Atari A to Z (Pete Davison) - 03/07/2022 |
Arcade ports for home computers in the 16-bit era weren't exactly arcade perfect... but God bless those devs for trying, at least. Double Dragon II may be lacking a few elements that made the arcade game great, but it's still a decent brawler. Let's Play! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YUhxCtwBQY |
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Sound This game features digital title music and sound effects
Origins Based on Technos 1988 coin-op.
Charts Top UK ST charts position: 10 (3/1990), 9 (3/1992, budget) Months on charts: 4 between 3/1990 - 4/1992
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ST Format · December, 1989 | Rating: 75% |
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