Tera Desktop

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Tera Desktop atari screenshot
Tera Desktop atari screenshot
Tera Desktop atari screenshot
Tera Desktop atari screenshot
Tera Desktop atari screenshot
Tera Desktop atari screenshot
Tera Desktop atari screenshot
Tera Desktop atari screenshot
Tera Desktop atari screenshot

Information - Tera Desktop

GenreDOS / OSYear1992
Language[unknown]Publisher[no publisher]
ControlsKeyboard, MouseCountryNetherlands
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Klaren, Wout

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
SerialST TypeST, STe, TT / 0.5MB
ResolutionLow / Medium / HighNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable
Dumpdownload atari Tera Desktop Download / MSAMIDI

Instructions - Tera Desktop

Tera Desktop V1.24, 30-9-92, Copyright 1991, 1992 W. Klaren.


1      Introduction

1.1    The Tera Desktop
1.2    Installation
1.3    Support BBS's

2      The menus

2.1    Introduction
2.2    Desk
2.2.1  Info

2.3    File

2.3.1  Open
2.3.2  Show information
2.3.3  New folder
2.3.4  Close
2.3.5  Close window
2.3.6  Select all
2.3.7  Set file type
2.3.8  Cycle windows
2.3.9  Quit

2.4    View

2.4.1  Show as
2.4.2  Sort
2.4.3  System and Hidden files

2.5    Options

2.5.1  Install application
2.5.2  Install desk icon
2.5.3  Install window icon
2.5.4  Change icons
2.5.5  Remove icons
2.5.6  Set preferences
2.5.7  Program options
2.5.8  Editor
2.5.9  Save settings
2.5.10 Load
2.5.11 Save as

3      Icons and objects

3.1    Introduction
3.2    ICONS.RSC
3.3    Opening icons and objects
3.4    Copying and moving icons and objects

4      Windows

5      The ARGV protocol


1 Introduction

1.1 The Tera Desktop

The Tera Desktop is a replacement of the ST (and TT) desktop. This 
desktop offers much more possibilities, such as files and programs as 
an icon on the desktop and files can be viewed in a window.
Furthermore the scrolling of windows is much faster.

This program may be copied freely, on the condition that program is 
copied entirely (so with complete documentation) and unchanged.
The program consists of the following files:


This program may not be sold without the written permission of the 
author. If the program is included in PD-libraries only the costs of 
disks etc. may be charged.

When I wrote the manual, I supposed that everyone, who reads this, 
knows how the common desktop of the Atari ST works.

1.2 Installation

The Tera Desktop is installed as follows:

- create a folder DESKTOP on your hard disk,
- copy the files DESKTOP.PRG, DESKTOP.RSC and ICONS.RSC to this 

The desktop can now be started in the usual way. If you have a 
TOS version 1.4 or higher, the desktop can be started automatically 
after the computer has booted. This is done as follows:

- Select the Tera Desktop (DESKTOP.PRG) in the common desktop,
- Select Install application,
- Change the boot status from Normal into Auto,
- Click on install.

Do not forget to save the desktop configuration after you have 
done this.

If you have a computer with TOS 1.0 of TOS 1.2 you have to use 
special program, like STARTGEM.

The default name of the configuration file is DESKTOP.CFG. If you 
want that depending on the resolution of the graphics mode, a 
specific configuration file is loaded, you can create a file 
DESKTOP.BAT. This file can also be used to start programs, when the 
desktop is started. An example of a DESKTOP.BAT file is:

cd C:\DEMO
DEMO.PRG -a input.dat

#640,200 ST_MED.CFG
#640,400 ST_HIGH.CFG
#640,480 TT_MED.CFG

With the command cd the current directory can be changed. A command 
line can be passed to a program. In the lines which start with a '#' 
the configuration file, which has to be loaded, can be set. After 
the '#' the horizontal, the vertical resolution and the name of the 
configuration file, which has to be loaded, follow. The vertical 
resolution should be separated from the horizontal resolution with 
a comma. If the current resolution is not in the DESKTOP.BAT 
file, the desktop will try to load the file DESKTOP.CFG.

