Well, the uploaded version of Desert Quest has (had ?) several bugs, here is how to remove/solve them:
1) the end of line 891 contains the statement ";GOTO1552" or something similar - change into ":GOTO 1552"
2) several program lines refer to line 8000 (with GOSUB 8000 or GOTO 8000), alas this line is missing. Simply adding "8000 REM" will do the job.
3) line 3596 contains garbage only - list a part of the program and after the READY prompt type 3596 (followed by RETURN) to erase this garbage line...
4) line 9007 contains six or seven lines of garbage, the procedure mentioned in 3) does not work here (no clue why). So list the program to disk without this line, which is quite easy, since it is the last program line. Type: LIST"D:DESERT.LST",0,9000 and when done type NEW. Then enter the program again with ENTER"D:DESERT.LST" which should now be a bug-free (or less buggy) version...
Maybe they guys at Atarimania can do this job and upload a newer version with the mentioned bugs removed... (and if so, they can also remove this comment, since it is obsolete then)... |