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Screenshots - GEMLabel

GEMLabel atari screenshot
GEMLabel atari screenshot
GEMLabel atari screenshot
GEMLabel atari screenshot
GEMLabel atari screenshot
GEMLabel atari screenshot
GEMLabel atari screenshot
GEMLabel atari screenshot
GEMLabel atari screenshot
GEMLabel atari screenshot

Information - GEMLabel

GenrePrinting - Banners / Cards / LabelsYear
LanguageGFA BASICPublisherDesktop Services
ControlsMouse, KeyboardCountryUSA
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Watson, Jeep

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
SerialST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
ResolutionHighNumber of Disks1 / Single Sided
Dumpdownload atari GEMLabel DownloadMIDI

Instructions - GEMLabel

                     G E M L A B E L . P R G

                         Desktop Services
                           Jeep Watson
                        1102 Overbrook Rd.
                       Baltimore, MD  21239
                          (301) 377-4642

     GEMLABEL is the combination of 3 or 4 general purpose 
labeling utilities that I wrote for my businesses.  I finally 
thought to myself, "Self, why don't you just put all these 
utilities together in one easy to use package and save yourself 
the hassle of remembering which label program does which task?"

     Version 1.0 proved to be a real time saver.  I kept it on my 
Word Processing disk and used it virtually every day.  I decided 
to make it faster and even easier to use by converting it to a GEM 
based program with drop down menus and a little more graphic 
appeal.  Thus the birth of GEMLABEL Version 2.0 and it's subse-
quent offering as shareware on the GEnie network.

     Version 2.0 has been downloaded almost 300 times on GEnie and
has been picked up by many Public Domain disk distributors and
several users groups nationwide.  As a result of this popularity,
I decided to once again revise the program, adding the features
requested by users across the country and incorporating a few new
features to satisfy my own creative interests.

     Version 2.5 was never put on the boards. It was only used by 
myself and a few local friends.  No sooner had I finished it than
I came up with several new good ideas and went immediately about
the task of implementing them.  These were mainly things to make
the program more usable for variety of printers and to increase
productivity for frequent users.  The end result is what you have
before you now: GEMLABEL Version 3.0.

     Whereas Version 2.0 was strictly for labels, version 3.0 is 
now set up to be a small forms generator.  Basically, if it can be 
bought in tractor feed format, it can be printed on easily with 
GEMLABEL 3.0.  It is still designed for the Monochrome system 
since it is a business program (and I don't have a color monitor!)
I have, however, designed the code to be open to the possibility 
of use in medium rez if the interest appears to demand it.


                        <  Page 1  >

                         NEW FEATURES

     GEMLABEL 3.0 has more features and is easier to use than any 
other label program on the market.  It is written in GFA Basic and 
compiled.  Version 3.0 is a lot more graphically oriented than 
previous versions and has a new look to the Menu Bar.  The new 
features are:

            * Superscript now available in Attributes menu
            * Elite size print also now available
            * Now can 'Save' and 'Load' labels from disk
            * All the common sizes graphically represented
            * Disk directories can be shown and/or printed
            * Label size can be changed with the mouse
            * Size changes shown visually in real time
            * Sizes from 2 to 6 inches wide supported
            * Sizes from 3 lines to 24 lines deep supported
            * Default label sizes now user configurable
            * Keyboard alternates for most menu options
            * User interface streamlined for speed
            * Right Mouse Button accepts dialog defaults
            * Program will not let you enter lines too long
            * Lines may now be edited individually
            * Accessory program makes drivers for any printer



     When run, GEMLABEL looks in the same directory for 3 other 


It is important that all 3 files be in the same directory.  If 
they are not, the program will not run and will tell you why.

     To run the program, just double click on GEMLABEL.PRG and 
proceed.  GEMLABEL 3.0 is very easy to use and quite intuitive.  I 
originally had a drop-down menu of help files in the program but 
eventually took them out to streamline the program after seeing 
that my beta testers were not using them at all.  My beta-testers 
were primarily my wife who hates computers, my 7 Yr. old son who 
loves them, and a friend from work who kept asking what the DOS 
commands were.  They all had very satisfactory results.