Although the desktop can be used when you have not got a hard disk, 
the usage of a hard disk is recommended. The usage without a hard 
disk has no use, because if you for example install a program on the 
desktop, the program, has got to be available all the time. Of 
course this can be solved by putting the program on a ram disk.

The Tera Desktop will use about 120K of memory.

The Tera Desktop works on all current TOS versions, but the usage of 
TOS version 1.4 or higher is recommended, because of some bugs in 
TOS 1.0 and some extra possibilities from TOS 1.4. Usage with TOS 1.0 
must be discouraged.

The most important bug why the program should not be used with TOS 1.0 
is that the AES will crash, when in some dialog boxes certain 
characters (like an underscore) are typed.

The most important reasons to use at least TOS 1.4 are:

- Folders can be renamed,
- This versions deal a lot better with files,
- Programs can be started automatically after booting.

The Tera Desktop was tested on TOS 1.4, KAOS-TOS 1.4.2, TOS 2.05 
(Mega STe) and TOS 3.05 (TT). On these TOS version the program worked 
correctly, but there still may be some bugs left. It is also possible 
that the program will not work properly on other configurations than 
it was tested on. That is why:

The author can not be held responsible for any damage caused by the 
usage of this program. Use the  program at your own risk.

Should you find a bug, I would appreciate it very much if you would 
report this to me with a description of the bug and a description 
of your configuration (TOS version, auto boot programs, accessories 

If you already have an old version of this program, you have to 
use CONVERT.PRG to convert the old configuration files to a format 
the new desktop understands. Before you convert the configuration 
files, you should first make a backup of them, because the conversion 
program will overwrite the files with the converted files. Converting 
configuration files is simple. First start CONVERT.PRG. Select in the 
file selector, which appears, the file which has to be converted and 
click on OK. The program now converts the selected configuration file. 
If the conversion is ready the file selector will appear again. If you 
want to exit the program click on cancel, else select the next file to 

The desktop works with some limitations on the resolutions ST-low and 
TT-low. The limitations are that the dialog box for the input of the 
command line of TTP programs is smaller and that the dialog boxes of 
Install application and Set preferences will not work, because they 
are to big. To install an application or change the settings, load 
the configuration files in an higher resolution and install 
applications and changes the settings in this resolution.

The desktop does not work on the resolutions ST-low and TT-low (and 
all other resolutions smaller than 640x200), because some dialog 
boxes contain to much information to be displayed in these 

1.3 Support BBS's

In the United Kingdom new versions can be downloaded from:

System ST
tel. +44 (0)533 413443
FidoNet 2:255/320
NeST 90:102/131

The file is called TERADESK.LZH. This BBS is also support BBS for the 
Tera Desktop. If you have any suggestions for improvement or if you 
want to report bugs, you can leave these there.

In the Netherlands new versions can be downloaded from:

Moir Brandts Honk BBS
tel. 070-3461215

2 The menus.

2.1 Introduction

In this chapter the menus will be discussed. Most menu entries can 
also be selected with a key. Behind the menu entries corresponding 
keys are mentioned. The sign '^' means that the CONTROL key should be 
pressed at the same time as the key behind it.

Buttons in  dialog boxes can be selected with the keyboard, by 
pressing the underlined character in the text of the button 
together with the ALTERNATE key. Buttons with an arrow can be 
selected by pressing CONTROL and the corresponding key on the 

2.2 Desk

2.2.1 Info

When you select this menu entry, a dialog box with the copyright 
notice will appear. The TOS version and the amount of free memory 
will be displayed as well.

2.3 File

2.3.1 Open

With this menu entry a selected object can be opened. See chapter 3 
for more information.

2.3.2 Show information

When you select this menu entry the desktop will display information 
about the selected objects.

