Topaz Gemulator

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Screenshots - Topaz Gemulator

Topaz Gemulator atari screenshot
Topaz Gemulator atari screenshot

Information - Topaz Gemulator

GenrePatch / DriverYear1990
Language[unknown]PublisherElmtech Research
DeveloperSpirit SoftwareDistributor-
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftware


LicenseGame Demo or Preview - Commercial
SerialST TypeST / 1MB
ResolutionHighNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable
Dumpdownload atari Topaz Gemulator Download / PastiMIDI

Instructions - Topaz Gemulator

Topaz - The ParSec GEM Emulator (Alpha test V0.30)
The Topaz GEMulator is a utility program that allows Atari ST GEM based 
programs to operate on the ParSec Graphics board. The advantages of
this are threefold:

1. Colour - All GEM programs can be displayed in full colour, providing 
the program allows for up to 16 colours. Many GEM programs, although
intended to operate in the ST high resolution monochrome format, will
display more than two colours. Basically Topaz will handle whatever
colours the program dictates.

2. High Resolution - Although this version of Topaz operates to a
resolution of 800x600 pixels, this is merely due to insufficient memory
on the Parsec 4768 board, but alterations to the program could increase
this resolution further. Basically, a ParSec screen at 800x600 requires
300kB of memory (4 bit plane colour) as opposed to 32kB of the Atari ST
(1 bit plane, 640x400). Memory is also needed for buffering purposes.
Using the 8768 Upgrade to the ParSec 4768 will support GEM programs to
the full 1024x768 resolution capability of the ParSec.

Note: One implementation that may be included, is the facility to
display a 768x1024 display on a conventional monitor. Although this
would mean turning the monitor through 90 degrees, this would allow for
'portrait' type screens, rather than 'landscape'
- useful for DTP and other applications.

3. Speed - With some of the GEM drawing operations, there is a vast
improvement to the speed of operation, with others there is either no
difference or a slight slowing down. This will be improved upon with the
fine tuning of the finished program and (assuming tests are successful)
with the addition of a SCSI (ParSec) to DMA (Atari) lead. By using this
additional method of interfacing, data could be transferred at up to
1.2MB/sec (the limitation of the DMA port).

Note 1: This Alpha version of Topaz has not been fully tried and tested.
Running certain programs can cause strange results, which may not be
retrievable. Consequently, this version must be treated purely for
demonstration and testing purposes.

Note 2: This program may be distributed as 'public domain' provided that
the READ_ME.1ST file (this document) is included and a printed
explanation concerning the status of the program (i.e. being an Alpha
test version). Alternatively, this document may be copied and distributed
with the disk.

Note 3: Different monitors will cause different results with the ParSec
in terms of video settings. This is purely a function of the routines
used in programs to set screen resolution, but does not detract from the
operation of the program in use. This would normally produce a result of
either the displayed area

a) being narrower than usual, or

b) being the correct width, but aligned to the left or right. Adjustment
of the monitor may be required in extreme cases.

Note 4: This boot version of the Topaz GEMulator has been written with
the assumption that a SM124/125 Atari monitor is in use. Although the
program operates with a colour monitor installed, certain font sizes are
reduced in size. This is particularly obvious on the GEM drop-down menu


Mode switch - Frame

Resolution switch - XHigh


Switch on ParSec, insert disk into Drive A, and switch on the Atari ST.
The Topaz GEMulator will automatically boot up to the ParSec screen, with
GDOS V1.1 installed.

Note: At present the ST utility programs GPlus+ and Neo Desk will not
operate with Topaz.

Once the ParSec screen goes white, the arrow icon will show in the top
left corner of the screen. Moving the mouse away from this position will
allow the GEM desktop to be drawn. Windows can now be manipulated as
normal to the full 800x600 screen.

Note: Due to an implementation of GEM, if space allows two columns of
text icons are visible in the directory window at this resolution.
If the window is reduced to only allow for a single column of icons,
then clicking on the bottom scroll bar will access the other 'half' of
the directory.


The following files will need to be transferred to your boot directory.

