ST Diary V1.6 (Demo)
ST Diary V1.6 is a fully working version. It is Freeware and so may be
copied and distributed as long as no charges are made for the actual
software. This version is a demo for ST Diary version 2. To upgrade to
version 2 please send a cheque for œ9.00 made payable to Simon Wilkinson
at the address below:
Mr Simon Wilkinson
Wilkinson Enterprises (UK)
2 High Buckstone
EH10 6XS
In return a fully working registered copy of ST Diary V2.0 will be sent
directly to the user. A 27 page printed manual will also be enclosed along
with ASCII, RTF, and Calligrapher formats of the manual on disk. ST Diary
V2.0 has several usability enhancements (e.g. word wrap) and an additional
address book. Addresses can be printed onto labels or envelopes directly
from ST Diary, or imported or exported to and from Label Printer. Mail
merge facilities are also available for Calligrapher and Firstword Plus
word processors.
Wilkinson Enterprises (1995)