If the object is a file, the date, time and name of the file will be 
displayed. If necessary the name of the file can be changed.

If the object is a folder, the date, time, name and the disk usage of 
the files in the folder will be displayed. From TOS 1.4 it is 
possible to change the name of the folder.

If the object is a drive, the disk label, the number of files and 
folders on the disk, the disk usage, the free space, and the total 
space will be displayed. It is possible that on an empty disk there is 
a difference between the total space and the free space. This is 
caused by a bug in the current TOS version.

It is possible to use Show Information on more than one object at the 
same time. The dialog box will appear again for every selected object.

2.3.3 New folder

With New folder a new directory can be created.

2.3.4 Close

With Close a window is closed. If the window is a directory window, 
the window will be closed only if the window is displaying the root 
directory. Otherwise the window will display the directory one level 
up in the directory structure. A text window is closed immediately.

2.3.5 Close window

This menu entry has the same function as Close. The difference with 
Close is that directory windows will always be closed, even if they 
are not displaying the root directory.

2.3.6 Select all

With this menu entry all objects in a window can be selected.

2.3.7 Set file mask

With this menu entry you can select which files should be visible in 
a window and which should not. You can type a file mask, but you can 
also select a mask from a list predefined masks. Double clicking on 
a mask has the same effect as selecting the mask and clicking on OK.
With the buttons Add and Delete it is possible to add and delete types 
from the list. 

2.3.8 Cycle windows

With this menu entry you can make the the bottom window to be the 
top window. This is useful when a window covers the other windows 
entirely. You can make the bottom window the top window without 
changing the position or size of the top window.

2.3.9 Quit

With this menu entry you can leave the desktop and return to the 
common desktop.

2.4 View

2.4.1 Show as

With Show as text and Show as icons you can select if the files in 
the windows should be displayed in text or as icons. In text mode the 
length, creation time and the file attributes will be displayed 
besides the name of the file. The attributes have the following 

    d - directory,
    s - system file,
    h - hidden file,
    w - file is not write protected,
    a - archive bit.

2.4.2 Sort

With the menu entries starting with sort you can select in which way 
the files in a window are sorted. With the menu entry Unsorted the 
files will be displayed in the order in which they were read from the 

2.4.3 System files and Hidden files

With these menu entries it is possible to make files, of which the 
hidden or system flag is set, visible.

2.5 Options

2.5.1 Install application

With this menu entry an application can be installed. In 
contradiction to the common desktop, it is possible give more 
than one file type and to give the format of the command line.

With the buttons Add and Delete file types can be added and removed.
In the command line %f and %n have a special meaning:

%f : Names of the files which were opened or dragged to the 
     application with their full path name.

%n : The same, however without their full path name.

In the command line it is also possible to give options of the 
program. For example it is possible to automatically extract LZH 
files when they are opened. This is done as follows:

- Select LHARC.TTP,
- Select the menu entry Install application,
- Click on Add and type in the dialog box, which appears, *.LZH and 
  click on OK.
- Give the following command line:
  e %f
- Click on Install.

With application type you can set the type program. For instance it 
is possible to start GEM programs as GTP (GEM Takes Parameters) 
program, without changing the extension of the program to GTP.

With Current directory you can set the directory, in which the program 
has to be started. If Program is selected, the program will be started 
in its own directory. If window is selected, it will be started in the 
directory of the topmost directory window. If no directory window is 
opened, the program will be started in its own directory.

With the button Use ARGV protocol you can set if the command line 
should be passed to the program using the ARGV protocol. See chapter 5 
about the ARGV protocol.

The settings made here will also be used if the program is started in 
the usual way or if files are dragged to the program.

Furthermore it is possible to give a function key. If the function key 
is pressed the program will be started. The number of the function key 
should be between 1 and 20, where a number from 1 to 10 corresponds 
with function keys 1 to 10 and where a number from 11 to 20 
corresponds with the SHIFT key and a function key from 1 to 10.

