Racing Car

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Comments (3)
nicodemusflt - 13/12/2023
Just got the white label one, was thinking the game doesn't work (tried it on the Atari7800), swapped joystick ports, works ! One of the few games, that need the joystick in Port 2 .
duder - 13/12/2017
It doesn't seem to play like it's supposed to. Other than that, a really good game I say. Homevision sure is lucky for this.
glitchfinder - 23/01/2013
This game doesn't scroll properly. Probably G stands for Games and RJP are a programmer's initials.

Screenshots - Racing Car

Racing Car atari screenshot
Racing Car atari screenshot
Racing Car atari screenshot
Racing Car atari screenshot
Racing Car atari screenshot
Racing Car atari screenshot
Racing Car atari screenshot
Racing Car atari screenshot

Information - Racing Car

GenreRacing - OverheadYear1983
ControlsJoystickPublisherHome Vision / Gem International Corporation
Programmer(s)Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Racing Car Download    Play it!SerialVCS 83124

Additional Comments - Racing Car

Other versions with a different title:
Car Racing
Free Way
Grand Prize
Hell Driver

It's still not known where the initials R.J.P.G. stand for.

The white cartridge version of Racing Car is extremely rare.

Cartridge - Racing Car

Racing Car Atari cartridge scan Racing Car Atari cartridge scan Racing Car Atari cartridge scan Racing Car Atari cartridge scan Racing Car Atari cartridge scan

Ads - Racing Car

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