Electronic Fun · September, 1983 | Rating: 3,5 / 4 |
The characters in this text adventure game are very demanding and remarkably helpless. They all want something and it's as if you are there solely to serve them. You're the one elected to locate and schlep back the things they need. And it isn't as if you can simply drive to your local 7-11 and pick up something as simple as a Super Slurpee or a frozen enchilada. These guys want things that not... [more]
The Book of Atari Software · 1984 | Rating: B |
The Blade o f Blackpoole is a Hi-Res adventure set in the rivers, lakes, and countryside of a non-specific, medieval magical fantasyland. The object is to find the Sword of Myraglym and return it to its rightful place. Standing between you and success are talking plants and idols, several riddles, a booze-happy monster, a tough-hided lizard, and a variety of ways for you to come to a premature... [more]