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Other versions with the same title:
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| DOOM v0.75 Freeware |
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| November, 28th 1997 for Falcon030¿ |
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| by Patrice MANDIN |
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And now here is a new version (again?) of my DOOM. I know that
I am not the only one trying to make DOOM on Falcon 030¿, so it sounds
Run the program in the directory where DOOM's WAD is with the
maximum RAM available (boot with CONTROL if needed).
It runs normally on accelerated Falcon 030¿ but neither on 68040 nor
68060 because of the virtual memory management done with the 68030's
PMMU. I need a new version of the VMM to achieve this goal.
- New:
Music !
You need the file 'MIDI_Instruments' in the same directory the WAD
is. This file is used on Amiga to get music in Doom. I don't have
any Internet URLs to give, but you may find it. Search in Amiga DOOM
The music code comes from ADOOM.
For the moment, music code is not very stable: when loading a level,
it can crash all the game.
- Features :
. Display weapon (not perfect)
. Display status bar
. Objects displayed (not perfect)
. Transparent textures
. Animation management (textures and objects)
. Light effects management
. Collision test with walls (still not perfect)
. Gamma correction for too dark monitors
. Screen shrinking with the right borders
. Wall activation (switches, doors, walk-overs, etc...)
- Future enhancements :
. Collision test between objects
. Objects movement others than the player
. The sound !
. Bugs correction
. Multi player (MIDI, Null Modem, Toaster, etc...)
- The WAD you can use :
DOOM.WAD : DOOM registred or Ultimate DOOM
DOOM1.WAD : DOOM shareware
- Options for command line, lower case please :
If you enter no command line, defaults will be E1M1 or MAP01
with skill level 1 (or to the first new level if you use an
external WAD)
"-file <...>"
to use one or more external WADs (PWAD)
Ex : -file trinity.wad thing.wad
"-wart " e=Episode number m=Map number
Ex : -wart 2 1 to begin at E2M1
"-warp " nn=Level number (00-32)
Ex : -warp 24 to begin at MAP24
"-skill " n=Skill level (1-5)
Ex : -skill 5 for maximum skill
-> For the moment it is used to choose objects to
display depending of the skill
"-browser" To start the textures browser
- Control :
- In the menus :
Esc To go back to previous menu
Return/Space : To select an option
Up/Down : To choose an option
Left/Right : To change the value of an option (on/off or cursor)
You can also use the mouse (left button:select, right button:cancel)
- Keyboard :
Esc : To display the main menu
F2 : Save a game (not implemented)
F3 : Load a game (not implemented)
F4 : Sound menu
F5 : Resolution X *2 or *1
Shift + F5 : Resolution Y *2 or *1
F6 : Quicksave (not implemented)
F7 : End game (not implemented)
F8 : Messages on/off
F9 : Quickload (not implemented)
F10 : Quit
Shift : boost
Tab : display the map
Alternate : to move without turning
Control : Fire
Space : activation (switches, doors, etc...)
( In theory, all is OK. You can end a
level without crossing walls)
1-9 : To choose the weapon
1 Punch Chicken
2 Chainsaw Wand
3 Pistol Magic wand
4 Shotgun Crossbow
5 Double shotgun Dragon claw
6 Chaingun Gauntlet
7 Rocket launcher Mace
8 Plasma gun Horn rod
9 BFG 9000 Phoenix wand
- Arrow pad :
Insert : turn left
Clr/Home: turn right
Arrows : move forward/backward/left/right
Help : Collision test with walls on/off
- Numeric pad :
* : gamma correction
+ and - : Screen size change
Skip to next/previous texture in textures browser
7 and 9 : zoom in/out the map
4 : Display textures on walls on/off
5 : Display weapon on/off
6 : Display textures on floors/ceiling on/off
8 : "Tomb Raider" mode on/off
Enter : display sprites on/off
- Mouse :
left button : move forward
right button : move backward
move left/right : turn
move up/down : look up and down
- Authors :
For all that as something to do with DOOM:
(congratulations, ideas, job proposal, etc...)
Patrice MANDIN (DATA from TRIO)
19 Rue des Astiers
Mail: pmandin@caramail.com
Web: http://www.mygale.org/~pmandin
For all that as something to do with virtual memory :
(Which still does not work on 68040s and 68060s !)
36 Chemin des Rouches
- Have fun !
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Conversion - Atari Jaguar
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