S u p e r C a r d 3 . 1 3a M a n u a l
For more detailed information load the VERBOSE.SC3 and VERB_EXT.SC3 files
into Super Card 3 and use the Filter to search out the information that you
To get you started, The following is a quick guide to the operation of Super
Card 3.13a.
Installing Super Card 3
---------- ----- ---- -
You will need the new INSTALL3.PRG file and Super Card 3 Registration numbers
to install this latest version.
New Users will receive these when they Register - See REGISTER.SC3 file.
Running the Program
------- --- -------
Run the program S_CARD_3.PRG Press Return twice to take you through the
introduction and Welcome screens.
The Main Menu
--- ---- ----
The Heart of Super Card, all features of the program are called from and
return to here.
Click on the ADD button to call this menu.
To start a new data file you should simply select ADD and start typing, there
is no setting up to be done unless you want to change the Maximum number of
Record Cards to be stored in memory, even then you can SAVE your file, change
the Max number and Re-LOAD if you run out !
Associated with ADD are a pair of buttons with [ Q ADD ] to the left of them
that can be toggled between by clicking on them.
'ON' will take you straight to 'ADD New Lines' within the ADD Menu, whilst
'OFF' will take you to the Main ADD Menu where you are prompted to call 'ADD
New Lines' by pressing 'A' on the keyboard.
Users new to the program should stick to 'OFF', as the 'short-cut' 'ON' option
that was standard in older versions of Super Card tended to prove very
confusing to users.
New to version 3.1 are the [M ADD] buttons, Selecting [1],[2] or [3] will
insert 'field' headers as you add lines to your new Record Card based on the
DEFINE Macro's screens, Previously you had to work through the Macro Funtion
keys to achieve this effect.
The new ADDRESS.SC3 file is a good example.
Pressing the 'Help' key on the Main ADD Menu will give you : -
Note that the 'Extra options' screen called from the Main Menu will allow you
to change some of the keys used along with the Paging value.
( Comments added in brackets )
ADD Info
Cursor Keys : ^/v/Home/Ctrl+Home or Z = Move Up/Down/First/Last Line
( Used to move within the Record Card Lines - Note New use of Home key )
1-9 : Goto Filter Position
( Find Position of Filter Strings - See FILTER )
G : Goto Line
( Goto any Display Line )
+/- : Page Down/Up 24 Lines
( Move complete Page within Display Card )
Edit Block
A : ADD Line(s) Below cursor Ctrl/B : Buffer
( Type in extra lines to appear below cursor position + Buffer Block )
D/Delete : DELETE Line Ctrl/C : CUT
( Delete line at Cursor position + CUT out and Buffer Block )
E/> : EDIT Line Ctrl/D : DELETE
( Allows you to cursor along and change any current line + Delete Block )
I/Insert : INSERT Blank Line Above Ctrl/F : FINISH
( Create Empty Line above Cursor + Define End of Block )
( Justify Left/Centre/Right Current Line + Paste Block )
Other Ctrl/S : START
( Define START of Block )
M : MACRO Define Ctrl/U : UNDO Block
( Call Define Macro's Screen + Cancel Block )
P : PRINT Display Ctrl/V : VIEW Buffers
( Print display to Printer ( Any Printer Control options set up in the Main
Print Menu will be used as well) + View current Block Buffers )
Ctrl/R : RULER On/Off Ctrl/E : ERASE Buffers
( Replaces top Menu Line with Ruler for aligning text + Gives option to
ERASE all 9 Buffers at once (NEW for v 3.12 )
S : SHOW Menu
( Shows all occurrences of Filter strings - See Filter )
* : STORE NEW Record and Start ADD Again
( STORE NEW Record Card and go around again to start another )
# : STORE NEW Record and Quit ADD
( STORE and return to Menu Called from )
Undo : Abort ADD - DON'T STORE
( Abort to calling Menu forgetting any lines typed on Display - note that any
New Record Cards that have been STORED will be safe)
The Block options allow you to : -
S : START : Define Start line of Block
F : FINISH : Define Finish line of Block
B : BUFFER : Copy to a Buffer and leave lines on Display
C : CUT : Copy to Buffer and Delete lines from Display
D : DELETE : Delete lines from Display
P : PASTE : Copy Buffer to Display
U : UNDO : Cancel Block Displayed
V : VIEW : View Current Buffers
E : ERASE : Erase all 9 Buffers at once
With B,C,P,and V you will be given the option to choose which of nine buffers
you want to work with.
