Ace of Aces

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Comments (5)
Sut1978 - 29/12/2021
Initially slow and unappealing but stick with it and fun can be had. Not a masterpiece by any stretch but a decent time waster. Not sure an ideal console type release for the XEGS.
AbbotKinneyDude - 13/12/2020
It's a great game to play in its cartridge version and, to a lesser extent, in its disk version. However, I would avoid the tape version for obvious reasons (slow multi-load, need to load the whole program again when game over). BTW- The XEGS version only has 1 title screen out of 2 versus the disk version.
ChrisTOS - 25/01/2018
I had it on tape too. Still it was not that bad. I spent the time waiting for it to load doing my homework. I was pretty good at cutting corners when doing homework as well so I was done at the 34-40mins it took to load.
Thinking back, most games that took 5mins to load (or around 100 at the tape deck meter) were crap. I was always disappointed to see a game load so fast..
Auntie Pastie - 29/09/2008
Alex; let me guess... you had the tape version- I had that too! It was a *horribly* slow multiload made all the worse by the Atari's painfully slow tape drives.

I'm guessing that this was originally written and intended as a disk-based game, since it was developed by an American company (AFAIK the U.S. market was mainly disk-based by the mid-late 80s). I'd also guess that the tape version was an afterthought, possibly only commissioned by U.S. Gold for the UK release.

Here's the annoying thing- although quite a lot of UK Atari owners had disk drives (because the Dixons chain sold 800XL/1050 bundles at a very low price in the mid-1980s), the UK 8-bit market as a whole was still fairly tape-driven. The "Budget" computer games market (originals and cut-price reissues of full-price games) in particular was built around cassettes, and they were almost never available on disk. So even us disk-owning Atari users ended up with lots of stuff on tape and suffering slow loading and "Load Error" messages. That's why I had this game on tape. Aaaaaargh! Wish I'd known how good "Transdisk" was much sooner.
Alex - 23/11/2006
Ha ha ha, damn i remember this, the first thin was it took an eternity to load, and when the game started i was in some sort of cockpit before being shot down by something ( less than 1 minute into playing)and then it said something bout loading the game over...
Absolute long thing


Ace of Aces atari screenshot
Ace of Aces atari screenshot
Ace of Aces atari screenshot
Ace of Aces atari screenshot
Ace of Aces atari screenshot
Ace of Aces atari screenshot
Ace of Aces atari screenshot
Ace of Aces atari screenshot
Ace of Aces atari screenshot
Ace of Aces atari screenshot


GenreSimulation - AirYear1987
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherUS Gold
ControlsJoystick, KeyboardDeveloperDistinctive Software
Players1CountryUnited Kingdom

Wong, Amory / Pickell, Kevin P.

Graphic Artist(s)

Wong, Amory / Lee, Tony

MediumTape Disk


Cover Artist(s)[unknown]Serial-
Dumpdownload atari Ace of Aces Download

Additional Comments

Other versions with the same title:

Accolade, Atari, Kixx.

Missing original disk image!


Ace of Aces Atari disk scan Ace of Aces Atari disk scan


Ace of Aces Atari tape scan Ace of Aces Atari tape scan


Ace of Aces Atari instructions
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