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Screenshots - Digicomposer

Digicomposer atari screenshot
Digicomposer atari screenshot
Digicomposer atari screenshot
Digicomposer atari screenshot
Digicomposer atari screenshot
Digicomposer atari screenshot

Information - Digicomposer

GenreMusic / SoundYear
Language[unknown]Publisher[no publisher]
ControlsKeyboard, MouseCountrySweden
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Karlsson, Sven [Il Profesore]

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
SerialST TypeST, STe Enhanced, TT / 0.5MB
ResolutionLowNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided
Dumpdownload atari Digicomposer Download / MSAMIDI

Instructions - Digicomposer

                   Il Profesore and Bitmaster
                       Proudly Presents

                        DIGI COMPOSER

       This program was originally called Noisetracker and was 
created by Mahoney and Kaktus on the Amiga. Later on a belgican 
guy called Dr Satan from F.A. converted the Noisetracker and 
created a ST-version. But the ST-version didn't include all the 
functions that the Amiga version had. Something had to be done. Il 
Profesore from ISTARI created DIGI COMPOSER; a modified and 
extended version of the ST Noistracker (see function details 
below). Digi Composer is public domain!!!

  Original Amiga version:Mahoney & Kaktus
  Original ST version:   Dr Satan/F.A.
                         212 RUE DES CROIX
                         7310 JEMAPPES

Mod. and ext. ST vers.:  Il Profesore
                         SVEN KARLSSON
                         RYD NYKYRKA
                         S-591 97 MOTALA
NOTE: Send donations such as money,cars,expensive italian clothes 
and shoes,bungalows,Krell ampfilers,NEXT computers,life-long 
supplies of CDs LPs Maxisingles and Singles and Disks,1 Gigibytes 
HDs,money for plasic surgery,small castles all around the 
world,Nobelprizes or suggestions or bug reports to the adresses 
above. (Bugs and suggestions should be sent to Sven Karlsson)  

Hello fans! Well.. Let's us just be modest. Bitmaster wanted me 
to write something about Digi Sound. So here we go:

To play a sample at different pitch (to pitch it) is very much 
the same as variating the frequency of any periodic wave such as 
the sinus wave: the faster you "move" trough the wave the higher 
the pitch becomes. This is simply done by adding a constant to a 
pointer which points to the sample and looking for the end of the 
sample. The adding can be done in many different ways but it 
would be too boring to read if write about everyone of them so I 
don't write about any of them. 

           Pump up the volume!

Yep a digi sound tune becomes much more amazing if you are using 
volume control or VELOCITY CONTROL. This is not very hard to do:
just adress a multiplication table using the sample data as a 

             Add it upp!

In the end the channels are added together and played. That's it.

This tiny text is not ment to be understood but I hope some of 
you out there have understood. 


     - Up to 31 samples
     - Three different replay frequencymodes   
     - Three different replay modes: ST, ST stereo and STE 
     - Eight different replay frequences:
                    ST Low:        10.24 kHz  
                    ST Mid:        12.54 KHz
                    ST High:       16.61 kHz
                    ST Stereo low:  8.90 kHz
                    ST Stereo Mid: 11.59 kHz
                    STE Low:       10.97 kHz
                    STE Mid:       14.29 kHz
                    STE High:      17.55 kHz  
     -Totaly compatible with the mostly used Amiga-Tracker: 
          Protracker by Amiga Freelancers.
     -TT support
     -Timer controlled playroutine. You don't have to bother about the 
              50/60Hz problems anymore!
     -Improved sampler option
     -Faster replayroutine NOTE: These are not my fastest routines.
            These routines are rather slow. 
     -Improved File selector  
     -Improved Pattern Editor  
     -And a lot more which you will discover if you read on and play around for a while..
       Look in Digi Composer HELP area if you want to get started 