All nine Buffers will be saved with your Data File, so you can use them in
future sessions as 'Super Macro's' !
We hope that these options should prove fairly obvious - full details will be
included in the version 3 guide should you Register or Upgrade.
As you have just called the ADD Menu you should press the 'A' key on your
keyboard to select 'ADD Line(s) Below Cursor ( Unless [Q ADD] on the Main Menu
is set to 'ON' in which case you will be already there ).
Type in you're lines, separating them with presses of the 'Return' key.
Example : -
Chris Beale Title Line
19 Southfield Road 2nd Line
Hinckley 3rd Line
Leics. 4th Line
LE10 1UA 5th Line
* Control Character - End of Record Card
Note that the '*' Control character will not be added to the Record Card, it
tells the program that you want to stop adding new Record Card lines.
Now back in the Main ADD Menu you can use the other options until you are
happy with the result.
Finally still in the Main ADD Menu press '*' to STORE your New Record Card and
start again on a New Card, or '#' to STORE your New Card and Return to the
Menu called from, which in this case will be the Main.
You can also Abort the ADD Menu using the 'Undo' key.
A Record Card has very few restrictions - they are : -
78 Characters Per Line
16000 Lines Per Record Card
32000 Characters Per Record Card
You can also ADD printer control codes, but it is beyond the scope of this
file to explain that.
---- ----
Possibly the most useful feature of Super Card, You can Find old data stored
on any Record Card and make changes to it.
The Filter is called by many Main Menu selections including EDIT/READ It may
appear daunting, but isn't really ! Up to 9 strings of text can be typed in
to be used to search your Record Cards. Three Buttons and two editable
numeric fields are assigned to each Filter, And other buttons and fields
control how the Filters will work together.
Wildcard Search
-------- ------
This single character can be changed to any other character, so if you don't
want to use the '?' character you don't have to.
Placing the Wildcard character ( default character '?' ) in a Filter line will
make the program accept any character that it finds in that position.
A Filter B.b?tes will find B.bites and B.bytes ignoring the 'i' and 'y'
The Wildcard character that you choose will be saved along with your Record
Search ?
------ -
Click on the button associated with the Filter to toggle it between two
AND - Find Record Cards WITH Filter String found inside them
NOT - WITHOUT Filter String present
So the Filter String 'Mike' with 'Search ?' set to 'AND' will find ALL Record
Cards that have 'Mike' in them, whilst 'Search ?' to 'NOT' will find ALL
Record Cards that don't have 'Mike' anywhere in them - the complement to
Case ?
---- -
CD - Case Dependent, 'A' will find 'A' but NOT 'a'
CND - Case Not Dependent, 'A' will find 'A' AND 'a'
E.g. A Filter of 'Mike' with Case set to 'CD' will find 'Mike' but not 'mike'
,'MIKE' or MiKe' etc.
While setting Case to 'CND' Will select all Record Cards that include 'Mike',
'MIKE' or 'mike' etc. Ignoring the Case of the letters.
Title ?
----- -
ON - Search only first few characters of a Record Card or Record Card line.
OFF - Searches the WHOLE Record Card or line for a Filter match.
'ON' with Filter 'Mike' will only select Record cards who's very first
characters on the very first line are 'Mike', whilst 'OFF' will accept
'Mike' in any position in the Record Card.
From / To
---- - --
New for Version 3.1, A really powerful addition to the Filter Menu that
allows you to specify the lines to be filtered in every Record Card.
The Title option can also be used to look at only the first few characters
in every Record Card line in the From/To Range.
Setting 'From' and 'To' to '0' will switch the option OFF.
Setting 'From' to a value 1-99 will set the first line in every Record Card
to be considered by the Filter.
Setting 'To' to a value 1-98 will set the last line.
Note that a 'To' value of '99' is taken to mean the end of the Record Card,
giving you an effective 'To' value of 16,000.
Setting a 'From' value and leaving 'To' as 0 will filter a single line just
as if the 'To' value had been set to the same value as the 'From'.
Can restrict the search to a Range of Record Cards that are stored in Memory.
Say Card stored as 100 to Card stored as 300.
