Disk Cake

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Screenshots - Disk Cake

Disk Cake atari screenshot
Disk Cake atari screenshot
Disk Cake atari screenshot
Disk Cake atari screenshot

Information - Disk Cake

GenreTape / Disk / Cartridge UtilityYear1994
Language[unknown]Publisher[no publisher]
ControlsMouse, KeyboardCountryGermany
Box / InstructionsEnglish, GermanSoftwareEnglish

Zwerschke, Christoph

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
SerialST TypeST, STe, TT, Falcon030 / 0.5MB
ResolutionLow / Medium / High / VGA / RGBNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable
Dumpdownload atari Disk Cake Download / STMIDI

Instructions - Disk Cake

Disk Cake v2.1 (c) 1994-95 by Christoph Zwerschke

About Disk Cake
Disk Cake displays the file structure for any floppy or hard disk 
partition graphically as a pie chart.

Disk cake runs as either a program or desktop accessory and accepts 
command lines including a directory path.
Disk Cake checks the _AKP and _IDT Cookies to display either English or 
German text and supports the AV protocol.

To install Disk Cake as an accessory under Single TOS rename 
DISKCAKE.PRG to DISKCAKE.ACC and place the program in the root 
directory in the root of your boot drive/partition.
Disk Cake runs like any other program from the desktop and requires no 
no configuration files.
Icons for use with alternative desktops such as Thing/Gemini/Ease are 
included. Use NVDI for maximum display speed!

Disk Cake is 'bilingual' simultaneously including German and English 
versions. To manually set the language create an ASCII format file 
called DISKCAKE.INF using any text editor (eg Everest, xEdit etc) with 
the following line for English support:


Similarly setting LANGUAGE 1 displays German text. If no setup file is 
available Disk Cake checks the _AKP Cookie. If the cookie is not 
available Disk Cake defaults to German.

Using the mouse
In addition to all the usual window elements it's also possible to 
click on the window 'Info line' (just below the Window title bar) and 
any pie slice to display the corresponding folder/file. Selecting a 
folder pie slice 'opens' the folder to display the subdirectory and 
selecting a file displays a 'File Info' dialog where the file 
attributes can be changed. A delete option is also provided which makes 
Disk Cake an ideal tool to search and destroy unwanted files on your 
Double clicking on any pie slice (or single click whilst holding the 
[Alternate] key) sends a message via the AV protocol to the AV Server, 
usually the desktop, which opens up many interesting possibilities when 
Disk Cake is installed as a desktop accessory under single TOS using 
Thing/Gemini/Ease etc, refer to the AV protocol section for more 

Disk Cake popup menu
A single click anywhere outside the pie or a right mouse click displays 
a popup menu where most of the important Disk Cake functions can be 
selected either using the mouse or via keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard operation
[Control]+[Space]    =Iconify window
                      Also [Control]+[Alternate]+[Space]
[Control]+F          =Display full size window
                      Also [Control]+[Alternate]+F
[Control]+Q          =Close window and exit program
                      Also [Control]+U
[Control]+O          =Re-read directory path (in window Info line)

[Control]+D          =Select display mode
[Control]+M          =Select sort mode
[Control]+L          =Load setup
[Control]+S          =Save setup

[Shift]+[A to Z]     =Select corresponding drive/partition
                      Also [Control]+[Shift]+[A-Z]
[Escape]             =Re-read directories
                      Also [Control]+[R]
[Help]               =Program info
                      Also [Control]+I
[Undo]               =Step up the directory tree one level or:
                      In the root directory toggle the storage space 
                      for the current drive/partition and the current 
                      selection in brackets in the Window Info line.
                      Also [Control]+[Backspace]

[Tab]                =Select pie slice using the keyboard in the 
                      anticlockwise direction, very handy when lots of 
                      small files are displayed.
[Shift]+[Tab]        =Select pie slice using the keyboard in the 
                      clockwise direction.
[Return] or [Enter]  =Also single left mouse click.
[Alternate]+[Return] =Double left mouse click.
                      Also [Alternate]+[Enter]

Operation via AV protocol
The AV protocol employed by Gemini/Thing/Ease and some other desktops 
the following additional functions are possible:

-Select a folder and the desktop opens a window to the selected folder.
-Select an ST-Guide HYP file and the desktop calls ST-Guide to display 
 the file.
-Select an IMG, RSC, SAM etc file and the desktop can call any file 
 viewer (eg 1st View, GEMView, Imagecopy Look 'n See etc) to display 
 the file.
-Select a ZIP, LZH or other archive file and the desktop can call a 
 archive manger with the archive loaded ready for processing.
-Many other possibilities!
-A Disk Cake icon installed on the desktop can call the accessory or 
 top the Disk Cake window. A directory or file can be Drag&Dropped onto 
 the Disk Cake icon or window (to force a directory update press the 
 [Esc] key).
-Files deleted using Disk Cake automatically cause a desktop window 
 opened to the same directory to be updated.
-Keyboard commands unknown to Disk Cake are passed on to the AV-Server, 
 usually the desktop.

Font protocol support
The font used by Disk Cake can be changed by Drag&Dropping any font to 
the Disk Cake window.
Limitations and known problems
Font selection is only possible if a suitable font selector with UFSL 
or xFSL interface is installed. The program FontSel, included in this 
distribution and the Thing font selector are both suitable.
Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement are always 
welcome -but please be patient!

Neither I nor any appointed agent accept any liability or 
responsibility for any direct or indirect damage that may arise, either 
financial, material or any other kind from either the use or misuse of 
this software and associated documentation. All trademarks used are 
recognised and acknowledged.

Copyright (c) 1994-95 by Christoph Zwerschke. All rights reserved.

Disk Cake is Freeware and may be freely distributed in non-commercial 
channels. If you use the program regularly please contribute towards 
its future developement, either directly with me or via the InterActive 
support scheme run by Joe Connor, please refer to SUPPORT.TXT for more 
Commercial PD/Shareware libraries and magazines may NOT distribute this 
software except by prior agreement.

-Thorsten Pohlmann: for the original idea, although he admits to being 
 inspired by an OS/2 program which in turn certainly wasn't the first 
 graphical file manager!
-Ulli Hahndorf, Thomas Madeya and Rolf Kotzian for the  colour icons.
-Thomas Madeya, Rainer Seitel and the Atari freaks at maus KA and other 
 maus areas.

The programmer:

Christoph Zwerschke             Bank address:
Am Steinfeld 4                  Bezirkssparkasse Heidelberg
59379 Selm-Cappenberg           BLZ (Sort code): 67250020
Germany                         Konto Nr. (Account No): 4338405

Book / Magazine Reviews - Disk Cake

 Atari World · August, 1995Rating: 2 Worlds 

Disk Cake Atari review 

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