Super Breakout

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Comments (3)
Doh! - 06/01/2015
Ransom - 25/03/2009
The small graphical upgrades to this version versus the 8-bit version (and even the 2600 version) make it a decidedly optional title for 5200 gamers.

The analog controls were fine for this game, but not so well as to improve most people's game play versus using paddles with one of the other versions.
bohoki - 29/12/2008
this was the pack in game for most 4 port units
it shows the quality of the analog joystick with its absolute position paddles but being that breakout is just one step above playing pong its replayability is reduced even with the additional game options if you have played it on the 2600 there is not very much improvement other than the 5200 sticks in my experience have never had the jitter problem that the 2600 paddle controls often exhibit

being a pack in cart it is probably only in second place behind pacman as the most common game

if you like the feel of analog control and sish to see it fully implemented please see missile command,star wars,gorf,kaboom

Screenshots - Super Breakout

Super Breakout atari screenshot
Super Breakout atari screenshot
Super Breakout atari screenshot

Information - Super Breakout

GenreArcade - Breakout / Pong / CircusYear1982
ControlsJoystick, Trak-BallPublisherAtari
Players1, 2 (alt.), 2+CountryUSA
Programmer(s)Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Super Breakout DownloadSerialCX5203

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