Super Breakout

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Comments (1)
zoran zemljište - 17/10/2024
Funny brick breaking game, the broken bricks make different sounds.

Screenshots - Super Breakout

Super Breakout atari screenshot
Super Breakout atari screenshot
Super Breakout atari screenshot
Super Breakout atari screenshot

Information - Super Breakout

GenreArcade - Breakout / Pong / CircusYear1978
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryUSA

Turner, Nick / Shaw, Carol

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Super Breakout Download    Play it!SerialCX2608

Additional Comments - Super Breakout

Other versions with the same title:

2001 - Uma Odisséia em Vídeo
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari (2800)
Atari (Black)
Canal 3 / Intellivision (Tape)
Dynacom Brazil
Dynacom Brazil (Illustrated)
Play Video
Sears (Text)
Star Game
Video Computer System Game Program
Video Game Program
Vídeo Jogo / Video Mania
Video Tiger

Other versions with a different title:
Bionic Breakthrough
Brekout II
Super Brekaut
Super Escape

Two versions of this game exist. In the the original version a routine that handled the additional on-screen balls in game 3 - 6 was missing a comparison and branch. This was included in the second version.

In the Progressive variations, when a brick progresses to the last row at the bottom center of the screen, it will stay there for a specified amount of time and then disappear. If you hit it in the center before it disappears, you may receive a special bonus of 50-150 points.

Cartridge - Super Breakout

Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan

Instructions - Super Breakout

Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions Super Breakout Atari instructions

Instructions - Super Breakout

Ads - Super Breakout

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Videos - Super Breakout


Dealer Displays - Super Breakout

Super Breakout Atari Dealer Displays Super Breakout Atari Dealer Displays

Other - Super Breakout

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Records - Super Breakout

Super Breakout Atari Records
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