Place in AUTO folder (files MUST be transferred in this order AND

     - 1. PAR_RES.PRG

     - 2. GEMLOAD.PRG

     - 3. GDOS_V11.PRG

Place in root directory:

     - GEMSYS (folder) »



     - GEMSYS.LD


» To use any GDOS fonts with Topaz, place them in the GEMSYS folder and
  make the necessary alterations to the ASSIGN.SYS file.

Ý Moving the GEMSYS folder to the root directory, will mean altering the
  path name on the ASSIGN.SYS file. i.e. alter: PATH=A:\GEMSYS to
  PATH=[dir]:\GEMSYS - where [dir] is the boot directory.


Windows and icons can now be moved to any position on the new 800x600
display and saved as a DESKTOP.INF file to disk.

When reverting back to the Atari screen, 'Disk' and 'Trash' icons will
still, even if the icons are moved beyond the 'boundary' of a normal
640x400 Atari screen and saved as a DESKTOP.INF file.

Moving any part of a GEM Window beyond the normal 640x400 boundary, will
result in any part of the window outside of the 'boundary' being off-
screen, when reverting back to the the normal ST monitor. i.e. make sure
SOME part of the window(s) would still show inside the boundary.

A list of programs using GEM windowing, are listed later in this document
with appropriate comments, as to their compatibility with Topaz.

Most desk accessories will work successfully with Topaz, with very few


AUTO folder containing:




GEMSYS folder containing:




     - 800x600 resolution (XHigh Screen mode)

     - Enabled for any of Atari system devices

     - Uses frame load mode


     - 640x480 resolution (High Screen mode)

     - Will only operate alongside Atari screen as device 5-9

     - Uses line load mode

     - add the line

     05 PAR_DEV5.SYS

     to your ASSIGN.SYS file and place the GEMSYS1.OUT driver in the path

TEST folder (ParSec configured to replace Atari screen)

1. COLTEST.PRG- On startup displays coloured boxes

     - Press key : r/h box cycles through colours

     - Press key : r/h box returns to default

     - Press key : colour pallette rotates slowly

     - Press key : EXIT

2. EGVDI.PRG- Standard VDI demo

     -  Press l/h mouse button to exit

3. TSTBLIT.PRG- Use mouse to select and move a block

     - Key  changes writing mode

     -  to exit

4. EGAES.PRG- Standard window blit and fill demo

     - Close window to exit

PAR_DEV5.TST folder (ParSec configured as device 5)

These are basic test programs. Run using Atari monochrome monitor after
loading either version of GEMSYS.OUT into the ParSec. Instructions are
displayed on the Atari screen.

COLDBOOT.PRG- As the name states - will re-boot the Atari.


1. Colours not read correctly.

Status: Not yet investigated. Low priority.

2. Mouse pointer not redefinable.

Status: Not yet investigated. Medium priority.

3. Font handling is disabled.

Status: Code is written and tested but cannot be incorporated until
dynamic memory handling function corrected. This is an on-going problem
due to the lack of dynamic memory (on the ParSec) to be handled.

4. Escape functions not implemented.

Status: Not yet written. Low priority.

5. VRO_CPYF function is disabled, except for AES transfers which are
performed internally. (800x600 only) Screen to screen blits are OK unless
the application is using the screen address instead of the virtual device
address (0).

Status: Most programs tested do not reserve the required amount of memory
for the screen area to blit to/from. This tends to result in a crash of
the Atari and/or ParSec. The few programs that do allocate the correct
memory then bomb out due to lack of memory! The function is therefore
disabled to allow testing of other functions to be performed using
popular applications. Where possible the ParSec tries to handle the blit.
Success rate is surprisingly good.

6. XBIOS patches are disabled. (get/set screen, logbase, getrez). If the
ParSec is booted without a high resolution monitor connected, the AES
appears to be confused about what size text to set. This results in
reduced text being displayed, but does not affect overall performance.
Re-enabling the XBIOS patches will overcome this problem, however,
because of the state of testing, it is much easier to see what is
happening without the patches.

Status: Similar problem to 5. Regardless of the values/settings returned,
no allowance appears to have been made for a device that runs at 800x600
in 4 bit planes. The result is strange font sizes, resources etc.
Currently works best if a high-rez monitor connected.