It is not mandatory to give a file type, Install Application can also 
be used to give just a function key or to set one of the other 

If you delete a program, which is installed as an application, using 
the desktop, then all settings, made with Install Application, will be 
removed automatically. This does not happen when you delete the 
program outside the desktop. If the program is started anyway, a 
dialog box will appear, in which you can choose between removing the 
application, locating it and cancel. If locate is chosen a file 
selector will appear, in which you can select the new location of the 

2.5.2 Install desk icon

With this menu entry you can install an icon on the desktop. First 
you have to give the position, where the icon has to appear, using the 
mouse. The a dialog box will appear in which you can give the name, if 
necessary a character, the type of the icon and the shape of the icon.

Besides drive or trash can, the icon type can also be printer. If you 
drag files to a printer icon, these files will be printed on the 

Installing files and folders as an icon on the desktop is discussed in
chapter 3.

2.5.3 Install window icon

With this menu entry you can set the shape of the icon of files and 
folders in directory windows. There are two lists with rules, one for 
folders and one for files. You can switch between them by using the 
buttons Files and Folders.

When a directory is read, the desktop will determine which shape the 
icon of the file or folder has to have. Because the rules may contain 
wild cards, the order of the rules is very important, for the desktop 
will use the icon of the first rule to which the name of the rule 
satisfies. The most general rules should be last.

With the button Add a rule can be added. The new rule will be 
inserted at the position of the selected rule. A dialog box will 
appear, in which you can give the rule and the corresponding icon 
shape. Use the button Delete to delete a rule. With the button change 
you can change a rule.

2.5.4 Change icons

With Change icons the shape and the name of the icons can be changed. 
It is allowed to selected more than one file at the same time.

Of files and folders only the name and the shape of the icon can be 
changed. Of trash cans, drives and printers the type can be changed 
as well.

2.5.5 Remove icons

With this menu entry you can remove icons from the desktop. It is 
possible to remove more than one icon at the same time.

2.5.6 Set preferences

With this menu entry several options for copying and deleting files, 
for dialog boxes and for text windows can be set.

With confirm copies you can set if a dialog box has to appear when 
files are copied. With Confirm deletes you can set the same for 
deleting files. With Confirm overwrites you can set if a dialog box 
will appear when during the copying of files a file is found, which 
already exists. With Copy buffer the maximum size of the buffer, which 
has to be used during the copying of files,  can be set.

With tab size the default tab size of text windows can be set.

Furthermore it is possible to set if the dialog boxes have got to 
appear in the center of the screen or on the position of the mouse, 
what is useful on screens with a high resolution. With Screen 
buffering it is possible to set if the screen under a dialog box has 
to be buffered or has to be redrawn. If screen buffering is on, it is 
possible to move dialog boxes by clicking on the upper right corner 
and dragging them to the desired position.

2.5.7 Program options

With this menu entry can be set if after TOS programs has to be waited 
for a key, which files are programs, which kind of programs it are and 
what the current directory should be when a program is started.

With the button Wait for key you can make the desktop to wait for a 
key after a TOS or TTP program have finished.

With Add new rules for program types can be added. A new rule is 
inserted at the position of the selected rule. A dialog box will 
appear, in which the rule can be typed, the type of the program can be 
set, the directory in which the program is started can be set and the 
usage of the ARGV protocol can be switched on and off. The following 
types of programs are possible:

    GEM : GEM programs,
    GTP : GEM takes parameters, these are GEM program, to which a 
          command line can be passed,
    TOS : TOS programs,
    TTP : TOS takes parameters.

In the rule wild cards may be used, so here the order of the rules is 
important as well.

See for the button Current directory Install application.

With Change the selected rule can be changed and with delete it can 
be deleted.

2.5.8 Editor

With this menu entry the default editor can be selected. A file 
selector will appear, with which the editor can be selected. If in a 
window a program is selected, the name of this program will appear in 
the file selector. Otherwise the name of the currently selected editor 
will appear in the file selector.

