This program is obviously meant to teach children that computers are obtuse and confusing to use. It's a sort of word processor that uses totally unintuitive key combinations to do things like -- errr -- flip the letters upside down.
The four lines at the bottom of the screen show you the commands that any 3-year-old can master (eg. "OPTION+SELECT: MOVE RIGHT"). Press ESC to view other commands and switch to a mode where the keys display "Custom characters" (cars, pieces of faces, etc.). Press CTRL+ESC to hide the menu, because you know you want to!
The best part is the music that plays the entire time. Maybe my emulator isn't reproducing it properly, but to me it sounds like the humming of a deranged and obsessive junkie cricket.
The advertisement says you can save and load screens, but I can't figure out how. Unsurprisingly, the APX catalog lists the category for this program as "unknown." |