PACE variable,
 located in the SPLEN subroutine.  This determines the unit distance the bug
 travels from point to point in a given spline.  In this case, a file called
 SPLPOINT.3D2 is merged in, following a series of input boxes, to construct
 the spline.  The control points of that spline are chosen from the group
 centers (GRPCENT) of the five cube objects.  This is an arbitrary example;
 you can use the construction of the SPLPOINT.3D2 file (or substitute your own
 control point file) and the SPLIN routine -- particularly the order of the
 DEFPT lines -- as a basis for setting up your own path for the bug to fly.

 It's important to note that we've incorporated some trigonometry to find out
 the approximate size of the spline.  The formula:

                       \  /       2         2         2
                        \/ (x1-x2) + (y1-y2) + (z1-z2)

 will find the distance between two points in a three-dimensional universe,
 which are called in this example, (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2).  Unfortunately,
 there is no command in Cyber Control at this point for squaring numbers.  If

                               MANUAL -- Page 8.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

 you look at the Splining Bug script under the SPLEN routine, you'll see how
 we "kludged" the values anyway.  All of the TEMP* formulas cover most of the
 action; the DIST* compiles the remainder of the information.  The total
 distance is the sum of those pieces.  Similarly, the BUGCALC routine does the
 same to discover the length of the character used.

 By adding the point to point distances together, we arrive at the SPLDIST
 quantity.  In the PACE formula, this amount is used to determine the distance
 the bee will travel from frame to frame.  The PACE value becomes the number
 of points in the DEFSPLINE command.

                               GUYS AND DOLLS!!

 You'll agree that the insect actors we've provided are quite simple in
 construction and easy to manipulate.  The scripts we've created are just the
 tip of the iceberg for putting them through their blocking in your animated
 movies.  But it doesn't end there: we've also given you a few bipedal
 (walking on two legs) actors as well.  These are quite a bit more complex,
 with more parts to process and coordinate.

 With our Music Video Men, you'll have fully articulated characters at your
 beck and call.  Do you want to have your actor or actress turn to the camera
 and wave?  Maybe you'd like to have him or her jump up and execute a double
 axel, like Debi Thomas on skates.  The opportunities are bounded only by your
 imagination and the size of your ST's RAM capacity.

 The sample Music Video People script (MV_MEN.CTL) follows the same procedure
 as the BUZZ_BUG file to reach its conclusion.  As in that script, we are
 setting up arrays for head, eye and brow movement.  These values are taken
 from the subroutines near the code's end, and are plugged into the variables,

 The script creates a walking animation, and this gait is set from constant
 values, located in the MOVEVALUES subroutine.  The WALK routine processes the
 information, which is used to compose each frame.  This is then passed on for
 SUPERVIEW (and RECORD, if selected).  Again, the POSITN routine and the
 associated positioning is derived from the same formula that are used in the
 BUZZ_BUG script.  One difference is that the values are spread over a 6-frame

 You might think this confusing because looking over the table of variable
 definition that takes place in the MOVEVALUES routine, you can see 12 sets of
 numbers -- each a frame of the 12-frame sequence that constructs the complete
 left and right leg strides.  Well, there's the rub: we break down the
 positioning of the head and brow to be grabbed after each single step.
 That's why the data is broken up with GOSUB MOVEIT, so the code can grab the
 next head, eye and brow values, and move the proper objects the correct

 We also have to keep track of the additive amount we are positioning the
 various body parts (sure, it sounds gruesome... but it's reasonably
 painless).  This is where the various ***TOT** variables come in; they keep a
 running total of where the head, eyes and brows should be located.  Because

                               MANUAL -- Page 9.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

 we are reloading the character before each POSITIONing -- to assure the
 rotation points don't get messed up from frame to frame -- we have to be sure
 the values that are to be POSITIONed are cumulative totals, rather than just
 frame-by-frame calculations.  This means that the various movements will
 slide from point to point, rather than jerk to the designated locations,
 giving us a more realistic action in our animation.

 In the POSITN routine, the ***TOT** (i.e.- HEADTOTX) variables are updated
 before the SUPERVIEW takes place so that the ***ROT** values are added in.
 These ***ROT** values are extracted prior to each 6-frame chunk, and, in
 essense, is the current position (***NEW**) minus the previous position
 (***OLD**), then that number is divided by six.  This incremental value is
 how much the POSITION commands move the respective body part (this sounds
 painful, eh?) toward its destination.

