CAD-3D Collection II

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CAD-3D Collection II atari screenshot
CAD-3D Collection II atari screenshot
CAD-3D Collection II atari screenshot
CAD-3D Collection II atari screenshot
CAD-3D Collection II atari screenshot

Information - CAD-3D Collection II

GenreGraphics - MiscellaneousYear
Language[unknown]PublisherAntic Publishing
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Snyder, David / Anderson, Darrel

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
SerialST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
ResolutionLowNumber of Disks1 / Single Sided / HD Installable
Dumpdownload atari CAD-3D Collection II Download / MSAMIDI

Additional Comments - CAD-3D Collection II

Requires a CAD-3D-compatible program.

Instructions - CAD-3D Collection II

                             CAD-3D COLLECTION II
                       PUBLIC DOMAIN 3D OBJECT DATABASES

                    FILE CONVERSION FOR USE WITH CAD-3D 1.0


          All of the object files on this disk are in the new CAD-3D
         2.0 file format. If you are using CAD-3D 1.0 you will need to
         convert these files back to the older file format with the
         CONV3D.PRG program included on your disk.

          This program is very easy to use:

          1. Place the program on a blank formatted disk along with
         the files that you wish to convert (you have to do this
         procedure in batches, since this disk is filled to the gills
         already).  Make sure that there is plenty of space on the
         disk. The original files are not deleted, and the .3D files
         that are created are a little larger than the .3D2s.  Your
         disk should be less than half full (about 40%) when you

          2. Double-Click on CONV3D.PRG

          3. Double-Click on the filename of the .3D2 file you wish to
         convert.  A new file with the same filename, but with a .3D
         extender, will be written to your disk.

          4. The program will alert you when the conversion is
         complete.  You may then choose to continue (click on MORE),
         or exit (click EXIT) back to the desktop.

                          NOTES ON MEMORY CONSTRAINTS

               For those who own the old CAD-3D 1.0 and a 1/2 Meg
         machine, certain compromises will be apparent in loadable
         file sizes and/or maximum size of object lists, faces and
         vertice counts.

                       NOTE ON THE OBJECTS ON THIS DISK

         The Super Extruder tool was used to create some of the
         objects, such as the Atari logo with multicolored sides, and
         the multicolored flag (created as one object).

         One of the objects is actually a raster that was "cut out"
         of a Degas picture and converted into a polygon object using an
         in-house utility that we're working on.  (MICKEY.3D2)
         This is a huge object, but it can be animated with PD3DCTL
         or CYBER CONTROL without you having to wait around.  We're
         showing this object as an example of work in progress
         -- there are still a number of problems that must be solved
         before this technique can work in all cases.

         Six of the objects on this disk (NOSE, COBRA, MANTA, POD,
         COIL, ARCH) were created by Darrel Anderson with CYBER
         CONTROL.  These objects are built with the
         splined-object-building capabilities in that program.
         One of the objects (RIPPLES) was also created with CYBER 
         CONTROL (by Richard Parker), using the function plotting
         capabilities of the program.

         The SHUTTLE, LAVI, and F24 objects were built by David
         Snyder.  It's interesting to note that the Lavi fighter was
         recently scrapped.

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