7. User defined fill appears reversed.

Status: Minor problem. Low priority.

8. The right mouse button is not handled correctly? Some programs accept
the current implementation and some do not.

Status: Under investigation. Medium priority.

9. Thick lines (v_pline) do not draw the line ends correctly, and no
arrow heads, rounding of line ends etc. are available.

Status: Not yet investigated.

10. There appears to be some problem with video timing. On some
ParSec/monitor configurations, this causes the lines on which the mouse
is displayed to be 'highlighted'

Status: We are currently treating this as an 'undocumented feature',
although alteration to the timing would overcome this 'effect'.

11. The BIOS screen output functions are not disabled/handled. Any use
of these functions result in the text being displayed on the Atari screen.
This includes the desktop SHOW routine.


1st Word

Works well apart from the inability to display more than 30 lines of text
on the GEM window, will tend to repeat additional lines before or after
the main body of text, when scroll bars are used. Image (.IMG) files are
not displayed correctly.

Superbase Personal - K-Spread/Graph

Appear to run 100% correctly, including importation of .IMG files
(Superbase). K-Spread can show 28 lines x 10 coloumns at default settings.
K-Graph will display 4 colours.

Calamus - Outline Art - Didot - CAD 3D2 - DynaCADD - Degas Elite

After initial boot-up, look perfectly normal, with all menus correctly
drawn and positioned. However, with most drawing operations performed
with Direct Screen Writes or A-Line calls, this will produce the result
of writing to the Atari monitor. DynaCADD will eventually become 100%
ParSec compatible.

Easy Draw 2 - Fleet St Publisher V2.0 - Pagestream V1.8

Virtually compatible, with the exception of the few (but not important)
Direct Screen Writes/A-Line calls, these programs work very well.
Easy Draw will require the inclusion of GDOS fonts to the GEMSYS folder,
and the relevant alterations to the ASSIGN.SYS file, although only the
default font is available. The right mouse button used with Easy Draw 
to display the menu selection, is disabled (see problem 8). 16 colours
are available. The text update to the screen in Fleet St. V2.0 is
abysmally slow, all fonts appear correctly apart from the Bold option.
The line styles and widths show correctly in Pagestream, but not the line
ends. Colour can be used, but do not conform to the menu selection and do
not appear to be alterable. Some of these programs do not clear the
remains of any dialogue boxes that exceed the 640x400 boundary
- updating the screen cures this. Note: Fleet St Publisher V3.0 may
improve the speed of screen update.

GFA Draft - Quantum Paint - Spectrum 512 - Will NOT work

Hawk Scan - Campas CAD/Draft - Touch Up - Arabesque - to be evaluated.

Hyperdraw - Cyber range of programs

Tend to be used exclusively in Atari low resolution mode. Consequently,
an error message will appear stating 'this program will only work in
lo-res'. It is quite possible that these, and several other programs
using low resolution, will operate on Topaz. Routines are being designed
to force such programs to operate on the ParSec screen, irrespective of
the resolution normally used.

Timeworks DTP

Yet to be fully evaluated, but being that strange beast - A TRUE GEM
PROGRAM, will be expected to run faultlessly.

Music Publisher DTP

Problems with fonts, R/H mouse button and certain
line draws. Music Publisher will eventually be 100% compatible with the

Steinberg Pro-24/12 - Auto Route

Apart from the occasional Direct Screen Writes/A-Line call, work
successfully. As these programs do not use GEM windowing, the display on
the ParSec screen will still be 640x400. Steinberg does not clear dialogue
boxes from the screen. Various other music sequencer and editing packages
will also be evaluated.


Appears to be 100% compatible, apart from the inability to draw ellipses!
As object-orientated drawing packages, the way around this minor problem
is to draw a circle, select the object and stretch or contract to the
desired shape.

Note: It cannot be expected for every single GEM based program to run in
conjunction with Topaz, however, if there are any programs you have tried
which give encouraging results, and are not listed above, we would be
very interested to hear from you and, in particular, any GEM programs you
would like to see operating on the ParSec at (eventually) 1024x768
resolution with 16 colours available.

