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Comments (3)
Max Chatsworth - 31/01/2021
It was Christmas 1983. A brand new 800XL with a new Indus GT drive and 1702 monitor with crossover cables to replace our now aging and well worn 400. A couple of boxed programs/games, but also an large black disk carrying suitcase filled with games my father copied from a coworker who was really into all things Atari computing. Among the disks in this case, was a very anonymous looking Datalife or perhaps Verbatim disk with the lone enigmatic word... "Jumpman" written in ball point pen on it's label. With the sheer number of various disks my dad was able to copy from our friend, it was a week or two after Christmas before we finally got around to trying this disk. We thought perhaps it was another of the many "indy" or otherwise not well known games that turned out to be hit or miss. To say that Jumpman became the go to game for multiplayer with my brothers or when friends were over would be an understatement. The ease of learning with the infuriating escalating challenge was as close to perfect game design as you can come. Not to mention the speed of the bullets, jumps, and overall mechanics. Jumpman belongs in ANY gaming hall of fame, not jus Atari 8 bit.
Jim H. - 29/07/2011
I agree with Jim K. Jumpman is easily in my top 5 Atari 8 bit games of all time. Considering it has some of the most primitive looking graphics, the game is insanely fun and addictive, and bares repeat playing. It also has a real sense of humor in the way the Jumpman moves and dies! Minimal looks, maximum fun!
Jim Kuchera - 16/12/2006
Author Randy Glover is a genius. This game, amongst thousands for the Atari 8 bit, rises to the top '5' in my book. Incredibly addictive, and wonderful mazes to negotiate as you pick up your jewels. The move from maze to maze was challenging enough, but not so much so that you'd boot something else. Sound effects are stellar. And who knows how many levels there are??? When Jumpman takes a tumble, you'll feel his pain (ala Bill Clinton) all the way to the floor as he bounces off numerous 'thingies' on his way to loss of life. Then again, maybe he doesn't really die because he has stars over his head when he hits bottom indicating that he might simply be knocked unconscious! If you find this game anywhere, get it. Climb any ladder, jump any stream, follow any rainbow. Hmm, sounds like a theme from Sound of Music! Sorry. Great game, just great!


Jumpman atari screenshot
Jumpman atari screenshot
Jumpman atari screenshot
Jumpman atari screenshot
Jumpman atari screenshot
Jumpman atari screenshot


GenreArcade - Platformer (Single Screen)Year1983
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherEpyx
Players1, 2 (alt.), 2+, DemoCountryUSA

Glover, Randy

Graphic Artist(s)


MediumTape Disk


Cover Artist(s)[unknown]Serial584C
Dumpdownload atari Jumpman Download

Additional Comments

Exists in a very early form as Jumpman #1.

Missing original tape!


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