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Screenshots - Rotox

Rotox atari screenshot
Rotox atari screenshot
Rotox atari screenshot
Rotox atari screenshot
Rotox atari screenshot
Rotox atari screenshot
Rotox atari screenshot
Rotox atari screenshot
Rotox atari screenshot

Information - Rotox

GenreShoot'em Up! - Multi-DirectionalYear1990
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherUS Gold
Players1DeveloperCreative Materials
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

West, Mick

CountryFrance Germany Italy United Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Lewis, Nick

Game design

Leitch, Dave / Vincent, Nick
West, Mick

Box / InstructionsEnglish, French, German, Italian

Collier, Kevin

Sound FX

West, Mick

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Rotox Download / PastiNumber of Disks2 / Single Sided

Additional Comments - Rotox

Other versions with the same title:

Action Sixteen (version [Budget]) (United Kingdom), ST Action (version [preview]) (), Erbe Software ().

Disk - Rotox

Rotox Atari disk scan Rotox Atari disk scan Rotox Atari disk scan Rotox Atari disk scan Rotox Atari disk scan

Instructions - Rotox

Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions Rotox Atari instructions

Ads - Rotox

Rotox Atari ad Rotox Atari ad

Article - Rotox

Rotox Article Rotox Article Rotox Article Rotox Article

Stickers - Rotox

Rotox Atari Stickers

Book / Magazine Reviews - Rotox

 ST Format · July, 1990Rating: 81% 

Rotox Atari review 

 The One · June, 1990Rating: 79% 

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