Super Cobra

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Screenshots - Super Cobra

Super Cobra atari screenshot
Super Cobra atari screenshot
Super Cobra atari screenshot
Super Cobra atari screenshot
Super Cobra atari screenshot

Information - Super Cobra

GenreShoot'em Up! - Horizontal ScrollingYear1983
ControlsJoystickPublisherParker Brothers

Crowley, Paul / Curtiss, Bob

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Super Cobra Download    Play it!Serial22028

Additional Comments - Super Cobra

Other versions with the same title:

Artkaris Software
Atari Mania
Edu Games / Edu Juegos
Imagic / Imagic International Games
Parker Brothers
Parker Brothers (Canadian)
Parker Brothers (French)

Other versions with a different title:
Super Cobra.

Parker Brothers sponsored a contest in which you could win a Super Cobra Flight Jacket.

The PAL version does not include the pause feature.

Cartridge - Super Cobra

Super Cobra Atari cartridge scan Super Cobra Atari cartridge scan Super Cobra Atari cartridge scan

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