                        <  Page 2  >

                        A QUICK OVERVIEW

     Whereas GEMLABEL Version 2.0 was set up with standard Epson codes
and ran flawlessly on the myriad of Epson clones out there, Version 3.0
replaced hard coded printer codes with codes loaded in from a printer
configuration file when the program is run.  The included files are 
for the Epson printers and the NEC_P6 printer.  The other program 
included in the package (MAKE_GLP.PRG) is the program that creates or
modifies print drivers.  You can create several different print drivers
to keep on hand.  The program is menu-driven and pretty simple to use.
Be sure to use a unique name for each driver you create.  I use the
extender ".GLP" which is unused elsewhere as far as I know and that is
the extender the program will look for when loading in drivers for
modification.  Once you have the driver you need, rename it to
"GEMLABEL.PRT" from the desktop and put it in the SAME DIRECTORY as the
rest of the GEMLABEL program files.  The "GEMLABEL.PRT" file included
is the Epson file and should run fine with most printers.


     You must choose a label size before you can enter any information
on a label.  There is a prompt to remind you if you forget.

     A bell rings whenever GEMLABEL expects any user input or detects 
an error. 

     Any and all attributes are combinable and the maximum width in
characters for that combination of attributes and label size is auto-
matically calculated and displayed in the Status Box.  The program will
not allow you to exceed the maximum width allowed for a given combi-
nation of attributes.  If you try to type past the Max. Wide count, a
bell will ring and no further input will be accepted.  This holds true
either when entering OR editing data.  If you enter data and later 
change attributes to a wider type of print, the program will alert you
when you try to print a label or form.  It will tell you which line is
too long and you must either edit that line or change the attributes
back to a narrower type of print before you are allowed to print the
current label or form.

     You can print an alignment test for any size label or form and 
the test reflects the appearance of all the currently selected attri-
butes and the current maximum width.  The test does not destroy any 
information you may currently have entered into a label or form.

     You may select multiple copies - LIMIT 2,147,483,647 !!
If you want to stop a multiple copy run, simply hold down the Left 
Mouse Button and the program will stop printing.  If you have a buffer
in your printer, you might have to turn off the printer momentarily 
also.  This will reset all of your attributes.  You will have to use
the "RESET EVERYTHING" option from the Menu to insure that everything
is initialized properly and the check marks are removed from the
"ATTRIBUTES" menu selections.

                        <  Page 3  >


     The number of lines indicated as the current size in the 
Status Box is the number of lines from the top of one label to the 
top of the next (including the space between them).  Since you 
don't want to print on the space between labels, you'll want to 
adjust the position of your label so the first line starts a 
little below the top of the label and then format your label, 
leaving at least one blank line at the top or bottom of the label.  
After a couple of tries you'll know what works best for you and
you won't have to be bothered with testing the format each time.
Use the "Print Test Label" option under the OPTIONS menu to 
see if your alignment is correct.  Once you align one size label 
in your printer, all other sizes should also be properly aligned 
without any further work.

     Tractor feed forms don't require the same kind of forethought 
in the layout - there is no space between the forms.  Thus you can 
print to all of the lines of an Index Card or Rolodex Card that are 
indicated in the Status Box.



     The Right Mouse Button acts the same as the Return key in the 
Query Boxes - it accepts the highlighted default (Usually "Yes").

     The standard Mailing label size (6 lines x 3-1/2") is the 
default size in the "Custom Labels" option under the SIZE Menu.


                          <  PAGE 4  >

             *       The Menu - Step by Step        *


          My name and address; should you get the uncontrollable 
          urge to send me money.