  Here is a list of all functions and commands that can be used in
Digi Composer. To make this program easy to use and understand, 
all facts in this manual are shown with examples and notes. 
     PRINT THIS TEXT!!! It's much easer to work with Digi 
Composer if you have this manual beside you. If you don't own a 
printer, use your printer-owning pal (and let him pay for the 
paper). Well, the masterminds out there can maybe learn this 
manual by heart.       
MARKS & NOTES   are...marks and notes.     BIG unbolded words (or (see 
???)) means that you can look them up. The ([???]) among the 
screen functions means that the function can be performed with a 
--------------------------------------------------------------  --  
SCREEN FUNCTIONS   are all the buttons that you can click to change 
parameters, modes etc. Also included in the screen functions 
((conception are different kinds of status frames. 
KEY FUNCTIONS   are all the keys that you can press to change 
parameters, modes etc. Some SCREEN FUNCTIONS are also available 
on some keys. A great deal of the key functions are conducted to 

  COMMANDS   is a way to create effects as echo, vibrato etc. You 
simply type the command code on a note and the desired 
(necessary) value and there you are...

  MODES   are made so that you only can preform certain actions in 
respective modes. There are three exeptions (see L,M & H).  

       NORMAL MODES   (play, pattern, stop): In thoose modes, you can 
only lissten and stop your modul. 

       EDIT MODE   (edit!) : In this mode, you can enter notes and 
       RECORD MODE   (record!) : In this mode, you can enter notes in 
real time while the pattern is runing. You can only record one 
pattern at a time.
  FIELDS   appears in two form: SONGNAME and SAMPLE.

       SONGNAME   : If you load a module the module name should be 
displayed in this field. If you have created a own module you 
should enter the module name here.

         SAMPLE   : If you load a sample the sample name should be 
displayed in this field. If you have modified a sample (whith the 
SAMPLE functions) you should enter a new name here.
TIMER   is a...timer. It's really nice to see how long a song is, 
     While the timer is running:

       LEFT MOUSE BUTTON   : toggles the timer start/stop.

      RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON   : toggles the timer interval/continue.
       When the timer is stopped:

      RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON   : zeros the timer.

--------------------------------------------------------------  --

RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON   (in general): Click the up and down arrows 
and hold the button to rewind.
"COLORED" FRAME  :   To make it clear which function that is 

"COLORED" ARROW  :   To mark that a function is used.

--------------------------------------------------------------  --
  --------------------------------------------------------------  --

POSITION  00   U D  
  Name   Steps Up/Down arrows 

Position is the order of the patterns in the melody.   

PATTERN   00   U D
    Name   Steps Up/Down arrows (  [INSERT]  /  [CLR HOME]  )

Pattern is a melody string containing 4 channels and during about 
4 bars. A melody is built up of different bars.
LENGHT     00   U D
    Name   Steps Up/Down arrows

Length is the number of positions in the melody (added with 1). 
RESTART   00   U D
      Name   Steps Up/Down arrows

Restart: you can set a position from which you want to restart 
after reaching the melody end. (Ex. neverending refrain, start 
all over again).              
  SAMPLE    00   U D
    Name   Steps Up/Down arrows (  [+]  /  [-]  )

Sample is the "memory sample libary". You can load samples into 
the memory using the LOAD SAMPLE function (see DISK). The
so called libary is your orchestra which contain samples, that 
are instruments. Simply change instruments with the arrows. 

  FINETUNE  00   U D
    Name   Steps Up/Down arrows

Finetune let you tune the instument (sample).

  VELOCITY  00   U D
    Name   Steps Up/Down arrows

Velocity controls the volyme on the instrument. Set the volyme 
with the arrows. The V must be darked before this function would 
make effect (see V).

  LENGHT  0000   U D
    Name  Steps  Up/Down arrows

Lenght is the lenght of the instrument. You can change the lenght 
with the arrows (ex. take away noise and clicks).

  REPEAT  0000   U D
    Name  Steps  Up/Down arrows

Repeat will repeat from the number of steps that is adjusted.  

  REPLEN  0000   U D
    Name  Steps  Up/Down arrows

Replen is a function which allows you to set the lenght of a 
loop. (Ex. try changing replen value to make 
a "good" loop). 



1: stands for channel number one (from right to left). A left click 
toggles between ON/OFF (darked/lighted). This on/off is simply 
volume which is turned on or off all commands and noted are 
executed/played. If you "right-click" the number will disappear
and all functions , notes etc are NOT played

2: stands for channel number two. A click toggles between 
ON/OFF. See above ...


3: stands for channel number three. A click toggles between 
ON/OFF. See ab..


