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Comments (2)
Kenton Dalziel - 16/06/2021
I put so much effort into designing the extra level for the competition, I even wrote a level designer in STOS so it would print out with lovely graphics, I think they thought they had to let me win after all the effort.

If I remember rightly the level turned out so hard it was nigh on impossible.
Black - 03/08/2016
Although the main menu is keyboard control only, the actual game can be used on a REAL STE/Falcon with the jaguar joypad. STEEM has known issues with this game in jagpad mode though...

Information - Substation

GenreShoot'em Up! - 3-DYear1995
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherST Format
ControlsKeyboard, JagpadDistributorFuture Publishing
Players1, 2+DeveloperUnique Development Sweden
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Burman, Oskar / Jansson, Tord
Härröd, Hans [Shrimp] / Emtinger, Mikael [Empa]
Johansson, Olof / Lundqvist, Kalle

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Nordberg, Marcus / Hultman, Rikard

Game design

Zetterberg, Peter / Burman, Oskar
Johansson, Olof

Box / InstructionsEnglish

Andersson, Peter / Åkerhielm, Christian
Tilleby, Erik

Sound FX

Tilleby, Erik

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeSTe Only, Falcon030 / 1MB
Dumpdownload atari Substation Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Additional Comments - Substation

Other versions with the same title:

Unique Development Sweden (Sweden), ChroMAGIC (USA), ST Format (version [preview]) ().

Instructions - Substation


                      An extralevel to SubStation

         Winner in the ST Format 'Underwater Hell' Competition                                

                     Map design by Kenton Dalziel

How to run Dalziel from floppy disk

1. Format a disk 2 sides, 80 tracks, 10 sectors.

2. Create a folder named DATA on the disk.

3. Put the Dalziel level (EXTRA.WOW) in the DATA folder on the disk.

4. Choose "new game" from the main menu and run SubStation as normal,
   WITHOUT using your newly-made disk.

5. Instead of pressing the return key after having entered the copy
   protection word, press shift+return (hold down shift and press return).

6. After the message "Entering extra level" in the mission briefing, you will
   be asked to insert disk 2, although disk 2 is already in your drive. Now
   insert the Dalziel disk. The Dalziel level should now start on your

8. As you might have understood, the computer thinks of your Dalziel disk
   also as disk 2. Whenever the computer asks for disk 2, and it won't
   accept the real disk 2, try with the Dalziel disk.

How to run Dalziel from hard drive

1. Copy the Dalziel level to the DATA folder in your STATION folder.

2. Choose "new game" from the main menu and run SubStation as normal.

3. Instead of pressing the return key after having entered the copy
   protection word, press shift+return (hold down shift and press return).
   Instead of the first level Asuka, the Dalziel level should now appear
   on your screen.

SubStation (c) 1995 UDS

Trivia - Substation

Features up to 54 colours on-screen simultaneously (introduction screen)
Features up to 22 colours on-screen simultaneously (in-game)
Features digitized graphics (introduction screen)
Features overscan (options or static screen)

Features digitized title soundtrack at 25KHz (stereo)
Features digitized menu soundtrack at 25KHz (stereo)
Features digitized static screen soundtrack at 25KHz (stereo)
Features digitized sound fx at 12.5KHz (stereo)

Supports Blitter
Supports STe DMA sound
Supports STe palette
Supports STe hardware scrolling
Supports MIDI for multiplayer action

Book / Magazine Reviews - Substation

 ST Format · July, 1995Rating: 75% 

Substation Atari review Substation Atari review 

 ST Format · March, 1995Rating: Preview 

Substation Atari review 

 ST Format · May, 1995Rating: Work In Progress 

Substation Atari review 

 ST Magazine · Juillet, 1995Rating: - 

Substation Atari review Substation Atari review 

 STart Micro · Septembre, 1995Rating: 7/10 

Substation Atari review 

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