Group Logic
----- -----
AND - ALL Filters in group must be found
OR - ANY Filter ONLY has to be present to select a Record Card
These are switched by clicking on the three black lines that appear above and
below the Filter text lines.
With Filters set to 'Mike' and '1979', 'AND' will only give you Record
Cards that include BOTH Filters whilst 'OR' will give you any Record Card
that has BOTH OR EITHER Filter in them - generally a much bigger selection.
Group Link
----- ----
1 AND 2 - BOTH groups must be satisfied
1 OR 2 - Only ONE group needs to be satisfied
Similar to the Group 1 and 2 logic's, but a whole Group is taken to be
satisfied or not, instead of individual Filters within the groups.
Date / Numeric Range Search
---- - ------- ----- ------
You can set the 'Date From' and 'Date To' fields to find all Record Cards that
display a date or number in that range.
Leaving the 'Date From' field blank or set to 00.00.0000 will give you all
dates up to the 'Date To' value.
To Search for a single exact date use the 'From :' fields and leave the
'To :' ones empty.
To search for dates after a value - set 'Date From' to your lowest value and
'Date To' to 99.99.99 or 99.99.9999 depending on the 'YY'/'YYYY' setting.
To prevent a Date search you must clear or set to 00.00.0000 'Date From'
and 'Date To' fields - a 'CLR Date' button is available for this purpose.
The 'DMY' (Day Month Year) button can be toggled to 'MDY' (Month Day Year) for
our American cousins, you can also select 'Num' to search for a Numeric range.
The 'YY' (Year Shorthand - 92 = 1992 etc.) can be toggled to 'YYYY' if you
store your dates in full - i.e. 1992.
The short way of storing Years will mess up in the year 2000, but the [ Y
2000 Fix : yy ] button allows you to get around this - Type in a value from 0-
99 and make sure the button is Selected (black) and any year typed in short up
to the value will be assumed to be after the year 2000.
Example : - [ Y 2000 Fix : 30 ] will give you : -
10 as 2010
20 as 2020
30 as 2030
31 as 1931
40 as 1940
99 as 1999
The 'Y Wild' button if selected will ignore the 'Year' settings on both the
values you type into the Filter Menu and on the Record Cards you are
searching. If you store a persons date of birth for example as 15:04:63 then
'Y Wild' with a range 15:04:yy to 15:04:yy will bring up their birthday every
year so that you can send them a card.
The 'Link =' can be set to 1 to 9 ( or 0 if you don't want it ) and will
restrict the search further to a date that appears on the same line as the
Filter 1 to 9.
One use for this is to calculate the number of sales of an item in a period of
A Record Card set out thus :-
30.08.92 Super Card Two
With the Date Range including 30.08.92 and linked to a Filter with 'Super Card
Two' in it will only bring up Record Cards that include copies of 'Super Card
Two' sold within those dates.
If the date doesn't appear on the same line as the Linked Filter on the Record
Card then it will NOT be selected.
Four other buttons containing the characters '.' ':' '/' and 'U/D :x' can also
be selected depending on how you store your Dates - 01.01.92, 01:01:92,
01/01/92 or with a divider of your choice (User Definable Option ) - As many
of these 'divider' options can be selected as you wish, You could store
many types of date in this way e.g.
Customer's Sales as DD.MM.YY
Customer's First Sale as DD:MM:YY
Customer's Last Sale as DD|MM|YY ( User definable option )
Customer's Birthday as DD/MM/YY
You can look for one, two, three or all four of these date dividers.
Only when all other Filter options have been satisfied will the
Date/Numeric search be performed on a Record Card.
The Clear buttons clear the Date, Group 1, Group 2 or Everything.
Call ADD routine - see previous explanation
---- ----
Return to Main Menu
Select All
------ ---
Select ALL Record Cards without having to Clear filters
Perform filter as set up
-- ----
In the FIND Menu ( mentioned next ) you can 'Hide' a Record Card so that it
doesn't appear in the Filtered selection, Providing that no changes are made
to your data the FILTER button will keep the Record Cards(s) hidden.
Selecting 'Un-Hide' will perform a 'Full' Filter that will also select any
previously Hidden Record Cards.
FIND Record Menu
---- ------ ----
You should now have one or a group of Record Cards that you are looking for.
The FIND Menu allows you to select one of a possible group.