4: stands for channel number four. A click toggles between 
ON/OFF. See ...


The V stands for velocity. This function confirm to the command 
for velocity in a module.    


The A stands for amplify. Pump up the volume! 


Play starts playing from the chosen position (respective 
pattern) to the very end. You choose position with the POSITION 
function. Mousepointer turns yellow.  


Pattern plays a single pattern (the one choosen) or a block which 
is defined with the BLOCK function. Mousepointer turns yellow.

  EDIT   (  [SPACE]  )  

Edit let you create a pattern (score) with the different keys 
which grasps 3 octaves (see KEYBOARD). You can change 
instrument as many times you like in each channel. Mousepointer 
turns blue.  


Record records your bashing within the 2 octaves. The recording 
is in real time and only one pattern at a time can be recorded. 
Mousepointer turns blue.

  TEMPO     06
  Name    Value

Tempo is setting the speed of the song. The standard value is: 06 
(ca. 124bpm) Change value with mouse buttons: left=faster, 


Stop interrupt using PLAY or PATTERN. Mousepointer turns white.

  DISK OP.      

When clicking the DISK button a number of buttons will appear. 
These buttons are different kind of disk options.
     Double click on a button and DigiComposer will change 
directory (you must of course check that you have inserted a new 

       INVERTED TEXT  : Elucidate which file that is choosen from 
the directory. 


Load sample loads a sample to the memory. Choose a destination in 
memory by the SAMPLE function (clicking the arrows). (Ex. set 
sample number 3, then use LOAD SAMPLE and you will for ex. have a 
"stringsound" as instrument (sample) number 3).    


Save sample saves the instrument (sample) with the name standing 
in the SAMPLE FIELD and automatic put .SPL or .AMI ,according to 
what sample type is chosen,(Se prefs) as extension. If you 
want to change the name of the sample click in the SAMPLE FIELD.


Free displays the free space on the current disk.

  L     MODULE  

Loads a module into memory. A module is a melody,song or 
whatever you would like to call it, that is a complete work.  


Save module on disk. Saves your complete work: patterns and 
respective positions, used samples (even the manipulated). 
Modules takes plenty of diskspace much because the samples data.


Format single sided. Formats a disk with 80 tracks and 9 sectors.


Format dubble sided. Formats a disk with 80 tracks and 9 sectors.


Directory. Showing the active drive, paths...

When clicking the SAMPLER button a number of buttons will appear. 
These buttons are different kind of sampler options.   


When clicking on this button two additional buttons would occur:

       NORMAL SCOPE   : This is the "normal" state. You can see the 
current samples appearances.
       TWIN SCOPE   : This is the "loop" state.     If you look at 
the left part, you would see the begining  -  end of the sample     and if 
you look at the right part, you would see the end-begining of the 
sample. This is a visuall way to conform a good loop.


This is a zeropoint-finder! When clicking on this button two 
additional buttons will occur:
       REPEAT   : 
          RIGHT BUTTON: Searching for a zeropoint upwards in the 
  sample (from a lower to a higher address).
          LEFT BUTTON: Searching for a zeropint downwards in the 
sample (from a higher to a lower address).

When the zeropoint-finder have reached the end (or beginning) of 
a sample you can stop clicking because it's no use! Look how 
the repeat value change in the valuefield of REPEAT. You can, of 
course, click the arrows to step up and down.  

          RIGHT BUTTON: Searching for a zeropoint for a loop 
upwards in the sample (from a lower to a higher address).
          LEFT BUTTON: Searching for a zeropint for a loop 
downwards in the sample (from a higher to a lower address).

When the zeropoint-finder have reached the end (or beginning) of 
a sample you can stop clicking because it's no use! Look how 
the replen value change in the valuefield of REPLEN. You can, of 
course, click the arrows to step up and down.  

  NOTE  : Use zeropoint-finder in addition to the TWIN SCOPE.

When clicking on this button two additional buttons will occur:

       OCTAVE UP  : transpose the sample one octave up.  
     OCTAVE DOWN  : transpose the sample one octave down. 

With this strange function you can lower the sample volume! 
The thought behind this function is that it's somethimes 
nessasary to syncron diffrent samples volumes (because of not 
having to adjust the volumes every time you would like to use in 
a new module).

