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Other versions with the same title:
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* PmDoom v0.30pre3 March, 6th 2004
It is based on linuxxdoom-1.10, available on Id Software's ftp site.
You need the PC version of Doom (shareware or registered) or Doom 2.
* Common parameters:
'@filename' to read parameters from a file
'-devparm' displays fps
'-cachepal' caches palette changes in TrueColour modes
'-fullscreen' to run the game in fullscreen mode
'-listmodes' to list available fullscreen video modes
'-videomode ' to select a video mode
(available video modes are listed at start)
'-zoomscreen' to zoom the screen if video mode is bigger than 320x200
'-net [ ]'
Network game (not tested)
is player number (1-4)
> are machine IP numbers on the network
* Atari version :
The binary version is compiled for 68020 and higher.
Video, Keyboard, Mouse, Audio, Joysticks and Joypads now managed by SDL.
See README.SDL for information.
Audio: '-sound ###'
sdl: audio managed by SDL (see README.SDL)
off: no audio
Network: '-network ###'
unix: Unix sockets network (Mintnet sockets)
sting: Sting sockets network
* Controls:
- Read original Doom documentation for all keyboard functions
- I do not know if SDL correctly manages joysticks and joypads.
Any information is welcomed !
Patrice Mandin
Web: http://membres.lycos.fr/pmandin/
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Conversion - Atari Jaguar
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