Thrax Lair

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Comments (3)
Atari A to Z (Pete Davison) - 16/07/2022
Can you successfully penetrate the seemingly endless lair of the Thrax in this multi-directional laser-spitting pterodactyl 'em up? Let's Play!
Punkydudester - 21/12/2014
I love this game, I thought it was pretty fun and overall great. I never beat it but maybe now I can.
Jim Kuchera - 08/10/2008
When our boys were preteen, they fell in love with this game when I brought it home from our local computer game store. It's very similar to River Raid, but this time you have a pterodactyl (now there's a mouthful) shooting laser blasts against spiders. You can increase/decrease your vertical progress, and X-Y axis is complete as the lair continues to scroll to the bottom of the screen. The graphics are crude, and the audio f/x are weak, but the game is compelling at the same time mindless. Like River Raid, this is a thumb-number. I recommend it.


Thrax Lair atari screenshot
Thrax Lair atari screenshot
Thrax Lair atari screenshot


GenreShoot'em Up! - Vertical ScrollingYear1982
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherRantom Software

Turner, Randall

Graphic Artist(s)


MediumTape Disk


Cover Artist(s)White, LarrySerial-
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Book / Magazine Reviews

 Electronic Fun · July, 1983Rating: 2 / 4 

Thrax Lair is like a bag of salted peanuts. The salt makes you keep on eating them. Are you full? Do they taste good? Is there something else you could be doing or eating? None of these matter. The salt drives you on. It makes you shovel them in come hell or high burp.

The game pits the mighty bird-like Tarp against the Thrax creatures, a kingdom of nasty insects - Worker,... [more]

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