     Simply adjust the samples volume with the arrows which 
affect VELOCITY and the press VOLUME. 

ex.  flutesnd: velocity 40 (hex), which you adjust to:
     flutesnd: velocity 20 (hex), click volume, adjust to:
     flutesnd: velocity 40 (hex), which now should have the 20 
     (hex) volume.     

When clicking on this button two additional buttons will occur:  
       FADE IN  : doesn't you have any tiny ide‚ what could happend?
      FADE OUT  : if you have, you must be a experienced hacker!

If you would like to take a copy of the current sample, which 
you're going to manipulate. Enter destination.

Again a function that's incredible hard to say anything about, 
but I can say: Hi! (better now?).       

When you click on this button a preference menu will occur. 
There are three menus with different kind of settings, which 
after fitting your wishes, should be saved. DigiComposer would 
from now on load a DIGICOMP.INF file, when you start the program.

         Change default settings by clicking or editing.
PREFS  :    A:\ _ _ _ _ _ (Drive and path/s were DC will save the 

NOTE:The DIGICOMP.INF file must be located in the very same 
directory as DC or it won't be loaded!
  MODULES  :  A:\ _ _ _ _ _ (Drive and path/s were DC will look for 

  SAMPLES  :  A:\ _ _ _ _ _ (Drive and path/s were DC will look for 


  DEFAULT MODE  :  MEDIUM (Low, medium or high (see [L],[M] & [H]))

  OVERSCAN  : OFF (Ovescan on/off (see [O]))


  STEREO MODE  : ON ("Amiga-stereo" mode (not panorerad stereo))

  VELOCITY AS  : HEX (Are you a programmer or not?)
               see H/D!

  ST. OUTPUT  :    YM2149/PROSOUND (Stereo output) 

  MONO OUTPUT  :   YM2149

  INPUT  :    ST_REPLAY (.SPL samples or Amiga(.AMI) samples)

  UP DOWN   MAIN VOLUME  :   0 (Software volyme control)
UP DOWN   RIGHT CH. V  :   0

  UP DOWN   TREBLE LEVEL  :  0 (Software treble control)

  UP DOWN   BASS LEVEL  :    0 (Software bass control)

  **   NEXT PREFERENCES    **   (Guess what?!)
       **   SAVE PREFERENCES    **   (Guess?!)
       **   EXIT PREFERENCES    **   (G...)
  TRANS     00
  Name    Value

This function is quite useless, but it's fun. Change value with 
mouse buttons: left=higher, right=lower.



When clicking the SAMPLER button a number of buttons will appear. 
These buttons are three diffrent ways to destroy your work!

Clear all clears everything in memory. Patterns and samples, all 
will be cleared. This is a sort of "new" function. Remember to 
save your work before using this function (see DISK).  
Clear Patterns clears all the patterns in memory, but the 
"sample libary" will still be there. This is a sort of "I'm not 
satisfied" function. Remember to save your work just in case you 
regret (see DISK).


Clear all samples in memory. Your whole "sample libary" will be 
lost. Remeber to save your work just in case you regret (see 
DISK) (You maybe had edited the samples with the SAMPLER).   

  HELP   (  [HELP]  )  

HELP! This is a integrated helptext which contain a so called 
"get started" and short references. 

Well, this one is really nice! Don't you agree. Painting the 
logos was a piece of cake compared to writing this manual!
  QUANT     01
  Name    Value

This function defines how many lines you wish to go down, when 
you work in EDIT MODE, after you have placed a note or a command. 
Change value with mouse buttons: left=bigger steps, right=smaller 
  COPY      01
  Name    Value

The nummer of copies you wish to make of a defiend block (one or 
four channel (see FUNCTION KEYS)). Change value with mouse 
buttons: left=more, right=less steps.


Hexadecimal/Decimal. Choose which number base you want to display 

NOTE: The standard is hexadecimal however there are some strange 
      modules where the velocity is decimal. This feature was 
      built in to support those too. It is adviceable to use 


Extended. SixTeen Extended (STE). If you own that kind of Atari, 
be happy. It really sounds C(ruel!!!).

  O   (  [.]  )  

Overscan. Why bother about the low border? This function was 
created to make it easier to edit (see L).

