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Screenshots - Drachen

Drachen atari screenshot
Drachen atari screenshot
Drachen atari screenshot
Drachen atari screenshot

Information - Drachen

GenreBrain - Shanghai / Mah JongYear
LanguageGFA BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLow / HighLicensed from

Woitha, Dirk

Graphic Artist(s)

Woitha, Dirk

Game design

Woitha, Dirk

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Drachen Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Single Sided

Additional Comments - Drachen

Other versions with the same title:

[no publisher] (version 2.0) (USA), [no publisher] (version 2.0) ().

Instructions - Drachen

               A Public Domain Game (Version 2.0)
Drachen is derived from an old game from China.  144 tiles are 
built up on 5 levels on the playing surface.  The goal is to 
remove all the tiles.  To that end, one may remove any two 
matching tiles, as long as each of them is free to move either to 
its left or to its right [that is, there is no other tile "in the 
way" of the movement of each matching tile]. 
34 different tile types are available in sets of 4.  An exception 
is provided by BAM(boo), MUM, ORC(hid), and PLUM and in the same 
way by SPR(ing), SUM(mer), AUT(umn), and WIN(ter).  Tiles in 
these sets can be matched with another tile from the same set and 
removed.  The only permitted Help is "Show Move".  Following all 
other kinds of Help, it is no longer possible to achieve a Best 
Time in the current game.
This game is public domain and may be copied by anyone.  If you 
enjoy this game, you can express your gratitude with $5.  If you 
send $10, you'll receive the sourcecode in GFA Basic and some 
additional PD programs.
                           Dirk Woitha
                        Hebbelstrasse 11
                        5630 Remscheid 11
[The above is a loose translation of the title screen to the 
color version of DRACHEN.  Most of the program's alert boxes, 
menus, etc. are provided in English, but some text (including, 
obviously, the title screen) remains in the original German.  You 
will need to know the meaning of the following German terms:
                           Abbruch = Cancel
                          Weiter = Continue
                        Das war's = That's all
                       n„chster Zug = next move
If you are unfamiliar with gameplay in DRACHEN (also known as 
Shanghai, a variant of Mah Jongh), choose one of the DEMO options 
and watch the computer play a game the first time through.]
Translated by D.A. Brumleve
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