The Topaz GEMulator is ½ Spirit Software, Munich, West Germany.

Any comments to:    Elmtech Research Ltd
                    6 Witherford Way
                    Selly Oak
                    Birmingham B29 4AX.
Topaz - The ParSec GEM Emulator (Alpha test V0.30)


The Topaz GEMulator is a utility program that allows Atari ST GEM based 
programs to operate on the ParSec Graphics board. The advantages of
this are threefold:

1. Colour - All GEM programs can be displayed in full colour, providing 
the program allows for up to 16 colours. Many GEM programs, although
intended to operate in the ST high resolution monochrome format, will
display more than two colours. Basically Topaz will handle whatever
colours the program dictates.

2. High Resolution - Although this version of Topaz operates to a
resolution of 800x600 pixels, this is merely due to insufficient memory
on the Parsec 4768 board, but alterations to the program could increase
this resolution further. Basically, a ParSec screen at 800x600 requires
300kB of memory (4 bit plane colour) as opposed to 32kB of the Atari ST
(1 bit plane, 640x400). Memory is also needed for buffering purposes.
Using the 8768 Upgrade to the ParSec 4768 will support GEM programs to
the full 1024x768 resolution capability of the ParSec.

Note: One implementation that may be included, is the facility to
display a 768x1024 display on a conventional monitor. Although this
would mean turning the monitor through 90 degrees, this would allow for
'portrait' type screens, rather than 'landscape'
- useful for DTP and other applications.

3. Speed - With some of the GEM drawing operations, there is a vast
improvement to the speed of operation, with others there is either no
difference or a slight slowing down. This will be improved upon with the
fine tuning of the finished program and (assuming tests are successful)
with the addition of a SCSI (ParSec) to DMA (Atari) lead. By using this
additional method of interfacing, data could be transferred at up to
1.2MB/sec (the limitation of the DMA port).

Note 1: This Alpha version of Topaz has not been fully tried and tested.
Running certain programs can cause strange results, which may not be
retrievable. Consequently, this version must be treated purely for
demonstration and testing purposes.

Note 2: This program may be distributed as 'public domain' provided that
the READ_ME.1ST file (this document) is included and a printed
explanation concerning the status of the program (i.e. being an Alpha
test version). Alternatively, this document may be copied and distributed
with the disk.

Note 3: Different monitors will cause different results with the ParSec
in terms of video settings. This is purely a function of the routines
used in programs to set screen resolution, but does not detract from the
operation of the program in use. This would normally produce a result of
either the displayed area

a) being narrower than usual, or

b) being the correct width, but aligned to the left or right. Adjustment
of the monitor may be required in extreme cases.

Note 4: This boot version of the Topaz GEMulator has been written with
the assumption that a SM124/125 Atari monitor is in use. Although the
program operates with a colour monitor installed, certain font sizes are
reduced in size. This is particularly obvious on the GEM drop-down menu


Mode switch - Frame

Resolution switch - XHigh


Switch on ParSec, insert disk into Drive A, and switch on the Atari ST.
The Topaz GEMulator will automatically boot up to the ParSec screen, with
GDOS V1.1 installed.

Note: At present the ST utility programs GPlus+ and Neo Desk will not
operate with Topaz.

Once the ParSec screen goes white, the arrow icon will show in the top
left corner of the screen. Moving the mouse away from this position will
allow the GEM desktop to be drawn. Windows can now be manipulated as
normal to the full 800x600 screen.

Note: Due to an implementation of GEM, if space allows two columns of
text icons are visible in the directory window at this resolution.
If the window is reduced to only allow for a single column of icons,
then clicking on the bottom scroll bar will access the other 'half' of
the directory.


The following files will need to be transferred to your boot directory.

Place in AUTO folder (files MUST be transferred in this order AND

     - 1. PAR_RES.PRG

     - 2. GEMLOAD.PRG

     - 3. GDOS_V11.PRG

Place in root directory:

     - GEMSYS (folder) »



     - GEMSYS.LD


» To use any GDOS fonts with Topaz, place them in the GEMSYS folder and
  make the necessary alterations to the ASSIGN.SYS file.

