Super Challenge Football

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Super Challenge Football atari screenshot
Super Challenge Football atari screenshot
Super Challenge Football atari screenshot
Super Challenge Football atari screenshot
Super Challenge Football atari screenshot
Super Challenge Football atari screenshot
Super Challenge Football atari screenshot
Super Challenge Football atari screenshot

Information - Super Challenge Football

GenreSports - American FootballYear1982
ControlsJoystickPublisherM Network / Mattel Electronics
Players1 vs. 2CountryUSA

Smith, Ken

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Super Challenge Football Download    Play it!Serial5658

Additional Comments - Super Challenge Football

Other versions with the same title:

Romox, Telegames USA, Telegames USA.

Other versions with a different title:
Football, Super Challenge Football - Le Football de Niveau Expert.

Cartridge - Super Challenge Football

Super Challenge Football Atari cartridge scan Super Challenge Football Atari cartridge scan Super Challenge Football Atari cartridge scan Super Challenge Football Atari cartridge scan Super Challenge Football Atari cartridge scan Super Challenge Football Atari cartridge scan Super Challenge Football Atari cartridge scan Super Challenge Football Atari cartridge scan Super Challenge Football Atari cartridge scan

Instructions - Super Challenge Football

Super Challenge Football Atari instructions Super Challenge Football Atari instructions Super Challenge Football Atari instructions Super Challenge Football Atari instructions

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