scott stilphen - 03/10/2023 |
Either this is a prototype, or someone hacked the prototype of Night Rally to look like Baja Buggies. |
Atari A to Z (Pete Davison) - 16/07/2022 |
This unusual little racer eschews the usual timers-and-checkpoints structure in favour of an endurance race against 80 opponents. Can you make it to the frontrunners before they cross the line? And when you've done that, can you get away without another initial-entering mishap?! Let's Play! |
Thomas Cherryhomes - 08/02/2021 |
This game is simply not possible to traverse past 9th place and get on the scoreboard... I'm suspicious... |
@Raven... You sound like me.. I used to add reset vectors to a lot of binaries that were not reset proof all the time.. LOL |
As long as we're missing the original software scans, this file version here now 14336 bytes was tampered with by somebody in the past. They mainly removed a title screen saying BAJA BUGGIES in red, (C) 1982 in black, and GAMESTAR INC blue. This screen data is still in the file, screen display instruction was removed. He/she also changed the start pointer to open on the high score list, mimicking the cassette version, but I probably wouldn't bother writing this comment if he/she hadn't also destroyed the Reset Vector when editing. This file crashes on reset but a good cracked version Resets ok.
So there you have it, another peeve concerning A8 software - crashing when pressing Reset button. Many "cracked" versions of any title neglect emulating behavior of original commercial releases. I find it easy to add Reset trapping onto files that lack it. It can't be done if the original author didn't design reset handling, but if the vector got lost in the crack process, it's a cinch to correct. My file versions of Adept Archon II and Nadral were missing Reset handling, and I fixed them both up. |
File version here at 14336 bytes in length, has a corruption. The final 243 bytes are appended garbage that should be removed, resulting in a 14093 byte file. SEE Lebeau's "Gauntlet" having the black sky and pink - purple terrain, for more details.
One of my favorite racing games back then! |
| - 19/07/2010 |
A bit easy on Amateur but a good challenge on Pro... overtake by hanging over the edge of the track... not as much fun as Pole Position but that was always too easy as you could stay in the middle of the track! |
This simple little racing game is very straight forward, and much fun to play. The graphics are block graphics, and the little red dashes indicating roadway are really primitive. But this is the kind of game little tykes love to play with one another. And play they will! This is a hard one to drop. I like it certainly as much as Pole Position. It's the same premise. |