  OO   (  [UNDO]  )  
Stereosymbol. The stereo can be heard on normal STs if you 
connect a sampler with output you can hear one channel through 
the cartridge and one through the monitor. See in preferences 
which cartridges DC supports. Or if you own... (shut up!)

Il Profesore's NOTE: After the DC had been packed I found that I 
had written MT 16 instead of MV 16. Ehhmmm... But I was too lazy 
to pack it one more time.   

  L   (  [(]  )  

Low. This is the low replay frequency (see DIGI COMPOSER 
FEATURES). The Overscan function only works in this mode.

  M   (  [)]  )  

Medium. This is the medium replay frequency. It starts sounding a 
little bit better now!

  H   (  [/]  )  

High. This is the high replay frequency. It sounds marvellous!!! 
(I don't want to to think about how much processor time there is 
left. Even the graphics ("peak" & osci) are removed just to push 
the replay frequency to a maximum).  

--------------------------------------------------------------  --  
  --------------------------------------------------------------  --  

Below are the "playable" keys showed. They are organized in the 
"piano style" with "white keys" and "black keys" (ordinary tunes: 
C,D,E,F,G,A,B respective highed and lowered tunes: 
     The cursor must be on the NOTE POSITION to accept a note!

                2 3   5 6 7   9 0   = `   
               Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] 

                S D   G H J   L ;             
               Z X C V B N M , . /   
REMEBER  . You must be in EDIT or RECORD MODE to enter notes.

--------------------------------------------------------------  --  
  --------------------------------------------------------------  --  

Chooses two low octaves.


Chooses two high octaves.


Define a block start (from cursor position in a channel). 


Define a block end (from cursor position in a channel). 


Define a whole pattern block (Hex: 00-3F, Dec: 00-64).


Undefine a block. The blockmarks will be reseted.

Copy block as four channels, that is all four channels will 
automatically be "blocked" (from "block start" to "block end". 
The block will be pasted at the cursor position whithin any 


Delete block as four channels, that is that all four channels 
will automatically be "blocked" (from "block start" to "block 
end" and deleted.


Copy block as one channel. The block will be pasted at the cursor 
position whithin the channel.

Delete block as one channel. 

--------------------------------------------------------------  --  
  --------------------------------------------------------------  --  


Delete note and instrument number.


Delete note and instrument number and command.


Delete a whole line. Everything is gone...be sure of what key you 
are going to press : return or delete!
--------------------------------------------------------------  --  
--------------------------------------------------------------  --  

Toggle beetwen scope and equalizer. The mentioned graphics are'nt 
avaible in the dreaded High mode.


Change colours.
     MONO: This is the monitor palette (grey) made for the 

   COLOUR: This is the TV palette (brown?) made for the "RF-
people", which means that they can't afford a monitor or that 
they are too gready. The brown colours should be easyer to watch 
if you have a TV.


Help! I'm lost. The built in help-area should be a quick 
reference guide and a support for weak minds. The lazy user 
should find a "get-started".


  Toggle between stereo mode on/off     (doesnt't take affect in High)  .


Toggle between STOP and EDIT MODE.


To step one position down.


To step one position up.

--------------------------------------------------------------  --  
  --------------------------------------------------------------  --  

Low replay frequency. Overscan works only in this mode.


Medium replay frequency.

  High replay frequency.


  Jump to the start of the previous pattern.

  The "status scroller" will stop scrolling and display SONGNAME 
and the timer.


The "status scroller" will stop scrolling and display STATUS 
(block) and FREE (memory).


The "status scroller" will stop scrolling and display DISK 

  To step down SAMPLE.

  To step up SAMPLE.


Start "status scrolling".


Stop "status scrolling" at the current point.


Jump to P4 ((within) Pattern position four): 63.


Jump to P3 ((within) Pattern position three): 48.


Jump to P2 ((within) Pattern position two): 32.


Jump to P1 ((within)) Pattern position one): 16.


Jump to P0 ((within) Pattern position null): 00.


Toggle overscan on/off. In low replay frequency only.

Toggle between SONGNAME and SAMPLE (see FIELDS). 