Press the 'Help' key to look at the Help screen : -
( Extra information contained in brackets )
Cursor Keys : ^/v/> Move Up/Down/First/Last Record
G : Goto Record Card
( Both similar to ADD, but move within Records instead of the Displayed Card )
Space : Random Pick
( Selects a Filtered Record Card at Random - Useful for Revision ? )
+/- : Page Up/Down 24 Lines
( Move within Displayed Card )
1-9 : Goto Filter Position
( Same Description as for ADD Menu )
A : ADD Menu
( Call ADD Menu described earlier )
( Select a value on BROWSE Menu and program 'flips' through cards )
C : CLONE Record
( Option to produce Copies of Current Record Card )
D/Delete : DELETE Record
( Delete Whole Record Card - not just lines ! )
E : EDIT Menu
( Call EDIT Menu - Similar to ADD but works on existing Record )
( Quits FIND back to FILTER Menu )
G : Goto Record
( Jump to Filtered Record Card )
H : Hide Record
If you are setting up a filter for Saving a batch of Record Cards and some
Records appear that you don't want, then by pressing 'H' they can be
hidden from the FIND Menu - Providing that you don't make any changes
and Exit quickly to perform a Filtered SAVE, Then Filtering with the same
Filter settings and using the standard 'FILTER' button will also hide it from
the SAVE routine - as well as the STATISTICS and PRINT routines ! - This can
save an awful lot of messing around with the FILTER Menu !
M : MACRO Define
( See later info on Define Macros' )
P : PRINT Display
( As Described for ADD Menu )
R : READ Menu
( See READ Menu Later )
S : SHOW Menu
Ctrl/R : RULER On/Off
( As Described for ADD Menu)
X : X-DELETE All Filtered Record(s)
( Get rid of a group of Record Cards - much slower if SORT is OFF )
Undo : Quit to Main Menu
( Return to Main Menu )
---- ----
Use the 'Help' key for the Help screen.
Options are similar to ADD and EDIT but you aren't allowed to make any
changes to the Record Card - just view it.
So the A, D, E, I, J and Block functions aren't available.
But you can press 'E' to take you to the 'EDIT' Menu, retaining the Cursor
position - returning from which will take you to the FIND Menu.
Use the 'Undo' Keys to quit the Menu.
---- ----
Allows you to make changes to existing Record Cards
Works almost exactly as the ADD Menu, but the '*' and '#' keys will Replace
the old version, or STORE the New version as well as the old. Whilst the
'Undo' key will forget any changes made and restores the Old version.
On Return from EDIT using * ( Replace OLD with NEW version ) the program will
NOT SORT or FILTER the Record Cards until you call the FILTER again or Quit
the FIND screen.
This is to allow users of very large files to make a lot of changes to a lot
of Record Cards without having to continually wait for Sorting and Filtering.
Record Cards may appear out of order temporarily.
MAX Cards
--- -----
Changing the value within the range 1 to 32000 will set a new Maximum number
of Record Cards that can be held in memory - and clear any Record Cards
currently held in memory.
The program will generate a value depending on the free memory automatically -
so this can largely be left to it's own devices, but those users who are short
of memory will lose 6 bytes of memory for every Record Card that isn't used,
so setting to a lower value may be of use.
----- ---
Calls an advanced Print-out Menu via FILTER ( You could use EDIT/READ to
select a group of Record Cards before calling this Menu )
There are many options : -
'Start Line : xxxxx' - First Line on All Selected Record Cards to be Printed
'Finish Line : xxxxx' - Last Line on All Record Cards to be Printed
'Space Between Records : xx' - The Gap on Paper between Printed Record Cards
'Characters Per Line : xxx' - Print characters per line
'Record Copies :xxx' - Repeat a Record Card many times - NEW for 3.1
'Total Copies : xxx' - Select how many complete print runs to do at once
'Print Lines : xxx' - How many lines per page to Print
'Page Length : xxx' - Total Length of Page used to calculate Form Feed
'Paged' - 'YES'/'NO' - Leave margin to skip perforations if 'YES'.
'Calc Page'/'Use CHR$(12)' - Either use 'Page length' value or simply send
Character 12 to Form Feed to next page - CHR$(12) is best providing that
your printer knows what length of paper it is dealing with - also for
Sheet-Feed printers.