2.5.9 Save settings

With this menu entry the desktop configuration can be saved.

2.5.10 Load

With this menu entry a configuration file can be loaded.

2.5.11 Save as

With this menu entry the configuration file can be saved under another 

3 Icons and objects

3.1 Introduction

In this chapter the usage of icons and objects will be discussed. 
Among others adding your own icons, moving and copying icons and 
objects and opening icons and objects will be discussed.


This file contains the icons from which you can choose in Install icon 
and Change icon. If you have a resource editor, you can add your own 
icons. The maximum size of these icons are 64 pixels wide and 32 
pixels high. Do not add other objects than icons to this resource, 
otherwise the desktop will not load the file. Owners of a Mega STe or 
a TT can also use the resource file, which comes with these computers. 
Copy this file to the folder DESKTOP and rename it to ICONS.RSC. The 
maximum size of ICONS.RSC is 64Kbytes.

With a resource editor the default icons, which for example appear 
when a file is dragged on the desktop, can be replaced with others. 
This is done as follows:

- Put the icons you want to use as default icons on top of the box. 
  Use the following order:

        1 - disk drive
        2 - hard disk
        3 - file
        4 - program
        5 - folder
        6 - trash can
        7 - printer

- Sort the icons with the sort function of the resource editor,
- Save the resource file.

3.3 Opening objects and icons

An object in a directory window or an icon on the desktop can be 
opened by double clicking on it or by selecting it and selecting the 
menu entry open.

Depending on the object the following will happen:

- disk drive : a new window will be opened with the root directory of 
  this drive. Drives can also be opened by pressing ALTERNATE and the 
  corresponding character.
- folder : If the folder is on the desktop a window will be opened 
  with the directory of the folder in it. If the folder is in a 
  window the directory window will display the directory of the 
  opened folder. If ALTERNATE is pressed when the folder is opened,
  a new window will be opened with the directory of the opened folder.
  The folder '..' behaves different from the other folders. This 
  folder stands for the directory one level higher in the directory 
  structure. The opening of this folder has the same effect as 
  closing it one time. If ALTERNATE is pressed when the folder is 
  opened, a new window will appear displaying the directory one level 
  higher in the directory structure.
- file : If the file is a program, the program will be started. If the 
  program is a GTP or a TTP program, a dialog box will appear in which 
  a command line can be typed. If the file matches one of the file 
  types installed with Install application, the corresponding program 
  will be started. If you do not want to start that program, press 
  ALTERNATE when you open the file. The file will now be treated in 
  the usual way. If the file does not match one of the file types, 
  a dialog box will appear, in which you can choose between Show, 
  Edit, Print and Cancel. If you choose Show, a text window will 
  appear with the contents of the file in it. If the first 256 
  characters of the file contain less than 90% ASCII characters, then 
  the desktop will automatically switch to the hex mode. If you choose 
  Edit, then the default editor will be started. If you choose Print, 
  the file will be printed.

If a file or folder corresponding to an icon on the desktop is not 
found when it is opened, a dialog box will appear in which you can 
choose between locate, remove and cancel. If remove is chosen, the 
icon will be removed from the desktop. If locate is chosen a file 
selector will appear, in which you can select the new position of 
the file or folder.

3.4 Copying and moving objects and icons

By dragging icons and objects, it is possible to copy and delete 
files. In this section will be discussed what will happen if you drag 
files to a given destination. Depending on the destination, the 
following will happen:

- disk drive : The selected object will be copied to the root of the 
  drive. If the object is also a disk drive, then the desktop will 
  perform a file copy, not a disk copy. If you want to perform a disk 
  copy, use a copy program like Fcopy.

- folder : the selected object will be copied to the folder.

- directory window : the object will be copied to the directory, which 
  is displayed in the window.

