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CAB (HTML-Browser) V1.0 (December 1995) Atari ST/TT/Falcon/Medusa/Eagle
CAB (HTML-Browser) is FREEWARE. It may be copied and used freely.
Distribution by BBSs and PD libraries is allowed. However, CAB (HTML-Browser)
may NOT under ANY circumstances be included in CD-ROM collections or on
magazine cover disks without my prior written permission. CAB (HTML-Browser)
and its documentation must always remain together and complete with all
its files and documentation. Changes to the program and/or
documentation is forbidden.
My address:
Alexander Clauss
Stresemannstr. 44
D-64297 Darmstadt
UK support:
Joe Connor
65 Mill Road
USA support:
Jeff Wisniewski
P.O. Box 1243
Newtown, PA 18940-0871
Email contacts:
Author: Alexander Clauss: aclauss@rbg.informatik.th-darmstadt.de
UK support: Joe Connor: jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk
USA support: Jeff Wisniewski: jeffrey.wisniewski@microserve.com
Original translation: Ben Bell: bjb@bigbox.demon.co.uk
French translation: Romuald Jouffrey: rom38@gen4.pressimage.fr
The following files comprise CAB and MUST
always be distributed together:
CAB.APP Program
CAB.RSC RSC file (in German).
HOME.HTM Home page (in German).
CAB_D.TXT Documentation in German.
CAB_E.TXT Documentation in English.
CAB_F.TXT Documentation in French.
ST-GUIDE\ Documentation in ST-Guide format.
CAB_D.HYP German
CAB_E.HYP English
CAB_F.HYP French
EXAMPLED.HTM HTML example in German.
EXAMPLEE.HTM HTML example in English.
EXAMPLEF.HTM HTML example in French.
HOME_E.HTM English home page.
IMAGES\ Images used in home page.
CAB_D.RSC RSC file in German.
CAB_E.RSC RSC file in English.
CAB_F.RSC RSC file in French.
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