--------------------------------------------------------------  --  

                    C#1  5 C 3 0
                    /   /  | |_|
                   /   /   | Command info
                  /   / Command
                 / Inst.nr.
          Note to be 

  Note...  :  A ordinary note that's created by that peron who have 
          used that sample.

  Instr.nr  : This is the number of that sample in that module.

  Command  :  This letter or number tells DigiComposer what effect 
          you'll like to deal with     (see EFFECT COMMADS).

  Com.info  : This byte should cointain the additional information 
          for the used command.

Effect commands on DigiComposer should be compatible with all the 
other trackers.

0 - None/Arpeggio        8 - * NOT USED *
1 - Portamento Up        9 - SampleOffset
2 - Portamento Down      A - VolumeSlide
3 - TonePortamento       B - PositionJump
4 - Vibrato              C - Set Volume
5 - ToneP + VolSlide     D - PatternBreak
6 - Vibra + Volslide     E - Misc.Cmds
7 - Tremolo              F - Set Speed


The E command has been altered to contain more commands than one.

E0 - Filter On/Off       E8 - *NOT USED*
E1 - Fineslide Up        E9 - Retrig Note
E2 - Fineslide Down      EA - FineVol Up
E3 - Glissando Control   EB - FineVol Down
E4 - Vibrato Control     EC - NoteDut
  E5 - Set Finetune        ED - NoteDelay
E6 - Patternloop         EE - PatternDelay
E7 - Tremolo Control     EF - Funk Repeat

  Cmd 0. Arpeggio (Range:#0-#F/#0-#F)  

Usage: #0 + 1st halfnote add
          + 2nd halfnote add

Arpeggio is used to simulate chords. this is done by rapidly 
changing the pitch between 3(or 2) different notes. It sounds 
very noisy and grainy on most samples, but OK om monotone ones.

Example:  C-300047  C-mayor chord:
          (C+E+g or C+4+7 halfnotes)
          C-300037  C-minor chord:
          (C+D#+G or C+3+7 halfnotes)

  Cmd 1. Portamento up (Speed:#00-#FF)  

Usage: #2 + portamento speed
Portamento up will simply slide the sample pitch up. You can NOT 
slide higher than B-3! (Period 113)

Example:  C-300103 1 is the command, 3 ist the portamentospeed
NOTE:     The portamento will be called as many times as the 
speed of the song. this means that you'll sometims have 
trouble sliding accurately. If you change the speed 
without changing the sliderates, it will sound bad... 

  Cmd 2. Portamento down (Speed;#00-FF)  

Usage; #2 + portamento speed

Just command 1 except that this one slides the pitch down 
instead. (Adds to the period). You can NOT slide lower than C-1!
(Period 856)

Example:  C-300203  2 is the command, 3 is the portamentospeed.

  Cmd 3. Tone-Portamento (Speed:#00-FF)  

Usage:    Dest-note +#3+slidespeed

This command will automatically slide from the old note to the 
new one. you don't have to worry about which direction to slide, 
you need only to set the slide speed. To keep on sliding just 
select the command #3 + 00

Example:  A-200000  First play a note
          C-300305  C-3 ist the note to slide to, 
          3 is the command and 5 the speed

  Cmd 4.    Vibrato (Rate:#0-#F, Depth:#0-#F)  

Usage: #4 + vibratorate + vibratodepth

Example:  C-300481  4 is the command, 8 is the speed of the 
                    vibrato and 1 is the depth of the vibrato

To keep on vibrating just select the command $ + 00. To change 
the vibrato, you can alter the rate, depth or both. Use command 
E4- to change the vibrato-waveform.

  Cmd 5.    ToneP + Volsl (Speed:#0-#F/#0-#F)              

Usage:    #5 + upspeed + downspeed

This command will continue the current toneportamento and slide 
the volume at the same time. Stolen from NT2.0

Example:  C-300505  5 is the speed to turn the volume down
          C-300640  4 is the speed to slide it up

  Cmd 7.    #7 + tremolorate + tremolodepth  

Tremolo vibrates the volume

Example:  C-300794  7 is the command, 9 is the speed of the 
tremolo and 4 is the depth of the tremolo

To keep on tremoling just select the vommand #7 + 00. To change 
the tremolo you can alter the rate, depth or both. Use command 
E7- to change the tremolo-waveform.