'Output' - 'Printer'/'RS232'/'Disc' - Selects where to send Printout to - Some
printers use the RS232 Serial port instead of the standard 'Centronics', or
the 'Disc' option produces a disc file that can be Printed from the Desk-top
to produce the same result complete with Control Codes that printing from
Super Card would.
'Headings' - 'None'/'Alpha'/'Serial' - No Headings or produce heading with
first characters every time it changes or produce heading with 'Serial' value
of Record Card to show where it would appear in the FIND Menu if ALL Record
Cards had been selected.
'One Per Page' - 'YES'/'NO' - Start New Page with each Record Card is 'YES'
'Prevent Split' - 'YES'/'NO' - Will start a new page if a Record Card wouldn't
have fitted on the current page - NEW for 3.1
'Page Pause' - 'YES'/'NO' - Waits for you to load each page if 'YES' - Useful
for Single-Sheet use.
'RESET' - Reset all values to Default settings
'MAIN Menu' - QUIT Print out Menu back to Main
'IMPORT' - Import Print Menu Settings from another .SC3 File
' Decimal Codes' - 'ON'/'OFF' - Select or De-select 18 Decimal Code Boxes
- Values typed into these boxes will precede the Print out and can be used
to set up your printer - please refer to your printers guide - commands
normally start with Character '27' - values are normally given in Decimal,
Hex, and ASCII Character form.
A value of '0' in a box will be sent to the printer - clear the boxes with the
'Esc' key to de-select individual boxes if you don't want to use them.
'Pound Fix' - If selected will switch most printers to produce pound sign
instead of '#'.
'NLQ' - If selected will send up to six decimal characters to set 'Near Letter
Quality Mode' on Printer - default settings for Epson - can be changed.
'Neither' - Will send no Quality Codes.
'Draft' - Will send 'Draft Quality' command to Printer - defaults for Epson.
Finally there are ten pairs of character string boxes. The left box of the
pair can have an 8 character description typed into it, and if selected will
send any characters typed into the box to it's right to the printer to control
various options. Characters in the 'right' boxes can be entered by pressing
character keys or by holding down the 'Alternate' key and typing in the
Decimal code of the character using the Numeric key pad ( Numbers on Main
keyboard won't work ! ) Before letting go of the 'Alternate' key.
Load 'EPSON.SC3' and 'HP_JET.SC3' files or 'IMPORT' their settings into the
PRINT Menu as an example.
'PRINT' - Do Print to Printer,RS232 or Disc.
All settings are saved along with your Data Files
Back at the Main Menu : -
SORT Options
---- -------
Below the 'SORT options' button are two buttons that can be toggled using the
Mouse to select 'ON' or 'OFF'
If set to 'OFF' the SORT options will not be available and Record Cards will
be tacked onto the end of the Data File without being sorted as they are
CONVERT5.PRG produces files with SORT switched to 'OFF' - so be sure to switch
it 'ON' the first time you use the file if you need it.
X-DELETE on the FIND Menu is much slower with SORT 'OFF' though !
Normally Record Cards are sorted A to Z, but you can go Z to A.
Also if Case Dependent is 'NO' then b will go between A and C, and not after
NOTE - Nearly every sort problem to date has been put down to users inserting
extra blank lines or spaces in Record Cards.
A Record Card that starts with
will be sorted AFTER a Record Card starting with
The extra space before the first 'Z' with a character value of '32' is well
before 'A' with a character value of '65'.
Also blank lines are stored as character '13' - so will be Sorted even before
a Record Card with extra space characters.
Getting rid of the Space characters and Blank Lines at the start of a Record
Card will sort things out.
'TITLE : New Data File' - Change the 'Title' description Saved with your File
by editing the text on the Main Menu.
Quit back to Main Menu - if there are any un-saved changes to Record Cards
in memory then the Default key on the 'Are you Sure?' Alert will be 'NO'.
Clears Record Cards and makes the 'ADD' button Default - ( You can Press
Return to select it )
Most .ACC files loaded in before Super Card was run can be accessed.
DEFINE Macro's
------ ----- -
Three screens of Twenty Macro's can be assigned to the keys F1 to F10, and
Shift-F1 to Shift-F10. Control codes such as 13 (Return) can be added by
holding down the Alternate key and pressing the number keys on the numeric key
pad - Note that the number keys on the main keyboard will NOT work.
Only one screen at a time will be active - click on 'Screen : 1,2 or 3' to
select which one.
