Gregg A. Tavares, member of The NightHawk Group, speaks...
"The NightHawk Group" was just a group of friends at high school. We were all into programming video games and we had a dream to make our own company. The members of "The NightHawk Group" were: - me (Gregg Tavares): currently at Sony Computer Entertainment Japan - Greg Marquez: currently at Atari in Santa Monica, California - John Alvarado: currently at Inxile in Newport Beach, California - Ron Nakada: I think he is at Point of View in Irvine, California - Andy Brown: Andy did not go into the game industry. We all got matching dark blue polo shirts with the bat like logo designed by Greg Marquez and the words "The NightHawk Group" written in a very cool font designed by Ron Nakada and we'd wear them to high school once in a while. I'm sure the rest of the school thought we were all complete nerds but so what, we had fun at least. As for other things "The NightHawk Group" did... I don't know if any were released. Especially back then, MODEMs were not common, there was no Internet, even BBSes were not that big yet so spreading things around was harder. I wrote an 8-bit font editor for the Atari. I don't remember if we gave it out or not. John and I also created a game called Pit Viper, basically four-player Surround. We tried to sell it through the Atari Program Exchange (APX, a program Atari set up to help individuals sell software) but they rejected it. John also wrote a game in high school called Goodie Gobbler for the VIC-20 but I'm not sure either of those were officially "NightHawk Group" activities.