I'm always searching for simple games that you can just pick up and play for awhile, without having to commit yourself to some tedious storyline or twenty minutes of cut-scenes.
Someone once asked me if I know any 'small games' that they could just play whenever they have a few free minutes here and there. I wasn't sure what to recommend them.
I wish I had known about this game, because this is the epitome of great time-filler! The playability is fluid, smooth and speedy, the gameplay is engaging, and the difficulty level rises gradually.
Berzerk is still a little bit more involved, but this little gem of a game certainly holds its own in every department. The world needs more games like this, I could play this for a few minutes or a few hours easily.
I also like how you can actually be a little bit tactical by dodging bullets and using the walls to your advantage that way.
This is a perfect example of a game that's just FUN. Where did the direct fun disappear to from more modern games? When you couldn't really boast with hires graphics or rendered cutscenes or 3D game engines, games were actually imagination-provoking and great fun.
Finding games like these is one big reason why I am so happy I got a real Atari 800 XL. Sometimes there's just nothing like having a blast with the Atari and a game like this.
It's just fun to blast things, when the game is done right, and this game is. What a great stress-reliever and inspiring experience. I recommend this game to anyone that likes a little blasting every now and then.