Ý Moving the GEMSYS folder to the root directory, will mean altering the
  path name on the ASSIGN.SYS file. i.e. alter: PATH=A:\GEMSYS to
  PATH=[dir]:\GEMSYS - where [dir] is the boot directory.


Windows and icons can now be moved to any position on the new 800x600
display and saved as a DESKTOP.INF file to disk.

When reverting back to the Atari screen, 'Disk' and 'Trash' icons will
still, even if the icons are moved beyond the 'boundary' of a normal
640x400 Atari screen and saved as a DESKTOP.INF file.

Moving any part of a GEM Window beyond the normal 640x400 boundary, will
result in any part of the window outside of the 'boundary' being off-
screen, when reverting back to the the normal ST monitor. i.e. make sure
SOME part of the window(s) would still show inside the boundary.

A list of programs using GEM windowing, are listed later in this document
with appropriate comments, as to their compatibility with Topaz.

Most desk accessories will work successfully with Topaz, with very few


AUTO folder containing:




GEMSYS folder containing:




     - 800x600 resolution (XHigh Screen mode)

     - Enabled for any of Atari system devices

     - Uses frame load mode


     - 640x480 resolution (High Screen mode)

     - Will only operate alongside Atari screen as device 5-9

     - Uses line load mode

     - add the line

     05 PAR_DEV5.SYS

     to your ASSIGN.SYS file and place the GEMSYS1.OUT driver in the path

TEST folder (ParSec configured to replace Atari screen)

1. COLTEST.PRG- On startup displays coloured boxes

     - Press key : r/h box cycles through colours

     - Press key : r/h box returns to default

     - Press key : colour pallette rotates slowly

     - Press key : EXIT

2. EGVDI.PRG- Standard VDI demo

     -  Press l/h mouse button to exit

3. TSTBLIT.PRG- Use mouse to select and move a block

     - Key  changes writing mode

     -  to exit

4. EGAES.PRG- Standard window blit and fill demo

     - Close window to exit

PAR_DEV5.TST folder (ParSec configured as device 5)

These are basic test programs. Run using Atari monochrome monitor after
loading either version of GEMSYS.OUT into the ParSec. Instructions are
displayed on the Atari screen.

COLDBOOT.PRG- As the name states - will re-boot the Atari.


1. Colours not read correctly.

Status: Not yet investigated. Low priority.

2. Mouse pointer not redefinable.

Status: Not yet investigated. Medium priority.

3. Font handling is disabled.

Status: Code is written and tested but cannot be incorporated until
dynamic memory handling function corrected. This is an on-going problem
due to the lack of dynamic memory (on the ParSec) to be handled.

4. Escape functions not implemented.

Status: Not yet written. Low priority.

5. VRO_CPYF function is disabled, except for AES transfers which are
performed internally. (800x600 only) Screen to screen blits are OK unless
the application is using the screen address instead of the virtual device
address (0).

Status: Most programs tested do not reserve the required amount of memory
for the screen area to blit to/from. This tends to result in a crash of
the Atari and/or ParSec. The few programs that do allocate the correct
memory then bomb out due to lack of memory! The function is therefore
disabled to allow testing of other functions to be performed using
popular applications. Where possible the ParSec tries to handle the blit.
Success rate is surprisingly good.

6. XBIOS patches are disabled. (get/set screen, logbase, getrez). If the
ParSec is booted without a high resolution monitor connected, the AES
appears to be confused about what size text to set. This results in
reduced text being displayed, but does not affect overall performance.
Re-enabling the XBIOS patches will overcome this problem, however,
because of the state of testing, it is much easier to see what is
happening without the patches.

Status: Similar problem to 5. Regardless of the values/settings returned,
no allowance appears to have been made for a device that runs at 800x600
in 4 bit planes. The result is strange font sizes, resources etc.
Currently works best if a high-rez monitor connected.

7. User defined fill appears reversed.

Status: Minor problem. Low priority.

8. The right mouse button is not handled correctly? Some programs accept
the current implementation and some do not.

Status: Under investigation. Medium priority.