                               MANUAL -- Page 10.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

                             CREATING AN ANIMATION

 If you want to use one of the supplied programs to create an animation file,
 first boot your ST with both the Cyber Control and Cyber Smash accessories.
 Next, copy the 3D2 objects needed and their control files to a blank,
 formatted disk (preferably double-sided).  This is simple to do, as the each
 group of "actors" and their associated control program are contained in
 individual folders.  For example, the BUZZ_BUG.CTL and BUGSPLIN.CTL programs
 work with the BUZZBEE.3D2, DRAGNFLY.3D2, and MOSQUITO.3D2 files, and all of
 these are contained in the BUGS subfolder in the ACTORS folder on your

 Once you have copied the necessary files to your new disk, run CAD-3D 2.0,
 then go to the Cyber Control accessory and load the CTL file you want from
 your working disk.  Now, if you just copied the files over from the CARTOON
 DESIGN disk, the files are probably in the root directory of your new disk,
 or in a folder of your own creation.  You'll probably have to change the
 pathnames for loading and saving.  This is quite simple.  In Cyber Control
 select SEARCH and type in A:\ as the string and click on the OK button.  The
 cursor will jump to the first instance of this, probably in a LOAD3D,
 MERGE3D, RSTART, or RCHAIN command.  All you have to do is modify the
 pathnames to fit your needs.  If say, for example, you had copied the
 contents of the BUGS folder to the root directory of your work disk (in drive
 B, for example), you would change the LOADBUG subroutine from this:


 to this:

   IF bug=1 THEN LOAD3D "A:\BUZZBEE.3D2"

 and so on, until all the load, save, merge, etc., commands will work in the
 proper places.  You should keep searching for A:\ throughout the control file
 until you are sure you have modified ALL of the necessary lines.  The last
 thing you want is to be halfway through an animation and have the program
 abort because it couldn't find a folder or file!

 Once you've finished modifying the pathnames, you can RUN the Cyber Control
 program.  At this point you will probably be prompted for some kind of user
 input, such as Camera horizontal and vertical position, bank angle, zoom
 level, perspective, view mode (wire, solid, etc.), number of loops, head and
 eye moves, etc.  Yeek!  It can seem intimidating at first, but it isn't too
 bad.  When prompted for input, you will note the dialog boxes often suggest a
 good "average" setting, like: "Enter zoom level (150 is good)".

 A few of the programs have an auto-demo mode, which will pick camera
 settings, etc., automatically.  All you have to do is input if you want wire,

                               MANUAL -- Page 11.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK

 hidden, solid or outlined mode, draft or final quality, and if you wish to
 Watch or Record the animation.  If you Watch it, you'll see each and every
 frame slowly, painstakingly generated.  Not too thrilling.  If you select
 Record, it will create the necessary .PI1 and .DLT animation files.  The
 Recording process can be VERY slow, taking HOURS to complete at times.  If
 you want a "quick & dirty" animation file to look at, select Draft mode
 rather than Final (you should probably stick with Solid, though, as the other
 modes eat more memory and disk space.)  It will still take a while, but not
 as long, and you can get a "rough" idea of what the final, polished animation
 would look like.

 If there is no auto demo mode, here are some good "safe" settings you can try
 when creating an animation:

     Camera horizontal position: 30 or -30
     Camera vertical position: 10 or -10
     Camera bank angle: 0
     Zoom: 130 to 170
     Perspective: 500
     Mode: Solid (enter the number corresponding to this setting)

 Each of the subfolders in the ACTORS folder on your CARTOON DESIGN disk
 contain a text file describing the characters in that folder and how to use
 them.  Print those out for additional information on each of the characters
 and types.


 We hope that you enjoy the CARTOON DESIGN disk.  We'd like to see how you
 utilize the various characters, so if you have an animation that is
 particularly interesting or innovative, please upload it to the online
 networks for all to see and enjoy.

 Additionally, if you'd like to get in touch with Maurice and Andy, they can
 be reached on CompuServe at 72327,503 or on GEnie and Delphi at mail address

 Once again, we'd like to reiterate what the lawyers made us plug in at the
 start of this documentation: it's against the law, let alone the bounds of
 ethical behavior, to steal this software or pass it on to someone else.  To
 insure that we can support ourselves during future projects like this, we
 request that you reward us for the fruits of our labors by paying for the
 CARTOON DESIGN disk.  To do otherwise jeopardizes not only the potential of
 our doing other CAD-3D design disks, but affects the entire ST marketplace.

 That said, we thank you for your support.  Enjoy it!

                               MANUAL -- Page 12.

                 CARTOON DESIGN -- A CAD-3D 2.0 ACCESSORY DISK


 To Jennifer, for her unfailing support of me and my work.  To Charles F.
 Johnson, for his utilities that made using the ST easier.  And, of course, to
 Andy, for helping to make this possible.

     M. Molyneaux

 To my wife, Bissy, and my kids, Brian and Meghan, for their patience at
 losing a dad for a while.  Everyone, Daddy's home!

 To my Mom, for her years of patience and forced smiles.  I'm a parent too,
 and now I know...

 Most of all, to my Dad, I'm sorry you had to miss all this... it would have
 brought a smile to your face and a gleam of pride for your only son.  This
 all wouldn't have happened without you.  Keep the sun high for us...

     A  E

                               MANUAL -- Page 13.

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