- program : the program will be started with the selected object as a 

- desktop : if the object is already on the desktop it will be moved 
  to the position were the mouse button was released. If the object 
  is a file or folder in a window, this object will be installed on 
  the desktop as an icon. The icon can be used in the same way as the 
  files and folders in a window. It is not possible to drag more than 
  one object on the desktop in the same time.

- trash can : the selected object will be deleted.

- printer : the selected object will be printed.

If the CONTROL key is pressed when the mouse button is released, the 
object will not be copied to the destination, but it will be moved to 
the destination. If you move a file or folder which is an icon on the 
desktop, the path of the icon will be updated automatically.

If the ALTERNATE key is pressed when the mouse button is released, a 
dialogbox will appear before a file or folder is copied, in which the 
file or folder can be renamed.

If a file or folder, which is installed on the desktop as an icon, is 
deleted, the corresponding icon will be removed from the desktop.

If during the copying of files a file or folder is found with the same 
name, then, unless you switched it off with Set preferences, a dialog 
box will appear, with in it the name of the existing file and the name 
of the file which is being copied. With respect to the common desktop, 
there are the following new possibilities:

- Not only the file which is being copied, but also the existing file 
  can be renamed. (This only works if source and destination directory 
  are different.)
- If you want to overwrite all existing files, click on  the button 
  All. All existing files will be overwritten. It has the same effect 
  as switching off Confirm overwrites in Set preferences.

If during the copying both a file and a folder with the same name 
are found, then the dialog box will always appear, even if you have 
switched off Confirm overwrites or clicked on All.

If you overwrite a folder the contents of this folder will not be 
deleted. The contents of the folder, which is being copied, will be 
copied into the existing.

With Escape the copying, deleting and printing of files can be 

4 Windows

There are two kinds of windows in the desktop, namely text windows and 
directory windows. In text window opened files are being displayed, in 
directory windows the contents of opened drives and folders are being 
displayed. Most functions of the windows have already been discussed 
in the previous chapters. In this chapter the remaining possibilities 
will be discussed.

Both types of windows can be controlled with the cursor keys. If the 
SHIFT key is pressed, the windows will be scrolled over an entire 
page, not over one line. With Clr-Home and SHIFT Clr-Home you can 
jump to the top and the bottom of a window.

You can also use the following keys as well in directory windows:

Escape : Read the directory again,
C : Has the same function as CONTROL C and Close window.

In text windows the following keys can be used:

Q, C and Escape : close window,
Space : next page,
Return : next line.

Every text window has its own menu bar, which can be used to switch 
between ASCII mode and hex mode and can be used to set a new tab size 
for the window. If a window is being opened the tab size is equal to 
the default tab size set with Set preferences.

5 The ARGV protocol

In GEMDOS the length of command lines is limited to 125 characters. 
The ARGV protocol makes much longer command lines possible. A 
disadvantage of this protocol is that many programs do not support it 
or even do not work properly when it is used. That is why it is 
possible to switch the protocol of in Install Application and Program 

There are two possibilities to make sure that programs are not 
bothered by the ARGV protocol:

- Install programs, which do not support the ARGV protocol, as a 
  separate program type in Program options and switch the ARGV 
  protocol off for these programs and switch it on for all other 
  programs. Be sure to install these programs before the program types 
  containing wild cards.
- Do the opposite: switch the ARGV protocol off for all program types 
  and install all programs which support the ARGV protocol as a 
  separate program type.

Instead of installing a separate program type for each program, a 
program can also be installed as an application, by which the options 
of Install application can be used to switch the ARGV protocol on or 


I would like to thank the members of the TOS-crew (especially Mr Ni! 
and Insh_Allah) for testing the desktop and the design of some icons. 
I would also like to thank my brother for the program fix icons. I 
would like to thank Keith Frisby and Mark Matts for spreading the 
Tera Desktop in the United Kingdom and the US and supporting the 
Tera Desktop in the United Kingdom.

Send suggestions for improvement or report bugs to:

Wout Klaren
Zwolsekanaal 18
7681 ED Vroomshoop
The Netherlands
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