Star Raiders II

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Comments (4)
Megadeth - 28/08/2021
Though I love the released SRII, I have to say this one is much better. Absolute masterpiece and it's a pity & shame it didn't get (really finished and) released back in the day.

Just a few more design / programming touches here and there and the final product would (possibly) surpass its predecessor.
rave.N - 07/05/2016
hidden controls, which, modify the controls:

shift_O - invert the flight stick
shift_J - use left handed joystick
shift_P - use a touch tablet
surly - 30/01/2016
Space Shuttle Challenger's final flight, NASA, 30 years ago yesterday.
rave.N - 30/01/2016
Star Raiders One on Atarimania: hits 42576, downloads 8500, votes 6022, comments 19. Star Raiders II seen before you: hits 360, downloads 75, votes 5, comments 1. I should be so lucky? Cat got yer tongue?

What we have here just showed up only a month ago. The 7 page PDF is here with it, but there's another PDF (link) from the author, would be a nice addition to this page:

This game doesn't need to be on disk, it is one file named AUTORUN.SYS on a DOS 2.0S 90KB disk. The file is 21791 bytes in length but its file structure is slightly a mess. Sadly, this here game is UNFINISHED.

I read that the US Library Of Congress now collects landmark computer games, and among their first 10 choices got to be Star Raiders (1979). Zork was another ...

Unlike the OTHER official Star Raiders II (1985) which had the name "(The) Last Starfighter" during development, this game SR2-1984 is a greatly enhanced copy of SR1-1979.

The new Galactic Chart (1984) says the Earth's Sol system contains 9 planets. Maybe it was a typo.


Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot
Star Raiders II atari screenshot


GenreSimulation - SpaceYear1984
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
ControlsJoystick, Touch TabletDeveloperAtari

Wilmunder, Aric

Graphic Artist(s)Medium Disk
Cover Artist(s)Serial
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