Bump 'n' Jump

Hits: 6,846
Downloads: 1,706
My Atarimania
Comments (1)
Jeff Ratcliff - 27/05/2009
Although I'm given credit on the box for being a programmer for this game, it's really not true. Dave asked me to do a little code space reduction, but my solution wasn't very good (I didn't know much about compression at that time) so he had to rewrite it. I think this task was an excuse for putting my name on the box to make up for Locomotion's demise. Dave is a great and generous guy to share credit with me when I did so little.

Screenshots - Bump 'n' Jump

Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot
Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot
Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot
Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot
Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot
Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot
Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot
Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot
Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot
Bump 'n' Jump atari screenshot

Information - Bump 'n' Jump

GenreRacing - OverheadYear

Akers, David / Ratcliff, Jeff

Medium Cartridge
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Cartridge - Bump 'n' Jump

Bump 'n' Jump Atari cartridge scan Bump 'n' Jump Atari cartridge scan Bump 'n' Jump Atari cartridge scan Bump 'n' Jump Atari cartridge scan

Instructions - Bump 'n' Jump

Bump 'n' Jump Atari instructions

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