by J. Andrzej Wrotniak
The Sky_Map program (version 4) may be freely copied or
given away for private or educational use (including
distribution by computer user groups), provided that all files
listed below (including this one) accompany the program.
It should, however, not be sold (explicitly or by including
it into commercially distributed packages) without written
permission of the author.
This program was written in Personal Pascal from Optimized
Systems Software, thus the code contains fragments of libraries,
copyrighted by OSS (and CCD, whoever it is).
_H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e _r_e_q_u_i_r_e_m_e_n_t_s
Minimum: Atari 520 ST (with TOS in ROM), one-sided disk
drive and MONOCHROME monitor.
_P_r_o_g_r_a_m _a_n_d _d_a_t_a _f_i_l_e_s
In addition to the file you are reading now, the following
files should be present on the Sky_Map disk:
* SKY_MAP.PRG - program file;
* SKY_MAP.DAT - star catalog file;
* SKY_MAP.TXT - file with the introductory screen displayed
by the program;
* SKY_MAP.CON - list of stellar constellations
(abbreviations, Latin, and English names);
* SKY_MAP.ALI - list of the most often used star names;
* SKY_MAP.HLP - file with texts displayed by the program help
All these files are accessed by the program and are necessary
for its proper functioning. Make sure they are all in the same
directory as the program itself.
Double-click on the program icon and you are on your own.
The program is mouse-driven (few necessary keyboard inputs are
echoed at the top of the window). Turning the HELP option on
(from the HELP menu) will cause a brief explanation to be
displayed about every menu item chosen.
This, I believe, should make redundant any additional
instructions how to run the program.
On the other hand, the on-line help will not (and does not
try to) replace an astronomy reference book. For explanation
of used terms and coordinate systems you should refer to any
(well, almost any) astronomy handbook.
_P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s _a_n_d _u_p_d_a_t_e_s
If you discover a bug in this program, please have a
second, closer look. If the bug is still there, please let me
know (see below), with as much relevant information, as
possible. I will try to fix it in the next update (letting you
know about it).
The program is still under development. In addition to
improving the user interface, I'm going to increase (by a factor
of four) the size of the star catalog, include more data about
each star, add a Hertzsprung-Russel diagram and some other
features. My astronomer friend (yes, Ramesh, I mean you) is
coming up with two new wishes a day (weekends excluded).
Also, I would like to have an idea, how many people have
included this program into their libraries. If you can afford 3
minutes of time and 22 cents, send me a letter (no need to write
anything, though any remarks will be welcome). Do it right away.
Thank you.
You may also leave me a message on the TANJ BBS:
(301)251-0675 (where I am registered without the "J." initial).
Here is my address (no, the letters "ST" in company name do
not mean what you think they mean; just a funny coincidence):
J. Andrzej Wrotniak
ST Systems Corporation
Aerospace Systems Division
4400 Forbes Blvd.
Lanham, MD 20706