League Table Maintainance Program

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League Table Maintainance Program atari screenshot
League Table Maintainance Program atari screenshot
League Table Maintainance Program atari screenshot
League Table Maintainance Program atari screenshot

Information - League Table Maintainance Program

GenreHandicapping / Sports AidYear1990
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ControlsMouseCountryUnited Kingdom
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Guest, David

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
SerialST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
ResolutionMediumNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable
Dumpdownload atari League Table Maintainance Program Download / STMIDI

Instructions - League Table Maintainance Program

                      LEAGUE TABLE PROGRAM

                           VERSION 2.12


     This program is a new version of League Table v1.2 which was 
released into the public domain in early 1990. The original 
program was written on a ZX Spectrum to help me keep track of my 
son's football league. When we upgraded to an Atari 520 I ported 
the program across into Fast Basic. This was the language used 
for version 1.2. Essentially it was keyboard driven but used the 
mouse to access the various functions. I felt that data entry 
would be much faster using the mouse only, if the program was 
properly designed (I know many people will disagree). This is the 
major change in going to version 2.0. The program has actually 
been re-written and is now in STOS Basic and has been compiled. 
Compilation offers no real speed increase but I thought it would 
be fun and I had bought the compiler! The source code is 
available for œ5 plus disc from the address at the end of this 
     This program was written to help with maintenance of 
football league tables, but can be used for any sport which has a 
league which operates on similar principles. It will cater for 30
teams in a league and during setting up it will prompt for the 
number of points for a win, draw and lose.


     Load Table - This produces the file selector to load a 
          previously saved league table. The table can then be 
          updated and saved.
     Save Table - This allows a table in memory to be saved to 
          disk and uses a standard file selector dialogue box. 
          The program will automatically include a .LEA extension 
          to the file name.
     Delete Table - This option produces a file selector which 
          is used to select the file to be deleted. Use with 
     Rename Table - This also produced a file selector to choose 
          the file which is to be renamed. A second file selector 
          then appears to allow you to type in the new name for 
          the file. It is important to include the extension 
     Create Folder - This option produces a file selector which 
          allows you to type in the name for a new folder.
     Delete Folder - This again produces a file selector. You 
          should type in the name of the folder to be deleted. 
          Choosing it with the mouse doesn't work! The folder 
          should be empty before you try to delete it or an error 
          will be generated.
     About League Table - This gives information on the version 
          number, useful if you have problems!
     Quit - Returns to the desktop after displaying a little 

     Input data - This is the normal way of updating the league 
          table. The program prompts for the results for each 
          team in turn. This is to ensure that none are missed 
          out! You must select an option from each line unless 
          NONE was selected on the first line. To select, simply 
          point with the mouse and click. If more than 11 goals 
          were recorded click on VALUE and then enter the number 
          of goals. When the data is correct click on DONE. If 
          there are no errors the next team will be displayed 
          until all have been dealt with. This method of data
          entry requires all results to be entered twice and is
          thus a way of checking the validity of the data being
          entered. The program checks for consistency of the
          data before it returns to the menu.
     Amend data - This allows data which has been wrongly entered 
          to be corrected. To choose the team to be amended 
          simply click on the team name, then on the item to 
          be altered and then enter the new value. If you have 
          more than 15 teams in the league then a "More Teams" 
          option will be available to display the other teams. 
          Click on MENU or EXIT to leave the display. The program 
          will check for errors before it exits the routine and 
          will alert you of the location of the errors.
     Check data - This is a way of manually checking the data for 
          consistency. It checks that the number of wins is the 
          same as the number of loses, that the number of home 
          games is the same of the number of away games, etc. All 
          menu options which allow data entry exit via this 
          routine to ensure that the data is correct.
     Sort data - This allows for the data to be ordered prior to 
          printing etc. This is normally done by the output 
          routine anyway and need not be done as an explicit 
          operation. The data is ordered first by the number of 
          points awarded, then by the goal difference and then by 
          the number of goals scored.

     View table - This outputs the league table to the screen 
          after it has been sorted. Pressing a mouse button will 
          pause the display, useful if you have more than about 
          20 teams in your league.
     Print table - This outputs the league table to a printer. 
          You will be asked to specify the type of print out, 
          i.e. a full league table or abbreviated data, the print 
          quality, draft or nlq, the number of copies and a title 
          for the table when it is printed. Simply highlight the 
          options required and enter the title for the table when 
          prompted. You can print any number of copies should you 
     Print to Disk - This allows output of the league table to a 
          disk file for inclusion in other documents. There is 
          now an option to alter the end of line character which 
          is sent out by the program. You can choose between 
          Carriage Return, Carriage Return with Line Feed or just 
          a Line Feed. The default setting is suitable for First 
          Word Plus, but whatever setting you have used is saved 
          with the league table file as a reminder.

     Set-up table - This is the menu option which allows the 
          league table to be set-up initially. It first asks for 
          the number of teams in the league. The maximum allowed 
          is 30. It then asks for the team names and then asks
          for how many points to award for a win, a draw and a
          lost game. It finally asks if you want the table to be
          cleared. I recommend that you save this initial
     Clear table - This option resets all the initial values to 
          zero and should be done prior to re-entering any data.
          This option is automatically selected by the set-up 
     Amend Teams - This option allows you to alter the names of 
          the teams in the league table. Simply click on the name 
          of the team you wish to alter and then type in the new 
          name. Click on EXIT to leave this option.


     This program is distributed as a shareware program and may 
be used as you require. It may be freely copied providing all 
the files in the folder are kept together. I would ask that if 
you use this program to maintain league tables for an 
organisation you send me a small donation, say œ15. In return I 
will advise you of any updates. Any updates will maintain file 
compatibility with this version so there will be no problems with 
retention of data. If you have any comments, bug reports or 
donations please send them to me at:
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