  Cmd 9.    Set SampleOffset (Offs:00-#FF)  

Usage:    #9 + SampleOffset

This command will play from a chosen position in the sample and 
not from the beginning. The two numbers equal the two first 
numbers in the length of the sample. Handy for speech-samples.

Example:  C-300923  Play sample from offset #2300.

  Cmd A.    Volumeslide (Speed:#0-#F/#0-#F)  

Usage: #A + upspeed + downspeed

Example:  C-300A05  5 is the speed to turn the volume down
          C-300A40  4 is the speed to slide it up

NOTE:The slide will be called as many times as the speed of 
the song. The slower the song, the more the volume will 
be changed on each note.

  Cmd B.    Position-jump (Pos:#00-#7F)  
Usage:    #B + position to continue at

Example:  C-300B01  B is the command, 1 is the position to 
restart the song at.

This command will also perform a pattern-break (see below) You 
can use this connand instead of restarting as on noisetracker.

  Cmd C.    Set volume (Volume:#00-#40)  

Usage:    #C + new volume

Well. this old familiar command will set the current volume to 
your own selected. the highest volume is #40. All volumes are 
represented in hex. 

Example:  C-300C10  C is the command, 10 is the volume
                    (16 decimal).

  Cmd D.    Pattern-break (Pattern-pos:00-63, decimal)  

Usage: #D + pattern-position

This Command just jumps to the next songposition and continues 
play from the patternposition you specify.

Example:  C-300D00  Jump to the next songposition and continue 
play from patternpositon 00.
Or:       C-300D32  Jump to the next songposition and continue 
                    play from patternposition 32 instead

  Cmd E0.   Set filter (Range:#0-#1)  

          Not available.

  Cmd E1.   Fineslide up (Range:#0-#F)  

Usage:    #E1 + value

This command works just like the normal portamento up, except 
that it only slides up once. It does not continue sliding during 
the length of the note.

Example:  C-300E11  Slide up 1 at the beginning of the note
                    (Great for creating chorus effects)

  Cmd E2.   Fineslide down (Range:#0-#F)  

Usage:    #E2 +  value

This command works just like the normal portamento down, except 
that it only slides down once. It does not continue sliding 
  during the length of the note.

Example:  C-300E26  Slide up 6 at the beginning of the note

  Cmd E3.   Glissando-Control (Range:#0-#1)  

Usage:    #E3 + Glissando-Status

Glissando must be used with the toneportamento command. When 
glissando is activated, toneportamento will slide a halfnote at a 
time, instead of a straight slide.

Example:  C-300E31  Turn Glissando on
          C-300E00  Turn Glissando off

  Cmd E4.   Set vibrato waveform (Range:#0-#3)  

Usage:    #E4 + vibrato-waveform

Example:  C-300E40  Set sine (default)
               E44  Don't retrig WF
          C-300E41  Set Ramp Down
               E45  Don't retrig WF
          C-300E42  Set Squarewave
               E46  Don't retrig WF
          C-300E43  Set Random
               E47  Don't retrig WF

  Cmd E5.   Set finetune (Range:#0-#F)  

Usage:    #E5 + finetune-value

Example:  C-300E51  Set finetune to 1

Use these tables to figure out the finetune 

Finetune: +7  +6   +5   +4   +3   +2   +1   0
Value:     7   6    5    4    3    2    1   0

Finetune: -1   -2   -3   -4   -5   -mand will retrig the same note before playing the next. 
Where to retrig depends on the speed of the song. If you retrig 
with 1 in speed 6, that note will be trigged 6 times in one note 
slot. retrig on hi-hats!

Example:  C-300F06  Set speed to 6.
          C-300E93  Retrig at tick 3 out of 6.

  Cmd EA.   FineVolsl uip (Range:#0-#F)  

Usage:    #EA +  value

This connad works just like the normal volumeslide up, except 
that it only slides up once. It does not continue sliding during 
the length of the note.

Example:  C-300EA3  Slide volume up 1 at the beginning of the 

  Cmd EB.   FineVolsl down (Range:#0-#F)  

Usage:    #EB + value

This command works just lika the normal volumeslide down, except 
that it only slides down once. It does not continue sliding 
during the length of the note.

