Super Breakout

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Screenshots - Super Breakout

Super Breakout atari screenshot
Super Breakout atari screenshot
Super Breakout atari screenshot
Super Breakout atari screenshot

Information - Super Breakout

GenreArcade - Breakout / Pong / CircusYear1978
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryUSA

Turner, Nick / Shaw, Carol

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Super Breakout Download    Play it!Serial49-75165

Additional Comments - Super Breakout

Other versions with the same title:

2001 - Uma Odisséia em Vídeo
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari (2800)
Canal 3 / Intellivision (Tape)
Dynacom Brazil
Dynacom Brazil (Illustrated)
Play Video
Star Game
Video Computer System Game Program
Video Game Program
Vídeo Jogo / Video Mania
Video Tiger

Other versions with a different title:
Bionic Breakthrough
Brekout II
Super Brekaut
Super Escape

In the Progressive variations, when a brick progresses to the last row at the bottom center of the screen, it will stay there for a specified amount of time and then disappear. If you hit it in the center before it disappears, you may receive a special bonus of 50-150 points.

Cartridge - Super Breakout

Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan Super Breakout Atari cartridge scan

Catalogs - Super Breakout

Super Breakout Atari catalog Super Breakout Atari catalog
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