Super Cobra

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Screenshots - Super Cobra

Super Cobra atari screenshot
Super Cobra atari screenshot
Super Cobra atari screenshot
Super Cobra atari screenshot

Information - Super Cobra

GenreShoot'em Up! - Horizontal ScrollingYear1983
ControlsJoystickPublisherParker Brothers

Brodie, Mike

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Super Cobra Download    Play it!SerialPB5320

Additional Comments - Super Cobra

Other versions with a different title:
Super Cobra.

This is an early prototype for Super Cobra that was developed internally at Parker Brothers by Mike Brodie. Although the graphics are mostly complete, there is no collision detection and the player cannot fire or drop bombs. This prototype is basically a movement demo which shows all the levels of the game, except for the final area. Interestingly, although this demo looks very similar to the released version, the two do not share any code. It appears that this demo version was scrapped when development shifted over to Roklan Software from Parker Brothers after Brodie left.

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