the game rules are these:
1) counting: numbers = number points; J,Q,K = 10 points each; A = 1 or 11 points
2) at first type in your bet, from 1 to the max. amount of money you have (no currency is set, it might be dollars, pounds or something else)...
3) type in "H" to get more cards until you have enough or go bust...
4) type in "S" when you have enough cards, for the dealer to take cards and show what he has...
Regardless if you win or lose, you can always repeat these processes, until you lose motivation or run out of money...
Needless to say, the one who has 21 points or the nearest number to it wins the game, the one who has more than 21 points will go bust... (think here in Germany we have a different counting, J=2 points, Q=3 points, K=4 points or I simply played it in such a way as a child). -Andreas Koch