9. Thick lines (v_pline) do not draw the line ends correctly, and no
arrow heads, rounding of line ends etc. are available.

Status: Not yet investigated.

10. There appears to be some problem with video timing. On some
ParSec/monitor configurations, this causes the lines on which the mouse
is displayed to be 'highlighted'

Status: We are currently treating this as an 'undocumented feature',
although alteration to the timing would overcome this 'effect'.

11. The BIOS screen output functions are not disabled/handled. Any use
of these functions result in the text being displayed on the Atari screen.
This includes the desktop SHOW routine.


1st Word

Works well apart from the inability to display more than 30 lines of text
on the GEM window, will tend to repeat additional lines before or after
the main body of text, when scroll bars are used. Image (.IMG) files are
not displayed correctly.

Superbase Personal - K-Spread/Graph

Appear to run 100% correctly, including importation of .IMG files
(Superbase). K-Spread can show 28 lines x 10 coloumns at default settings.
K-Graph will display 4 colours.

Calamus - Outline Art - Didot - CAD 3D2 - DynaCADD - Degas Elite

After initial boot-up, look perfectly normal, with all menus correctly
drawn and positioned. However, with most drawing operations performed
with Direct Screen Writes or A-Line calls, this will produce the result
of writing to the Atari monitor. DynaCADD will eventually become 100%
ParSec compatible.

Easy Draw 2 - Fleet St Publisher V2.0 - Pagestream V1.8

Virtually compatible, with the exception of the few (but not important)
Direct Screen Writes/A-Line calls, these programs work very well.
Easy Draw will require the inclusion of GDOS fonts to the GEMSYS folder,
and the relevant alterations to the ASSIGN.SYS file, although only the
default font is available. The right mouse button used with Easy Draw 
to display the menu selection, is disabled (see problem 8). 16 colours
are available. The text update to the screen in Fleet St. V2.0 is
abysmally slow, all fonts appear correctly apart from the Bold option.
The line styles and widths show correctly in Pagestream, but not the line
ends. Colour can be used, but do not conform to the menu selection and do
not appear to be alterable. Some of these programs do not clear the
remains of any dialogue boxes that exceed the 640x400 boundary
- updating the screen cures this. Note: Fleet St Publisher V3.0 may
improve the speed of screen update.

GFA Draft - Quantum Paint - Spectrum 512 - Will NOT work

Hawk Scan - Campas CAD/Draft - Touch Up - Arabesque - to be evaluated.

Hyperdraw - Cyber range of programs

Tend to be used exclusively in Atari low resolution mode. Consequently,
an error message will appear stating 'this program will only work in
lo-res'. It is quite possible that these, and several other programs
using low resolution, will operate on Topaz. Routines are being designed
to force such programs to operate on the ParSec screen, irrespective of
the resolution normally used.

Timeworks DTP

Yet to be fully evaluated, but being that strange beast - A TRUE GEM
PROGRAM, will be expected to run faultlessly.

Music Publisher DTP

Problems with fonts, R/H mouse button and certain
line draws. Music Publisher will eventually be 100% compatible with the

Steinberg Pro-24/12 - Auto Route

Apart from the occasional Direct Screen Writes/A-Line call, work
successfully. As these programs do not use GEM windowing, the display on
the ParSec screen will still be 640x400. Steinberg does not clear dialogue
boxes from the screen. Various other music sequencer and editing packages
will also be evaluated.


Appears to be 100% compatible, apart from the inability to draw ellipses!
As object-orientated drawing packages, the way around this minor problem
is to draw a circle, select the object and stretch or contract to the
desired shape.

Note: It cannot be expected for every single GEM based program to run in
conjunction with Topaz, however, if there are any programs you have tried
which give encouraging results, and are not listed above, we would be
very interested to hear from you and, in particular, any GEM programs you
would like to see operating on the ParSec at (eventually) 1024x768
resolution with 16 colours available.

The Topaz GEMulator is (c) Spirit Software, Munich, West Germany.

Any comments to:    Elmtech Research Ltd
                    6 Witherford Way
                    Selly Oak
                    Birmingham B29 4AX.

Trivia - Topaz Gemulator

Requires Parsec manufactured graphics card

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