Example:  C-300EB6  Slide volume down 6 at the beginning of the 

  Cmd EC.   Cut note (Value:#0-#F)  

Usage:    #EC + Tick to Cut note at.

This command will cut the note at the selected tick, creating 
extremely short notes.

Example:  C-300F06  Set speed to 6
          C-300EC3  Play note at tick 3 out of 6.

Note that the note is not really cut, the volume is just turned 

  Cmd ED.   NoreDelay (Value:#0-#F)  

Usage:    #EdC + ticks to delay note

This command will delay the note to the selected tick.

Example:  C-300F06  Set speed to 6.
          C-300ED3  Play note at tick out of 6.

  Cmd EE.   PatternDelay   (Notes:#0-#F)  

Usage:    #EE +  notes to delay pattern.

This command will delay the pattern the selected numbers of 

Example:  C-300EE8  Delay pattern 8 notes before playing on.

All other effects are still active when the pattern is being 

  Cmd EF.   Funk Repeat (Speed:#0-#F)  

Usage:    #EF + funkspeed

This command will need a short loop (#10,20,40,80 etc bytes) 
to work. It will move the loop through the whole length of the 
sample. Sounds like shit really, but who cares?

Example:  c-300EF8  Set funkspeed to 8

To turn off the funking, set the speed to 0

  Cmd F.    Set speed (Speed:#00-#FF)  

Usage:    #F + speed

This command will set the speed of the song. The lower the 
number, the higer the speed. 1 = fastest, FF= slowest. The 
default speed is 6. This will be set every time you load or clear 
a song. Speed 6 equals ca 124 bpm.
         HOW WE MADE IT!  (The indeed true story of DC's birth)

About 6 months ago (that's october 1990) I(il Profeore) got a 
copy of the PD-programme called Noisetracker. It was the 1.02 
version. It was somewhat of an anticlimax when I realised that it 
wasn't fully amiga-compatible. I wanted however to look at code 
and perhaps correct some of the many bugs(for example the so-
called joystick-bug. HINT TO DR. SATAN: It was very easily fixed. 
It was something with a cmp and a branch I think...). And when I 
have speeded up the routines a bit I used the modified 
Noisetracker as a sort of module replayer. For about 1.5 month I 
did nothing on Noisetracker. But then I decided to make a own 
tracker. I got Protracker as an amiga executable file from an 
amiga-guy (Thanx Axel!) which I ported to the ST and disassambled 
I also ported another amiga-tracker: Startracker by Fairlight 
(Once again:Thanx Axel!). I extended the playroutine so it would 
be fullt Protracker-compatible. Then the real work began: During 
2 weeks I modified almost all of the routines and I wrote many 
more.(Puhh!) I thought that i finally could release it. Then I 
got Noisetracker 1.5... I said to myself: You got to include all 
the new functions... At the same time Bitmaster had tested DC and 
showed me a lot of bugs, which I had to correct. And finally: 
,after a week of sleepless nights for both me and Bitmaster, we 
could proudly and very tiredly release Digi Composer.   

  CREDITS FOR THIS MANUAL   (and a little bit of bullshiting)  

First of all I would like to explain for all you out there, who 
thinks that whole this manual is a maltreatment of the english 
language, that's because I'm from Sweden (and the time pressure 
was really hard). 
     The credits for this manual goes to the following persons: 

ME (Bitmaster (=Anders Gustavsson) of ISTARI), who have written 
almost everything!

MY MOTHER (member of family Gustavsson), who have written the 
ripped part of this manual: Protracker commando description 

Il Profesore (Sven Karlsson) of ISTARI, who have written about 
the digisound technics and DigiComposer features. 
Il Profesore's NOTE: I have also corrected some bugs in the 
manual. But I think that Bitmaster have done a rather good job!

There are a few places in this manual that may confuse you 
(everything), make you laught (my english) and make you cry (my 
jokes). If you find any errors in this manual or the program 
please let us know. Write to:

  Sven Karlsson (his address stands at the first page)

Anders Gustavsson
Utterstigen 10

ISTARI consist of the following menbers (1990-03-14):
Bitmaster, Il Profesore, Wolf, Snobben and Isvar. 

Note to other ST-crews: SEND US ALL YOUR DEMOS!!!

  Have fun and enjoy!!!  

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