Pac Kong

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Screenshots - Pac Kong

Pac Kong atari screenshot

Information - Pac Kong

GenreArcade - Platformer (Single Screen)Year
ControlsJoystickPublisherFunvision / Fund. International Co.
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryEurope
Programmer(s)Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Pac Kong Download    Play it!Serial

Additional Comments - Pac Kong

Other versions with the same title:

Hi-Score / Action Hi-Tech, Hot Shot / Goliath, Hot Shot / Goliath.

Other versions with a different title:
Donkey Kong
Inca Gold
Spider Kong
Spider Maze
Spider Monster
Tonky Kon

This game was sold together with Galactic and Time Race as a three pack.

Cartridge - Pac Kong

Pac Kong Atari cartridge scan

Instructions - Pac Kong

Pac Kong Atari instructions
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