          SAVE - Allows you to save current form or label to disk.
                 It expects you to use the extender ".LAB".  You can
                 use a label folder and will be presented with a
                 standard fileselector box to allow you to open the 
                 appropriate folder and save the label.  
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "S"

          LOAD - Opens a fileselector box allowing you to load a
                 pre-saved label or form.  As above, you may use 
                 folders.  Loading and Saving do NOT remember the
                 the current Attributes.
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "L"

          SAVE DEFAULTS - Saves current label sizes to disk in a
                 file called GEMLABEL.INF  The next time you run 
                 the program, all of the label sizes will be
                 preset to these default sizes.  Does NOT save
                 current attrubutes.
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: None

          QUIT - Just what you'd expect.  It does prompt you 
                 first just in case you want to change your mind.
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "Q"


                          < Page 5  >


     This allows selection of the print styles for the current label.
     Attributes may be freely combined although some printers may not
     recognize all combinations (refer to your printers manual).
     As attributes are selected MAX WIDE is instantly updated in the
     Status Box.  Attributes may be selected or deselected at any time
     before or after entering label data.  If attributes are changed
     after the data is entered it may make the data too long to print
     on the currently installed labels.  If this occurs, you will be
     told which line(s) is too long when you try to print.  You can
     then edit the offending line(s).  It is good practice to choose
     the attributes before entering the data.  The print styles are:

          EXPANDED - Double width print; normally 5 cpi
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Control "X"

          CONDENSED - Condensed print; normally 15 cpi
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Control "C"

          SUPERSCRIPT - Half Height Print
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Control "S"

          ELITE - Elite Print; Normally 12 cpi
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Control "E"

          BOLD - Bold or emphasized print
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Control "B"

          DOUBLE STRK - Double strike (2 Passes)
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Control "D"

          ITALICS - Italic print
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Control "I"

          CENTERED - Center justified print
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Control "M"


     Height is measured by the number of lines from the top of one
     label to the top of the next.  This is usually one more line than
     you can actually print to (you don't want to print on the space
     between labels).  Width is measured in inches and is adjusted in
     1/4" increments.  When a size is chosen, a graphic representation
     pops up and a dialog box asks if this is OK.  If not, you are 
     presented with a set of directional arrows to resize the label.  
     The newly chosen dimensions are retained in memory and are still
     active in subsequent calls for this type of label.  The Current
     Size is instantly updated in the Status Box.

          MAILING LABEL - Normally 6 lines x 3-1/2"
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "M"

          AUDIO CASSETTE - Size varies from one manufacturer to another
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "A"

          VIDEO CASSETTE - Again, size varies
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "V"

          FLOPPY DISK - Labels for 3-1/2" Disks
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "F"

          INDEX CARDS - My setup is 3-1/2" x 5"
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "I"

          ROLODEX CARDS - For Rolodex files
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "R"

          DIRECTORY - Prints directory to screen and asks whether
                      you want it to print out.  Prints only the
                      1st 30 files (the most you can fit on a 
                      3-1/2" disk in this "tiny print" mode).
                      (May not work properly on non-epson type
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "D"


          ENTER DATA - Allows you to enter data on the currently
                      selected label.  You must have a label size
                      selected - if not you will be prompted to 
                      do so.
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "E"

          EDIT DATA - Allows you to edit data after the label is 
                      completed.  You will be asked which line you
                      wish to edit.  That line will then be boxed
                      and the command line will accept the new data.
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "E"

          NUMBER OF COPIES - Allows you to specify how many copies 
                      of the current label you wish to print.  A 
                      counter shows what number is currently being
                      sent to the printer.  You may interrupt printing
                      by holding down the LEFT mouse button.  If you
                      have a buffer in your printer, you will have to
                      turn off the printer to stop the printer and
                      erase the buffer.  Turning off the printer erases
                      the attributes though they will still be checked
                      in the ATTRIBUTES menu.  Simply choose the RESET
                      EVERYTHING from the OPTIONS menu.
                              (Limit: 2,147,483,647 !!)
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "N"

          PRINT TEST LABEL - Prints a label with x's tracing the 
                      outline of the current label size.  This allows
                      you to check the alignment of the label which
                      is currently installed in the printer.  The test
                      is non-destructive; it will not harm the data
                      currently entered on the screen.  The size 
                      and quantity of the x's reflect the currently 
                      selected attributes.
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: None

          RESET EVERYTHING - Resets all attributes, erases the current
                      label from memory, initializes printer and resets
                      the number of copies to 1.
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: None

          PRINT - Does just that!  Printing can be stopped by holding
                      down the LEFT mouse button (See above: NUMBER
                      OF COPIES)
                 KEYBOARD ALTERNATE: Alternate "P"


     If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to 
                      call or write.  Enjoy !!

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