Figure Fun

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Comments (2)
Fred_M - 18/01/2019
Correction on my previous comment: "The NTSC version has THE11013N on the cover". I made a typo ;-)
Fred_M - 18/01/2019
The cover in this entry is the cover of the PAL version (THE11013P). The NTSC version has THE11015N on the cover. The picture of the tape is the NTSC version. I have the PAL version of this tape. My tape states THE11013P above the Thorn EMI logo.


Figure Fun atari screenshot
Figure Fun atari screenshot
Figure Fun atari screenshot
Figure Fun atari screenshot


GenreEducation - MathematicsYear1982
LanguageBASICPublisherThorn EMI (UK)
ControlsJoystick, KeyboardDeveloper
Players1, 1 vs. 2CountryUnited Kingdom

French, A.

Graphic Artist(s)MediumTape
Cover Artist(s)SerialTHE11013P
Dumpdownload atari Figure Fun Download

Additional Comments

Other version with the same title:

Thorn EMI (USA).

NTSC only! Is there a UK version of this combo?


Figure Fun Atari tape scan Figure Fun Atari tape scan Figure Fun Atari tape scan Figure Fun Atari tape scan


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First of all, the tapes won't boot if you don't have BASIC (revision A) either as a real cartridge in your Atari or attached as an image in your emulator. You can get the ROM here.

Make sure:
- you are in NTSC mode
- you have BASIC (revision A)
- you have disabled BASIC on Atari800Win PLus
- you are using OS-B (the games won't work with OS-A or the XL/XE OS).

If you have followed these steps, the drag-and-drop method or double-click will work fine with Atari800Win PLus. If you are using a real Atari with APE, power on the computer while pressing START. In both cases, press RETURN once you hear the "beep".



Figure Fun Atari catalog
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