Macro's can also be 'IMPORTED' from another .SC3 file - See later.
Macro's are also used in the 'M ADD' ADD Option. - NEW for 3.10
FLIP Display
---- -------
Reverse the Text and Background colours.
You can type in a code to 'Lock' the program, You type invisibly and are asked
to 'Confirm' your input - The program will freeze until that code is typed in
Uses filter, but instead of displaying Record Cards gives various statistics
about your Record Cards.
The 'Print Statistics Plus Filters' button will now include the Filter
settings that produced the statistics - NEW for 3.1
Extra Options - NEW for 3.10
----- ------- - --- --- - --
'Query Mode' gives two options, Select 'Helpful' for normal operation or if
you're feeling confident 'Expert' will do away with all those 'Are You Sure?'
'Title Text Options' - Change the appearance of the Title Line.
'Right Cursor - FIND Menu' - Choose between using the Right cursor key for
going to the Last Record or calling the EDIT Menu.
'Right Cursor - READ/EDIT Menu' - Choose between using the Right cursor key
for going to the Last Line or calling EDIT Line.
'Page Record' - Select when the Screen moves to display lines below and above
that which is currently displayed.
'Display Colour Options' is only available when running in Colour, and allows
you to choose between 8 preset colour schemes for your and your own 'Desktop'
Try using the 'FLIP' Main Menu option to see how the colour options appear in
'Flipped' mode.
ADD Directory
--- ---------
Allows you to ADD All or just a few files on a Floppy disc or Hard partition
as a Record Card.
The ADD Disc Directory Menu allows you to choose your disc drive, what type of
files you want to include in the Record Card. Three standards - *.*, *.SCF
and *.PRG are easily selectable, but there is also an editable selection that
will allow you to select any type using the '*' and '?' wildcard characters,
and finally how many files will be displayed per Record Card line - 1,2 or 5 -
will allow you to fill the screen or leave space for extra comments to be
added later.
After the Directory has been read in you are given the further option to add a
title to the New Record Card created.
Allows you to read in other file formats as a Record Card.
Currently only ASCII files produced for example by saving as ASCII from a word
processor will be accepted - but future versions will offer more.
You have the option of two character ranges, 32-126 will load in normal ASCII
files while 32-255 will accept higher characters as well.
IMPORT Macro's
------ ----- -
Import Macro key combinations from other .SC3 files without loading the Record
Cards as well.
Load from disc an .SC3 data file - some files may refuse to load if for
example your copy is Not Registered - See SAVE / PROTECT
Produces an .SC3 file, you can save the whole file or a Filtered portion.
A Secondary SAVE / PROTECT Menu allows you to restrict the Saved file.
Options are : -
SCRAMBLE DATA - Files are coded so that only Super Card 3 can read them
Lock on Load - A Lock code can be Saved that must be typed in on Load
Retain MAX Setting - Remember and reuse Main Menu 'MAX Cards :xxxxx'
Same User Only - Only load if Registration codes in file match program
Installed Only - Only load if Super Card Program Installed
These first five options have three buttons associated with them : -
'OFF' - Option Disabled
'Once' - Option can be switched to 'OFF' next time you SAVE
'Always' - Any option once set is permanent and cannot be cancelled.
'Disable Printer' - Will prevent any printer output - this is Permanent
'Disable Disc' - Will prevent Print/SAVE to Disc - this is also permanent
Finally : - Cancel will Quit the SAVE back to Main Menu, and 'SAVE' will
perform the SAVE.
Merge other .SC3 files into the one already in memory.
You can now IMPORT files that are PROTECTED 'Once' but not 'ALWAYS' - NEW for
Toggle between 'ON' and 'OFF' to produce a '.SCB' Back-Up file or Not.
'OFF' can be used if disc space is limited - but 'ON' is safer.
Toggle between 'ON' and 'OFF' to Verify Disc Writes or Risk it !
'OFF' is Faster, but 'ON' is Safer !
Change Drive
------ -----
Change your default disc drive to any one that is available - mostly of use to
Pre-TOS 1.4 owners who hadn't the better File Selector of TOS 1.4 and beyond.
Delete any file from Disc to make room for more: - One at a Time !
Format a disc Single or Double-Sided from within the program.
Have Fun !
Chris Beale
19 Southfield Road,
LE10 1UA
Tel UK (01455) 613377 - Most Evenings.