Hacman II

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My Atarimania
Comments (1)
Blitter - 09/03/2021
Dave Baggett went on to create Crash Bandicoot and was a co-founder of ITA software that was acquired by Google.

Screenshots - Hacman II

Hacman II atari screenshot
Hacman II atari screenshot
Hacman II atari screenshot
Hacman II atari screenshot
Hacman II atari screenshot
Hacman II atari screenshot
Hacman II atari screenshot
Hacman II atari screenshot
Hacman II atari screenshot

Information - Hacman II

GenreArcade - Pac-ManYear1990
LanguageCompiled CPublisher[no publisher]
Players1DeveloperKinetic Alchemist
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Baggett, David

Graphic Artist(s)

Leary, David / Baggett, David
Nebel, Chris

Game design

Nebel, Chris / Baggett, David
Leary, David

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 1MB
Dumpdownload atari Hacman II Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable

Additional Comments - Hacman II

Other version with the same title:

[no publisher] (version 1.14) ().

Other versions with a different title:

Instructions - Hacman II

			       HacMan  II

                           Copyright (C) 1990
			    By David Baggett

                             User Contract

This program is FREE.  You may distribute it at will, provided you

        1) do not charge any money for it,
        2) distribute it WITH the documentation, and
        3) do not change the program, accompanying data files, or 
	   documentation in ANY WAY.



   Welcome to HacMan II!  As you can probably tell from the name, this
game is a sequel to a game called HacMan that I released back in 1987.  
Many things have changed since then; in particular, the game design
tools HacMan was built with have evolved substantially -- hopefully 
HacMan II reflects this.

   My intention was to make HacMan II look and play like a game you 
might pay money for (even though HacMan II is FREE, not shareware).  
The game design tools used to create HacMan II will be publicly 
available in the near future, so look for the names "Neil Forsyth" and
"David Baggett" if you're interested in creating top-quality games on
the Atari ST.  (We don't know who will be distributing the development
tools yet.)

   But enough talk; you're probably eager to try out your new game...

Installing and Running the program
   HacMan II will run on any Atari ST with a color monitor and at least 
one meg of RAM.  Installing the game on your hard drive (if you have
one) is a good idea if you'll be playing it a lot, since loading from
floppies takes a few minutes.
   NOTE:  If you got an .LZH file with self-extracting archives in it,
   	  you have probably already done what is described here.
Here are some installation hints:

      Create a folder called HACMAN2 somewhere and copy all the files
   and directories in the distribution into it.  (The easiest way to
   do this is to use the desktop copy function.  Whatever you do use
   must copy subdirectories.)
   Your HACMAN2 directory should then contain the following:

	HACMAN2.PRG	- HacMan II binary (run this)
	HACMAN2.HI	- High score file (delete to clear high scores)
	DISK1		- Directory containing data files
	DISK2		- Directory containing more data

   The crucial point is that you make sure you have subdirectories called
   DISK1 and DISK2 -- do NOT just copy the contents of these folders into
   your HACMAN2 folder.  (If you do, the game won't be able to find any
   of its data files.)


      If you have a double-sided floppy drive, you can fit all of 
   HacMan II onto a single floppy.  First format a disk (9 sectors, 
   80 tracks will do), then copy files onto the floppy as described in 
   the HARD DISK installation above.

      If you have a double-sided drive you should really put HacMan II
   on a DS disk, so see the installation instructions above.  Still 
   with me?  OK, format two 360K disks (again, 9 sectors, 80 tracks
   will be enough) and copy files as follows:

	Floppy disk 1:
		HACMAN2.PRG	- HacMan II binary (run this)
		DISK1		- Directory containing data files

	Floppy disk 2:
		DISK2		- Directory containing more data
		HACMAN2.HI	- High score file (delete to clear scores)
   When you run HACMAN2.PRG the program will prompt you for the second 
   floppy, at which point you should insert floppy disk two and press 

      As with the hard drive installation, you MUST have folders called 
   DISK1 and DISK2 on floppies 1 and 2 (respectively) or HacMan II will 
   not run.  DO NOT simply copy the contents of the DISK1 and DISK2 onto 
   the floppies.

What's New in HacMan II?

   Many people complained about the lack of sound in HacMan, so HacMan II
has all digitized sound effects.  (I hope you all are satisfied.)  In 
addition, HacMan II has these new "features":

	o  100 new levels
	o  Four new ghosts	
	o  Cameo appearances by many other creatures
	o  Puzzle boards
	o  Skips (skip a board you hate by pressing the space bar)
	o  Ghost hit/miss statistics
	o  Secret warps
	o  A surprise or two for the really devoted

The entire HacMan II design team (see the credits screen) hopes you'll
enjoy the game.

A Few Final Words

   If you have any questions or comments about HacMan II or our game
design tools, please call or write me:

	Dave Baggett
	5640 Vantage Point Road
	Columbia, MD  21044 USA
	(301) 596 4779

Bug reports, high scores, etc. are also welcome.  If you like the game,
please let me know!  (Heck, I'm not even asking for money...)

Happy Hac-ing!

- Dave Baggett
  November 23, 1990

HacMan II Release 1.0	November 23, 1990
	Initial release.
HacMan II Release 1.1	December 1, 1990
	Added some more sound effects; now using LZH self-extracting archives.
	Added "gameinfo.doc" accidentally omitted from Release 1.0.

HacMan II Release 1.11	December 9, 1990
	Corrected a minor bug.

Trivia - Hacman II

Features digitized sound fx at 11.2KHz

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