Jeff Ratcliff - 27/05/2009 |
Although I'm given credit on the box for being a programmer for this game, it's really not true. Dave asked me to do a little code space reduction, but my solution wasn't very good (I didn't know much about compression at that time) so he had to rewrite it. I think this task was an excuse for putting my name on the box to make up for Locomotion's demise. Dave is a great and generous guy to share credit with me when I did so little. |
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Other versions with the same title:
Other versions with a different title: Bump n' Jump, Bump'n Jump.
A list of credits are hidden in the ROM: Copyright 1983 Mattel Dave Akers Jeff Ratcliff Pat Dulong
Complete a course without destroying any enemy cars and get 50,000 points and an extra car.
Press Select after a game to continue from the last point reached.
The game box lists the credits on the back - a concession made to the programmers in 1983. Masters of the Universe - The Power of He-Man is the only other M Network VCS game to list credits on the package. |
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