O.K. because of my very bad English here are the most
important words in the game that need to be translated.
You may forgive that I do not give you a whole manual
for using this program (if there is really somebody who
needs it!) but the best thing to do to learn this game
is watching the demo.
Drachen dragon
neues Spiel new game
Spielwiederholung repeat game
Bestzeiten High Score list
Ende quit
zeige Zug show possible move
Zug zurucknehmen cancel last move
Stein wegnehmen remove a stone (that's cheating!!)
Demo langsam slow demo
Demo schnell fast demo
Abbruch stop
nachster Zug next possible move
keine weiteren
Zuge no more possible moves
That's all you need to know. In a few days I'll upload a
second version of dragon, which is as good as this one
and I try to change the source code from German to
English. By the way, wait for the game "MEMORY" you'll
soon find in this library and please tell me how do you
like German Public Domain Software. Leave me a letter
under J.FASS.
Enjoy the game!
Jochen Fass, El Paso, Texas