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Comments (7)
Oscar - 23/02/2020
I remember typing this one in from the magazine and being so impressed and excited when it first started working!
GadZombiE - 17/02/2019
I don't think it's a bucket in a hand. It's rather a hat in a hand.
Pete Davison - 14/02/2019
"eppy2000" below has solved a mystery that has been bugging me for decades now... what the hell are you controlling in this game? Now it's been pointed out to me, I finally, finally see it.
Scott Stilphen - 09/07/2018
From A.N.A.L.O.G. magazine issue 26.
eppy2000 - 04/10/2015
Another nice "inspired by" games from ANALOG, but with enough originality that was still charming in its own way.

Funny thing is, is that for the longest time (until the last two or so years!), I didn't see the "player" as a hand holding a bucket to catch the falling popcorn. I always saw it as a teen's head and a moptop hairdo, with a plate atop it! I know that wouldn't make much sense, but then again, I didn't have the accompanying magazine article to go with it. (I had downloaded this program from a local Atari BBS back in the day.)
Andreas Koch - 06/04/2015
Another candidate for paddle controls...
Punkydudester - 18/12/2014
I love this game. It got quite challenging. Pure simple fun.


Popcorn! atari screenshot
Popcorn! atari screenshot


LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherANALOG Computing

Sloatman, Mark / Sloatman, Cathy

Graphic Artist(s)Medium
Cover Artist(s)Serial
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