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Valgus² atari screenshot
Valgus² atari screenshot
Valgus² atari screenshot
Valgus² atari screenshot


GenreBrain - TetrisYear1991
LanguageCompiled BASICPublisherGlenn, James R.
ControlsJoystick, KeyboardDeveloperGlenn, James R.

Glenn, James R.

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Graphic Artist(s)

Glenn, James R.

Medium Disk

Glenn, James R.

Cover Artist(s)[n/a]Serial-
Dumpdownload atari Valgus² Download

Additional Comments

Do not write-protect as game saves high scores.

Two versions:
_ 1991 (playable demo)
_ 1992 (registered)

Many thanks to author James R. Glenn for dumping this program / John Hardie for sending it!

Missing original disk image (1991)!


Additional notes for registered version:
_ press S to toggle music
_ press SPACE BAR to switch control between pieces (eighth level and up)


A few words from author James R. Glenn courtesy of John Hardie...

"I started by thinking through the code for a Tetris clone during class one day and then hacking something playable together in a couple of hours that afternoon. I wanted to add another dimension but thought working in 2-D would be a lot easier than doing it in 3-D. Completing squares instead of lines seemed like the logical in-between step. I never tried selling it other than the shareware route and sold maybe 100 copies across various platforms, probably not more than a dozen for the Atari 8-bits. I never did anything else for public distribution aside from a short-lived revival of Valgus² as Bloxmo² for iOS. I have worked on a few academic projects in AI for tabletop games."

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